Girls.. tips to lose weight the week before your period ?



  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    Hi !
    I been logging/watching what I eat for 1 month now, I had started just before I had my period so here they are again ! ugghh..
    Do you have tips to lose weight even on that dreadful week ?
    Tomorrow is weigh-in and I dont think the numbers will be that great :/
    Thanx !
    Ah, yes.
    Well you might notice you digestion slows down a bit.
    So be sure to drink plenty of water to keep things moving, as well as adequate fiber.
    Avoid excess salt (eating out is a killer for that).
    And give yourself a break!
    Your body can still be losing fat, although the scale may not register that.
    So just plan to weigh yourself a few days after you start, as well. To see how things are going.
  • Don't give in to wanting to eat everything in sight! Just really try to talk yourself out of it.
    Also - just expect water weight and don't get nuts if you're up that week. Last month I gained one lb that week but the next week I lost 3. It will average out. This month I was on vacation and had my period and I stayed exactly the same so it can be done.
  • willowbrooke1
    willowbrooke1 Posts: 24 Member
    As with some of the other posters, I stay off the scale during that week (freaks me out), drink tons of water, avoid salty foods and keep the cravings beast on a leash, if not caged :bigsmile:
  • KWKY
    KWKY Posts: 110 Member
    why fight it when you know you're going to weigh more - indulge all pent up junk cravings !! :D

    Weigh in the week after, like others have said..
  • imwithgizmo
    imwithgizmo Posts: 146 Member
    I don't do anything different. I've been at this for 30+ weeks, and it all comes out in the wash. I still have a loss even if my weigh in is during my TOM.
  • thanx girls ;)
    knowing we all feel the same makes me feel better !
    I hopped on the scale this morning and gained 1 lbs but I tell myself it'll go away !
    watch out next week for a monster loss !! hehe
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    I dont weigh that week or the week after.
  • Eupho
    Eupho Posts: 201 Member
    The week of my period I usually only lose .5-1 pound, but the next week I have a big loss. Usually around 4 pounds. I figure its just hormones and water retention and just keep logging.

    same^ ^
  • dwh77tx
    dwh77tx Posts: 513 Member
    Get some asparagus and add it to your meals- it will flush out the extra sodium.
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    As with some of the other posters, I stay off the scale during that week (freaks me out), drink tons of water, avoid salty foods and keep the cravings beast on a leash, if not caged :bigsmile:

    Yes! I don't think I have ever lost that week, so I just keep everything the same and wait till it's over.
  • u can lose weight on your period the only way u can is by eating lesser and eating healthy avoid anything that contains salt , sugar and fats eat protein for your body finds it hard to burn the protein it will also use other calories to burn the protein in the body some carbs but not too much of protein or u will put on weight
    trust me it works i lost 2 stone eating right and exercising by running 2 miles if u are very determined to lose weight dont just sit there and say ill do it tommorrow eat right and exercise controll cravings!!!!!

    hope i helpedxx
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    Just keep doing what you've been doing. We all get cravings during that time, and it's ok to have a little bit. Just try to fit it into your daily numbers and you should be fine. And don't worry about the's normal for your weight to fluctuate a few pounds, especially the week before/week of.
    Yes this^ just keep going. Your weight will fluctuate regardless of AF/TOM.