Help me learn to LOVE exercise



  • chrissiij
    chrissiij Posts: 47 Member
    I also hate the gym. I hate the physical act of exercising (apart from riding a horse) but, for some reason, afterwards I just think "yeah, I feel great, can't wait to do that again!", swiftly followed by "ARE YOU MENTAL"??

    I have only recently taken up horse riding and the fact that I love it has given me drive to work out and become fitter. There are no buses to get to the stables, so I willingly walk the 8 mile round trip to the stables and back, just to spend an hour with my filly family.

    No, I can't work me out, either.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    I feel the same, I actually would like nothing more than to lay around and sit on my *kitten* forever and never get up lol but once I established a routine and worked out at least 4-6 times a week for a few months, I realized that I cannot go without exercise anymore without feeling like complete and total crap. So the thing that keeps me going is the feeling that I'm doing something good for myself and pretty much I'm used to it. If I don't workout for a few days I feel like I've been blown up like a balloon. Fat, bloated, sluggish, tired. Sux!
  • I watch TV while on the treadmill that makes the time fly by....
  • penith113
    penith113 Posts: 113 Member
    Wow! You guys are awesome! Was a little afraid to post this because I thought I might get a lot of the "just go do it and shut up about it" replies. But you guys have some really good ideas. I like the lion chasing me :)
    Btw, took me so long to respond because I was at the gym, lol
    Mother in law stayed with us after Christmas so I actually got the opportunity to go to the gym the past three days in a row. I usually can only go tues and thurs morning each week.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    That might be part of the issue - because you can only get there twice a week, you're not seeing progress as quickly.
    Is there anyway someone could help yu get there another day? Or have a look at something like bodyrock you can do at home in between.
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    I love the results of exercise. I love feeling stronger and healthier and smaller. But, I hate the actual act of exercising. I hate getting up early and going to the gym. I hate every second that I'm on any kind of cardio machine (elliptical, treadmill...)
    I've recently started using the resistance machines, I don't enjoy using them either.
    I'm not trying to whine, and I am WILLING to do what it takes to get through a work out.
    But I'm worried that since I struggle so hard with making myself do it that I might give up
    .Is there any way to make working out more enjoyable? Or if I hate it now will I hate it forever?
    Just wondering if anyone went from hating it to loving it and how.

    Forever is a long time, or not. You decide.
    You probably buy some form(s) of insurances for car, health, property, etc.
    Think of ACTIVITY (not exercise) as insurance for your wellness. It's free, or nearly so, with just a pair of shoes and perhaps a gym membership involved. Some activity can be strenuous, some light, but it all counts.
    Wellness insurance is one of the least expensive ways to avoid paying (either in $ for meds or in physical disabilities) later in life. People go years without insuring their wellness and then expect the medical establishment to "FIX" them.
    It is mostly not going to happen that way for most people (and should not have to).
    If you adopt a wellness insurance mental platform, your odds of having to deal with that are greatly reduced.
    ACTIVITY is the lowest cost form of anti-depressive meds available to you as well, for when those difficult days come along as they do from time to time.
    And that's a good deal.
    Eat right, lift, run, play, have fun.
    Good luck on your journey.
  • penith113
    penith113 Posts: 113 Member
    Ps how often do you go, and how long have you been doing it.

    I enjoy fitness more the more Ido it.

    I've had a gym membership for 4 years but during that time I had a baby and then I spent a lot of time just not going. For the past four months I worked out a schedule with my husband that allows me to go Tuesday and Thursday mornings before work, although, if I'm honest most weeks I only make it one day. I'm working on that now. And planning to add Saturday mornings in also for the new year.
  • debibj
    debibj Posts: 4 Member
    I agree, I hate the act of exercising. I never was a skinny person who could eat whatever she wanted without increasing my pants size! So, I went to the gym after work each day but I struggled with just driving home and sitting on the couch! Well, at some point, I stop going...I gained 150 pounds and increased by pants size by 10. Before I knew what happened and my health started failing and I got older and the weight was harder to lose. I hated myself and who I had become yet I could not escape my body. I saw my pictures and could not believe it was me or was I willing to admit I lost control.

    Well, I finally admitted I lost control. I went back to the gym and with the help of surgery, excises and diet I have manage to loss half the weight I gained. I will continuing on my journey...forever. .

    Now I love the gym! It helps me reduce my stress and is a "tool" for me be happier and healthier.

    Loving your body and what you look like is the gift the gym gives you.

    Loving the gift, not the work, is the mindset for ongoing sucess!
  • carolineire
    carolineire Posts: 65 Member
    I dont like the gym, and have quit workouts if I feel tired etc, but Ive found i love classes, and the group mentality, plus I cant just quit an exercise class lol! Its very helpful to have the instructor there helping you along, and the music helps. Maybe get a dedicated program done for you in the gym, and an instructor to show you the ropes, as that may put you off?

    Im also trying out outdoors stuff, I did ice skating yesterday which was a very fun way of burning up those calories.

    Little by little, youll get there!
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    Play pretend - if you're running, pretend you're being chased by a lion or you are running in a marathon and you're on the last stretch. If you you're cycling pretend you're in the Tour de France or the olympics. Lifting weight? Pretend you have come across an unfortunate accident and you have to lift something off a child to save her life. This may sound wanky but if you try it you might just find it's more fun than you think!

