Who else is working out without a gym?



  • Full4Life
    Full4Life Posts: 172 Member
    You guys are ROCK STARS! Just got back from a run... up hills, down hills, over muddy tracks, wind in my face... gotta get some new shoes!
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 662 Member
    Yes maam, good shoes are imperative.........
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I haven't been in a gym for years. I'm like you, I run, walk, bike and hike. I do have a treadmill and a bowflex I use at home though. I also garden, mow, stack firewood, etc. Living out in the 'country' helps me work out. :)
  • Hello! I would much prefer to work out in the fresh air. Right now the fresh air is about 20 degrees. So I've been doing a mix of exercise that includes a lunch yoga workout in my office (office with a door, shades and a computer required). I need a pool so once January rolls around I will be in the pool once or twice a week and trying to run outside when it warms up to at least 45 degrees. I've invested in a bike trainer so I can ride at home during long snowy stretches.

    I agree with you that gyms are not much fun and I try to avoid them but when it's cold and I need a pool I cave. Good luck!!
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I workout at home with fitness dvds. Wasn't sure if I was going to be able to stay motivated this way, but so far, every day I hit "play", during warmer months I include walking the dog(s) into my routine.
  • iWILLbeFit062012
    iWILLbeFit062012 Posts: 97 Member
    No gym for me either. At home I have a stationary bike, various dumbbells, resistance bands, and I run up and down my basement stairs. Also, have a physically demanding job, so I get a good workout there too.
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    I'm not a fan of the gym... I love fitness DVD's, working out with free weights, running, hiking, mountain biking, and tennis.

    Diversity makes the world so much more interesting. If we all loved the same thing, the gym (or my favorite hiking trails) would be packed!
  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    The smell in the gym makes me gag. 1wiff of BO and I am ruined. Learned years ago to avoid the gym like the plague. During the winter months I will stick to dvds and some walking on nicer days. But as soon as the weather breaks, in early April, I swim. In the pool or the ocean. This year I am adding running on the beach. I want a paddle board too. That should be an intense upper body workout.

    Haha, you arent horribly far from me but you are bad *kitten* to get in the pool or ocean in early April....wow
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    I have a home gym and also run outside. I am not against gyms but with 3 kids and a busy job don,t really find them convenient. I also like workout DVDs
  • Hi!

    I like using my own house for working out. I have a set of leg resistance bands, arm resistance bands, and sliders! I find that the intimidation of working out with other people around makes me give up.
  • Runs4Pasta
    Runs4Pasta Posts: 28 Member
    Pretty much at home or outside. Gyms make me cringe with all the poor form I see...I'm a physical therapist so I know. And the guys grunting, puffing and yelling like they're delivering a baby really gets on my nerves.
  • marta330
    marta330 Posts: 14 Member
    me! ive lost more weight at home than i have at any gym! Gyms are waste of money
  • Imanido
    Imanido Posts: 186 Member
    I do my workouts at night when the family is asleep (it's the only chance I have). I have adjustable dumbells and an elastic band, I can do "almost" anything without gym "machines" there is always alternatives available for any exercise if you google it. So far, I am happy...well,... I don't have choice so...I'd rather be :-)
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    I run outside, and lift weights at home.

    I don't mind exercising at the gym, but I resented the commute. It just felt like a colossal waste of time, and I didn't want to spend more time driving to and from the gym than I spent actually IN the gym, so there was automatically two hours gone. It's so much more satisfying just walking upstairs to lift weights. And I always felt funny resting at the gym between sets, like someone was going to be waiting for me. Now, I can scoop the catbox or load the dishwasher or play Words with Friends between sets, with no one glaring at me. And I can do it all in my pj's.

    Exactly this!

    My home gym is very limited right now. But I'll be adding to it soon. I lift in my bedroom, and run outside. I have a gym membership, but I haven't gone in my months. My sons daycare moved, which made the gym to far out of the way to be practical.
  • HayleeWho1122
    HayleeWho1122 Posts: 57 Member
    I run/jog with my dog and I love it!
  • shortchange1
    shortchange1 Posts: 146 Member
    I've been an "in-home" personal trainer since 2004 so I have a LOT of equipment! Plus, when I quit teaching Spinning classes I lost the free gym memberships and I can't bring myself to actually pay to go to a gym soooo......

    Frankly, working out at home (when it's really nasty out, or I'm under time constraints) or taking my workouts to the great outdoors are a lot more productive than driving to the gym and dealing with the various gym personalities. ;-)
  • donwannabefatnomo
    donwannabefatnomo Posts: 10 Member
    Let me go against the grain of the majority of the posts and say that home gyms are nice - but what happens when the machine breaks? what if you get bored with your stuff? Sometimes noticing others progress is a motivator. I personally find spending the money on a monthly gym membership a motivator! You pay, so you go - and go you do - treat it like a stop during the day like any other and make it a part of your day. A home gym allows for you to be lazy . . . because you can "always do it" because you have it . . . well - I hope that works for you, but it doesn't for me.

    What works for me, may not work for anyone else - but: I say - buy a membership to a gym, take advantage of training and use that membership! Go every day and just go a few minutes every day - and make it a part of your life and you won't go wrong. If you buy the stuff and keep it at home - it is REALLY expensive to buy equipment, and then where are you going to put it? Who is going to maintain it?

    As to outdoor exercise: using low impact machines are far better on your body than running, jogging, etc . . . your knees and back will thank you in 20 years. And let's not mention weather issues. Back in the day, I was crazy and jogged every morning in every weather condition (rain, snow, sleet, humidity, sweltering heat) - but now, I have a nice climate controlled gym . . . sorry - but no amount of "smog filled roads" is going to have me jogging in the street again - and did I mention cars? Drivers can't even watch out for motorcycles or bicycles - what makes you think they'll see you? Oh, wear reflective material - nice. Nope. Been there and done that - and guess what? Yep - I was hit while jogging by an idiot who ran a stop sign. So, am I bias? Maybe - but for good reason.

    Bottom line: work out at a gym.
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 968 Member
    I like aqua fit and swimming
    Exercise bike
    Wii fit
    Exercise dvds
    And sex of course ;)
  • KayakAngel
    KayakAngel Posts: 397 Member
    I'm a nature girl. I love kayaking, hiking, and running outside. I got P90X last year, and I just started another round last week, which will keep me occupied until March 21. Then, hello Spring! And back to kayaking. :)
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I've only had success when I stopped buying gym memberships and started working out at home. I get gym results at home! For a long time I went it alone because the internet was not available yet (I've been working out THAT long lol) so having supportive friends online is a totally new thing to me!