Things that your weight has held you back in?



  • Rebirth08
    Rebirth08 Posts: 174 Member
    Having family photos taken. My youngest son is almost 7, and we just had our first family photos taken this year. Horrible...

    That's funny you said that...i have had random thoughts about the same thing, and my son is 12....we have taken pics together, but not professional, together, yet. God willing, we will do it, this year, regardless of size. We still have life, we better embrace it.
  • meghanmfitzgerald
    meghanmfitzgerald Posts: 29 Member
    TheLittleLebo, for the record, my profile pic is not what I look like now. It was taken almost two years ago on a cruise I took with my husband before I got pregnant with my third baby. That baby is now 13 months old and due to just the pregnancy, and stress eating bc of some serious health issues that the baby has gone through, I'm 30 lbs heavier now then in that pic. I have that pic bc I view it as my realistic goal.
  • fittf0rlife
    group photos, pool parties, even just swimming alone is a struggle for me
  • RockandRoseRebel
    RockandRoseRebel Posts: 35 Member
    All of these:
    my life.
    Dating because I thought I wasn't pretty enough, thus not worth it.
    My weight has stopped me from doing a lot of things, such as even wanting to go to public. I haven't seen any of my friends from high school because I'm ashamed of myself. I need to lose a lot of weight and I know it's going to take a long time..
    Dancing. I use to dance but I always felt like I sucked at it, and I think that was because of my weight.
    absolutely everything. But mostly, a social life. A dating life, and a life of loving myself. It's the root of all my terrible social anxiety, I am most certain of it. And then when I do lose weight, and get paid attention to, I run back to the food.

    I know I am a good person, I'm fun, nice, and would do anything for the people close to me. But that being said, whenever anyone has ever paid me any attention on the romance area, I couldn't help but wonder why? I've always been *the friend* and a darn good one at that, but a romantic partner???? If I can't love myself the way I look, how can I expect anyone else to? =(
    I've never worn a bikini in my life, and I really want to.
    I've turned down a lot of work because I've felt uncomfortable with my figure.
    I haven't been able to wear some of the clothes that I like because I'm too big.
    I can't wear shorts because of my thunder thighs.
    Dancing in public/on a night out because I think I wobble too much/look terrible.
    Loving myself. I've never felt good enough to be loved by anyone, let alone myself.
    I won't let my boyfriend touch my stomach at all.
    I get extremely paranoid that people are staring at me because I feel fat.
    So pretty much everything. Because of how self conscious I am about my body, I've avoided major parts of my life.

    I avoid anything that involved wearing a swimsuit. When I do go swimming, it's in at least shorts (knee-length) and tank top.

    I hate pictures and if I have to be in one, I hide my body behind someone else and my face in a shadow or behind my hair.
  • Kendrazombie
    Kendrazombie Posts: 157 Member
    I always want to take my daughter on rides at the fair but I worry about not fitting. Never go swimming in public. Hate flying because the belt is so tight and I am too embarrassed to ask for an extender. I have so many more than this.
  • adstar20
    adstar20 Posts: 29 Member
    The two that come to mind for me have already been called out:

    - amusement park rides (no longer an issue)
    - shopping in a regular clothing store (almost there)
  • ToniTime2012
    ToniTime2012 Posts: 15 Member
    Nice to know I'm not alone....
    Family Photos
    Social Events
    Anything other than black clothes!
  • Nicki_101
    Nicki_101 Posts: 73 Member
    I won't say my weight has held me back, rather that I have held me back. Most people I know never had a problem with the way I looked, it was just part of my problem that I had to get under control.
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member

  • songbirdtree
    I've always been too self-concious to go to the beach with friends, go on another cruise or ever get in a hot tub. Hopefully once the weather starts getting warm I'll have worked hard enough that I won't be as self-concious anymore! :)