    Other than that, find someone who is willing to do it with you. Ask at the gym to see if they can find you a buddy - I think ALL gyms should have buddy systems!!

    i love this and totally agree all gyms should have buddy systems.
  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    find stuff you like to do. i found that i love music and it motivates me during workouts so i bought an Ipod ..its only $50 and i downloaded Itunes I like listening to .. i use it to play basketball by myself , do runs or power walks , any cardios and even functional or weight training. it helps me escape the humdrum of exercise.. i love shooting hoops and during the warm weather I absolutely love doing laps in my pool. recently i set up a gym in one of my living rooms where the tv is i can do my workouts and cardio machines while i watch something on tv.
  • lbesaw
    lbesaw Posts: 267 Member
    Just find something you enjoy and do it. I love to swim so my main exercise regiment is water jogging. Low impact on my joints but oh so good in the calorie burning department. I "water jog" at least 4 times a week for 90-120 minutes. If a friend or two join in to talk to the time flies by...harder when alone but still enjoyable.:smile:
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    I don't hate exercise, but I certainly don't love it either. But I *do* love stretching. I mean, I really really really love stretching. So, I always make sure that I work in enough time so I'll be able to have a 10 minute stretch session after I work out. That's my little 'carrot on the end of the stick'. I get myself dressed in my workout clothes (which is the hardest hurdle for me, lol) and then I say to myself "OK, I'm going to do this video that is 30 minutes. And then I get to STRETCH!! Yay!!!" It's like dessert at the end of a meal.
  • Set some obtainable, short-term goals and then hit them! Then set more goals and hit them too! Sign up for a sporting event (i.e., 5k) and train for it. Try a lifting program like StrongLifts that enables you to track your progress and join a group on here to help stay motivated. :flowerforyou:
  • As with all things, try not to feed or reinforce the hate. I have learned to say, "I can do this". Not that I like doing it, but that I can. I am capable. I do a lot of things that I am not particularly fond of (paperwork, paying taxes, picking up dog poop, etc. etc.). If I tell myself how much I hate it and feed my resistance to it, it makes it harder on me, and those things still need to be done. I also think about how much money Nike has made from "Just do it." And how right they are.
  • jjswift
    jjswift Posts: 7 Member
    I have found that programs work for me. On the cardio machines I'm currently doing the Couch to 5K and that helps pass the time much quicker than just walking/running on your own. It's broken down into short intervals so you meet little goals the entire workout. I also joined a "Biggest Loser" type of group at my gym. That really helped me connect with people and helped keep me accountable at the gym. And last but not least, the thing that has helped me the most is working out with a personal trainer. He's been a lifesaver for me. They can help you learn new exercises and routines that keep you from getting bored. I absolutely love my time at the gym now. It is definitely my "me" time after a long day at work to decompress before heading home to the family! Hope you reach the point where you love it!
  • Exercise has become a bit of a hobby for me. Maybe you can try taking some classes, I don't like, running, or cardio machines, or really in lifting. But I do those on occasion when I can't get to a class.
    I am a social creature, so I like taking classes. Do you dance, try Zumba, or try kick boxing, or step or cardio bootcamp. Try a one month member ship to a gym that offers alot of choices and see if you can find something you do like. Yoga, swimming, not sense in torturing yourself with something you don't like...maybe boxing or karate?

    I have a neighborhood gym with classes, so it's really easy for me. But that fact that I enjoy it and I am social with the ladies at my gym keeps me going back. Took me a good year to build a support group so to speak, but seeing them gets me there and keeps me going.
  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    I just read your profile. Can you incorporate some fun, play exercise in with your son? Making a two year old fly through the air is good for your arms. Chasing one on the playground is good for legs and cardio. Pushing a merry go round is weight bearing and cardio. Playing rock-a-bye baby (the playing kind, not the sleeping kind) with a two year old's body weight is good for twists. Crunches while holding your son. Peek a boo behind a chair is good for lunges. Squat with your son's body weight. etc, etc. It's not's playing.
  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    i know exactly how you feel!!! I watched myself gain and gain weight for years, and any time i exercised, i loathed it entirely. I felt great afterwards, but even knowing that's what lied ahead, it often wasn't enough to motivate me to go do it.

    i tried every at-home workout system you can imagine.... and none of them worked for me. i hated it, and i had no accountability.

    i tried going to the gym, and like you, i hated every cardio machine in there.... BOOORING!!! that and i felt like it wasn't helping.

    then i tried zumba. i LOVED it at first, but after a while, even that got old, as it was the same songs and moves most every class.

    FINALLY i found Crossfit!! It's fantastic!!! I go to the same class time 4 days a week (sometimes 5), and the same people are most always back there. i developed frienships, and in these friendships, i found out that it held me accountable. this kept me coming back!! and the program is FAR from boring!!!! it's a different workout every single day and involves free weights and lots of body work. now i LOVE going to the gym!!!!!!!!!

    **edited to add**

    i've found that after a couple months of crossfit .... i went from the mentality of "hating going to the gym to "legitimately hating when i can't make it to the gym" :)
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I, too, dislike exercise. I enjoy how I feel after my Pilates workout and after my treadmill run, but still vehemently wish that I didn't have to do it. (Well, I don't HAVE to do it, I can lose weight without exercise. But I want to tone and thus I do.)

    Other people have told me I will eventually like it. They've been right about a ton of other stuff related to my health, so I'm having faith that they will be right about this, too. Do the right things and just wait. Good things will happen. That's what they say. So that's what I'm doing.