What are your goals for the new year - 2013?



  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I've come a long way from last year but I still have a list!

    Consume less sodium.
    More strength training.
    Eat more vegetables and protein, fewer carbs.
    Finish 5k to 10k, (I'm on week 11), enter my first race and finish it.
    Take a lower dose of BP meds.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    May 5th 2012 was the day I started c25k for the 5th time as one last desperate attempt to 'run.

    may 5th 2013 is the day I run my first Marathon in Toronto. My goal is to simply finish.
    You can do it! Slow your speed down so it's easier to complete, then add speed later. I'm 51, never ran before and now I'm working on the 5k to 10k bridge. :)
  • cem9532
    cem9532 Posts: 32 Member
    To reach my goal weight of 145 and maintain it. Im 52lbs away from that goal (im not sure in what month i will reach that goal as long as its this year.) I will turn 31 this year, I dont want to spend my 30's overweight like I did my 20's.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    Here's my short list:
    1. Lose the last 15 pounds
    2. Get body fat under 20%
    3. Bench press 100+/squat 150+
    4. Work up the nerve to donate my closet full mod plus size clothes
    5. Be a great wife and daughter
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    Spartan Race...June 1

    I will spend the first half of 2013 preparing to be my best.
  • My goals for 2013 are to lose 61 pounds and get down to 140 lbs. I got very close to my goal and then gained 45 pounds. I want to get back on track, start running and exercising consistently again and focus on healthy eating.
  • Kooraloo
    Kooraloo Posts: 362 Member
    1. Get into college, hopefully on athletic scholarship.
    2. Starter on Junior Olympics team for my club (again... except this time in the gold division, not the bronze)
    3. Begin lifting.
  • Marieevans813
    Marieevans813 Posts: 45 Member
    My goal is to lose about 40 pounds before I turn 40 in August AND cross one off of my bucket list!! My bucket list item is to run a half marathon in March!!
  • Exercise 5 days a week for at least 30 minutes per day, and stay within my calorie goal; Limit alcohol consumption to 1 day per week; go for walks at the nature center at least once a week; read at least 1 book per month; limit TV time to 2 hours per day
  • amjmom
    amjmom Posts: 32
    Hopefully to lose at least another 50 lbs but my ultimate would be to get to my goal weight :)
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    Get fit, thin, and sexy for my wedding in October! I refuse to look back at the photos from the happiest day of my life and be disgusted with myself.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,173 Member
    Reach my final weight loss goal and be one of those stories on the success story forum!
  • Fitness wise I want to get down to 135 by June...and lose all my belly fat.
    Health wise I just want to be able to eat healthy and portion control...I already cook fairly healthy.
    I also am giving up soda, beer, and liquor...I will drink the occasional glass of wine, but not the whole bottle.
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    Body fat % down
    Eating cleaner & experimenting with new foods
  • alaskaang
    alaskaang Posts: 493 Member
    My goals are to clean up the last 20% of my diet and eliminate dairy (because of allergy) and wine. I want to be able to wear sexy shoes and show off my non-swollen ankles.

    And to be very open to new opportunities that push my comfort zone. 2012 has been a great year for me with lots of changes and I'm looking forward to 2013.
  • I will do the following in 2013.

    1. Continue eating healthy.
    2. Finish a personal training course.
    3. Try a variety of new fitness activities so I won't get bored.
    4. Spend more time with my family.

    Most importantly, I will try to always project a positive attitude and not internalize comments from the negative Nelly's who like to try to fill my head with crazy nonsense such as weight loss is too hard and eating healthy is too time consuming or too expensive.

    Be well!
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    enjoying life..
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    I want to continue this lifestyle...even though i will be starting college! I want to be able to squat and deadlift more than 200, and bench over 100 :) And get my body fat down to 16%... Ohh! And run a half marathon! I have a lot of goals...lol.
  • EmilyJackCO
    EmilyJackCO Posts: 621 Member
    To have it not suck as bad as 2012 did.

    Seriously - to be able to hike Long's Peak by July, and to have abs. And maybe even wear a bikini in Mexico.
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    Drink only water or seltzer (which I do 90% of the time now). Eat mostly fruits veg and healthy meats and fats with minimal processed foods or sweets. To completely eliminate HFCS from my life and eat minimal sugar. If I get a car I want to weightlift at the gym. Im already well on my way to most of these.