calorie burn with strength exercises?



  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Under Cardio, there is a category "Stength Training (weight lifting/weight training)". I don't really know how accurate it is, and it doesn't distinguish between heavy lifting and light lifting. But I use it as a general guideline.

    Strength training is heavy lifting. Lighter weights with higher intensity should probably be entered under "Circuit training". Push ups, sit ups and things like that should be entered under "calisthenics".
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Honestly, I know that my strength training does burn some extra calories but I usually don't count those since I am pretty sure that the machine usually over estimates my cardio... especially since we all know that cardio burn does not replace zero calories but rather the the normal number of calories we would otherwise burn. Therefore I don't count my strength training. My guess is that the exercises are so varied in effect that there is no accurate estimate for them.. For me, in effect, it seems that my intake-output estimate seems to approximate my actual progress so I suppose it works for me. Results and accuracy in the end are what we are after. Best wishes on your journey.
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    Cat vomits -- love it. Reminds me of the abdominal lift breathing exercise used in yoga (Uddiyana Bandha), except that that one's done standing up and bent over:
  • MarlinWil
    MarlinWil Posts: 119 Member
    Before I got my HRM, I used this link to calculate my weights burn:

    You can enter your weight, the duration of your exercise, and then find the exercise you just did. It has a very comprehensive list. I entered my weights under cardio (entered them manually the first time, and then they were there for me after that), because I wanted to keep track of my burn each day.

    And when I did get a HRM, it turned out that the fitclick calc was pretty close to my real burn.

    Hope this helps - good luck on your journey.


    PS - I don't eat back my exercise calories, but have set my daily burn goal at around my BMR. This way I always have a calorie surplus, which I think makes sense while I am trying to lose my weight.

    I know that HRMs are not completely accurate, but I love that I can keep track of my burn using one device, which becomes my point of reference, and gives me something to work towards improving on. I like "seeing" the numbers, and it encourages me to keep moving. It's definitely a mind thing, but for me, that works.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Cat vomits -- love it. Reminds me of the abdominal lift breathing exercise used in yoga (Uddiyana Bandha), except that that one's done standing up and bent over:

    Uh...say what?
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    Strength training really shouldn't be done with calorie burns in mind anyway, IMO

  • rainman400
    rainman400 Posts: 5 Member
    LOL!!! Thanks for the responses guys! Guess I started out quite the discussion with cat vomits.

    And yeah .. i was just hoping those exercises would count into the whole weight loss thing. I am not looking at it as " hey i lost those many calories so I can eat more" , but yeah ... if it isnt helping in any way... then i wont count it :D

    Thanks again!
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Cat vomits = Marjaryasana; google it. :smile:

    Whether you log your push-ups, sit-ups etc under strength training or calisthenics in the database makes no odds as the calorie burns awarded are about the same.

    Neither weights nor bodyweight exercises burn that much in calories - more for strength increase and conditioning.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    It only deducts the calories for activities you log under the CARDIO section. The STRENGTH section is just a log for your own records to keep track of your progress with how much weight you're lifting and how many reps you're doing so that you can see how quickly or slowly you're progressing.

    The reason for this is because the calories burned when doing any form of strength training that revolves around isolation training (bicep curls, calf raises, tricep extensions, etc) is virtually nonexistent. There practically is none. Compound exercises (squat, deadlift, barbell row, etc), however, burn a TON of calories, but the exact, or even approximate number of calories burned is impossible to gauge without knowing things it would be impossible for the database to see (how wide apart your legs are spread, etc). Same rules apply to bodyweight training. If you're doing exercises that focus on one single muscle or muscle group (such as crunches) virtually no calories are burned. Ones that incorporate many muscle groups, however, such as pushups, burn a TON.

    The actual calorie burn, however, of high intensity strength training of any kind is MUCH higher than what you can see on any HRM or anything though because they do not take into account the added calorie burn of your muscles "rebuilding" themselves (yes, this does cause your body to burn added calories as healing = work and uses up fuel stores that normally go untouched), which can take as much as 48-72 hours.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Under Cardio, there is a category "Stength Training (weight lifting/weight training)". I don't really know how accurate it is, and it doesn't distinguish between heavy lifting and light lifting. But I use it as a general guideline.

    Strength training is heavy lifting. Lighter weights with higher intensity should probably be entered under "Circuit training". Push ups, sit ups and things like that should be entered under "calisthenics".

    Good info, thanks!