What are your goals for the new year - 2013?



  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    To graduate to normal weight by new years next week :)

    Next year
    To stop seeing myself as fat
    To fill my bad habits with good ones
    To figure out how to control my appetite around TOM time
    To be at my ultimate goal weight by my brother's wedding in August
    To strive to get more and more fit
    To learn how to feel satisfied without stuffing my face
    To never be classified as overweight ever again
    To make my kids aware of their health and to educate them on eating right so they never have the issues I had growing up.

    Damn it feels sooooo nice to not have the goal of being normal weight next year :)
  • missymuffet
    missymuffet Posts: 106 Member
    1. To stop stressing over the scale and work harder on toning with WEIGHTS.
    2. Fit back in a size 6 jeans.
    3. Learn to keep my 'weight loss conversation and obsession' here on MFP.
    4. Eat healthy!!!
    5. Love myself unconditionally the same way I love others. :D

    Thanks for the Cool Thread Lisa!!!!

  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    ideally to attack the last 15-20 lbs. get to a textbook bmi, even tho people say that's absurd. (depending on how much i gained over holiday) if not, to maintain!!!!!
  • ktrn0312
    ktrn0312 Posts: 723 Member
    Maintain my same level of consistency with my workouts.
    Sculpt my body
    More Resistance & weight training
    Practice moderation! Moderation!
  • NitroS1988
    NitroS1988 Posts: 58 Member
    LOADS of goals..I feel like I really am hitting my stride with this exercise and MFP malakey..some are:

    Reduce BF and BMI
    Lose 3 stone while maintaining muscle mass
    Eat cleaner
    Cut out soda to once a fortnight

    Good luck in 2013 :)
  • Daniloveshockey94
    Daniloveshockey94 Posts: 348 Member
    1) lose the pounds first (I dont have to lose)
    2) eat healthy and drink about 80 oz of water
    3) after lose, BULKING time!
    4) build muscle
    5) try to workout everyday!
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    1. Maintain my weight..(okay, maybe cut a few lbs but now more than 2 or so)
    2. Continue weight training
    3. Do 5 pull-ups (I can barely do one now and it's pissing me off)
    4. Run 3 or 4 half marathons and continue to talk my bro into training for a full in 2014. :drinker:
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    Exercise everyday
    loose at least another 30 kilos (66 pounds)
    Build muscle
    be able to run 7km and lift my own body weight so i can do things like the tough bloke challenge, colour run, warrior dash etc in 2014
  • cheshire29
    Lose an average of 1 pound a week would put me past my gw within 2013.
    Reach a healthy bmi for the first time in my adult life.
    Wear a single digit size! (Currently a 12 down from a 16/18)
    Head back to the gym but this time focusing on lifting with some elliptical thrown in here and there.
    Run for 30 min twice a week.
    Go out on a date.
    Complete the 30'day shred in 30 days at least once.
    Swim for one hour once a week at least.
    Complete 5 5k+ fun runs.
  • Shas2228
    Shas2228 Posts: 187
    I'm giving myself till September 12th 2013 to fit into a size 7. That'll be 1 year from my start date. I (hope) it's a realistic goal.
  • Crazycatladytracey
    to walk more and keep an eye on what food i eat. to try and take control of bipolar which is effecting my life
  • MrsZippy34
    My Goal is to be healthy enough to get pregnant and not be worried about my health. If that is not what I get then my goal is to look good in a bikini again on my one year anniversay with my husband so we can go some where tropical!!
  • GeekGirl23
    GeekGirl23 Posts: 517 Member
    #1 Focus on a budget and stick to it

    #2 Push and make it to Onderland by the end of 2013

    #3 Reignite my passion for scenic photography and oil painting

    #4 Work on the yard

    #5 Get my home in order
  • delissadeshaw
    delissadeshaw Posts: 1 Member
    Goodness girly, from one nurse to another. It may be hard to find balance, that is the one thing they don't teach in nursing school. I challenge you to strive for it. You will study and pass just fine. But focusing on fitness will make it easier. The dishes will get done, the kiddo will enjoy playing with you... just stay fitness focused! You can do it!!! And it will feel great!
  • flying_inside
    flying_inside Posts: 67 Member
    - Lose 30lbs.
    - Get a new wardrobe, reflecting my new body and current age (I have lots of old immature looking "safety" clothes).
    - Create a realistic work out schedule.
    - Take painting classes, photograph more, read things that align with me.
    - Continue at a natural pace.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Among other things, to recommit to getting healthy and losing more weight, and to use the New Year as a new starting point for my weight loss.
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 661 Member
    Warrior Dash in April 2013
    Get my buddies in my group to be inspired to do it with me
    To do better in The Scottish Highland Games than I did in 2010

    And more importantly to be a better role model for my kids ( no road rage, lol) and give Glory to God.
  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    in no particular order.

    1. finish a tough mudder (scheduled 19th Jan)
    2. run 7 organised fun runs
    3. run 3 half marathons
    4. be a pace runner for a half marathon
    5. try a yoga class (not just in my home) like birkram yoga
    6. do 5 pull ups in a run.

    And then I have running pb goals, but I wont add them atm.
  • SkinnyVMM
    I want to do so much! July is my 1st goal which I hope to lose at least 30lbs, at least!!! I'm going to stick to eatting clean...Veggies,Fruits, lean meats with the exception of yogurts, oatmeal, lean cuisine(on my lazy days). NO Soda...only water or Crystal light, Hot tea, coffee. Come December 31, 2013 I want to be wearing a size 10!!!!!!!! i'm going to start out slow....start with excersieing 3 days a week, one day strength training other 2 days cardio (interval trainning) and like I mention before I'm going to stick sort of close to clean eatting with the exception of a few items. I'm going to plan my meals out weekly so I have no reason to stray, 4-6 meals daily, Right??
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    gain at least 10 lbs of muscle
    deadlift 500 or more (next milestone: 450)
    squat 350 or more (next milestone: 330)
    keep body fat under 16% or so