

  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    So when "pregosaurus rex" delivers and comes to more-closely resemble the "barney" she watches on the tele; because there is not enough time in the day to be a mom, work in the home, and work out of the home will more-better understand and appreciate my comments ...and this site.

    Did I strike a nerve? Clearly I did.
    At 17, I became a single mother. I kept my home clean, was in college full time, held a job, made good grades and cared for my baby, all while also managing a decent social life and time for exercise.

    I have never understood women who can't manage both motherhood and life. Or do you just want people to feel sorry for you?
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    So when "pregosaurus rex" delivers and comes to more-closely resemble the "barney" she watches on the tele; because there is not enough time in the day to be a mom, work in the home, and work out of the home will more-better understand and appreciate my comments ...and this site.

    Did I strike a nerve? Clearly I did.
    At 17, I became a single mother. I kept my home clean, was in college full time, held a job, made good grades and cared for my baby, all while also managing a decent social life and time for exercise.

    I have never understood women who can't manage both motherhood and life. Or do you just want people to feel sorry for you?

    Uh what? I didn't ask for pity. WTF are you on about?

    Edit: Think I'm misreading your post here... Is this directed at me or the guy calling me Barney?
  • Italiano7
    Italiano7 Posts: 382 Member
    I would love to have the curvy body! curvy is sexy!!
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    So when "pregosaurus rex" delivers and comes to more-closely resemble the "barney" she watches on the tele; because there is not enough time in the day to be a mom, work in the home, and work out of the home will more-better understand and appreciate my comments ...and this site.

    Did I strike a nerve? Clearly I did.

    @ Pregosaurus: WTF was THIS person's deal? What sand got in their vag*na?

    Were they seriously trying to infer that every woman who has a child is automatically a "barney", and will never lose weight or have time to make it to the gym? :laugh: :laugh: If they could be so kind as to refer to my profile pic....

    Ignore the derp-derps on this site, Saurus. Haters gon' hate!
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Fit people on this site are either made-up profiles, or just looking to feel better about themselves among us that are overweight, and serious about trying to do something about it. What do you want them to call the app ...""? it is called 'marketing', and it a first-semester course at any college or university. So when "pregosaurus rex" delivers and comes to more-closely resemble the "barney" she watches on the tele; because there is not enough time in the day to be a mom, work in the home, and work out of the home will more-better understand and appreciate my comments ...and this site.

    1. I am a fit person, thin and healthy, I do not need this site to feel better about myself.
    2. Pregosaurus rex MAKES the time to continue to workout while pregnant and will continue to do so after delivering because it's a priority in her life. Insulting her just makes me think YOU are the one that hasn't made it important in your life to remain fit and healthy.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    So when "pregosaurus rex" delivers and comes to more-closely resemble the "barney" she watches on the tele; because there is not enough time in the day to be a mom, work in the home, and work out of the home will more-better understand and appreciate my comments ...and this site.

    Did I strike a nerve? Clearly I did.

    @ Pregosaurus: WTF was THIS person's deal? What sand got in their vag*na?

    Were they seriously trying to infer that every woman who has a child is automatically a "barney", and will never lose weight or have time to make it to the gym? :laugh: :laugh: If they could be so kind as to refer to my profile pic....

    Ignore the derp-derps on this site, Saurus. Haters gon' hate!

    LOL no worries. I'm pretty thick-skinned. Thanks for the kindness anyway. :smile:
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    Fit people on this site are either made-up profiles, or just looking to feel better about themselves among us that are overweight, and serious about trying to do something about it. What do you want them to call the app ...""? it is called 'marketing', and it a first-semester course at any college or university. So when "pregosaurus rex" delivers and comes to more-closely resemble the "barney" she watches on the tele; because there is not enough time in the day to be a mom, work in the home, and work out of the home will more-better understand and appreciate my comments ...and this site.

    Pregosaurus rex MAKES the time to continue to workout while pregnant and will continue to do so after delivering because it's a priority in her life. Insulting her just makes me think YOU are the one that hasn't made it important in your life to remain fit and healthy.

    THIS. Somebody's jealous, don't you think?
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Not bothering to read the comments because it's going to be a load of PC ****e, but curvy for me please :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    So when "pregosaurus rex" delivers and comes to more-closely resemble the "barney" she watches on the tele; because there is not enough time in the day to be a mom, work in the home, and work out of the home will more-better understand and appreciate my comments ...and this site.

    Did I strike a nerve? Clearly I did.
    At 17, I became a single mother. I kept my home clean, was in college full time, held a job, made good grades and cared for my baby, all while also managing a decent social life and time for exercise.

    I have never understood women who can't manage both motherhood and life. Or do you just want people to feel sorry for you?

    Uh what? I didn't ask for pity. WTF are you on about?

    Edit: Think I'm misreading your post here... Is this directed at me or the guy calling me Barney?
    DEFINITELY not at you! Sorry if that wasn't clear.
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    Would not do either


    I dunno. Rough knees could be a positive indicator. *cough*
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    So when "pregosaurus rex" delivers and comes to more-closely resemble the "barney" she watches on the tele; because there is not enough time in the day to be a mom, work in the home, and work out of the home will more-better understand and appreciate my comments ...and this site.

    Did I strike a nerve? Clearly I did.
    At 17, I became a single mother. I kept my home clean, was in college full time, held a job, made good grades and cared for my baby, all while also managing a decent social life and time for exercise.

    I have never understood women who can't manage both motherhood and life. Or do you just want people to feel sorry for you?

    Uh what? I didn't ask for pity. WTF are you on about?

    Edit: Think I'm misreading your post here... Is this directed at me or the guy calling me Barney?
    DEFINITELY not at you! Sorry if that wasn't clear.

    Okay, just checkin'! Carry on :)
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I also take it that that are not your own abs in your profile pic; because if you are in that good of shape do not need to be here.

    It's MyFITNESSPal, not MyWeightLossPal. There are plenty of people who are fit and have goals for themselves that have every right to be here just the same as you.
    ps: the woman on the right will be a "tub of lard" in about 10-years.

    Totally unnecessary and untrue.

    This is a very poor "fitness app" ...and a most-excellent "weight-loss app". People have every right to be anywhere they want on the internet, including here. So far be it from me to have given you the impression that I am not an equal-rights person. However, if you are looking to get "toned", I can recommend several other sites that have fitness as a focus, and will be far more beneficial. Fit people on this site are either made-up profiles, or just people looking to feel better about themselves among us that are overweight, and serious about trying to do something about it. What do you want them to call the app ...""? it is called 'marketing', and it a first-semester course at any college or university. So when "pregosaurus rex" delivers and comes to more-closely resemble the "barney" she watches on the tele; because there is not enough time in the day to be a mom, work in the home, and work out of the home will more-better understand and appreciate my comments ...and this site.

    pps: Sorry about the "do" comment and it's lack of class ...but obviously you do not understand sarcasm. It seems like today, an emoticon smiley has taken the place of prose. Also, just because I am realistic about my (and other people's) looks, does not mean I do not appreciate a nice body. The one on the right is completely fake. That back-side is as large as mine without the surgery and weight-lifting. She has not truly-used a soccer field since she had those implants. So all of you ladies that are upset and posting because of another shallow-male thread are right ...but perhaps the initial-poster is more honest, and you are the ones that are "shallow"?

    I'm just curious, is your mental condition painful or are you largely ignorant of it?
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I also take it that that are not your own abs in your profile pic; because if you are in that good of shape do not need to be here.

    It's MyFITNESSPal, not MyWeightLossPal. There are plenty of people who are fit and have goals for themselves that have every right to be here just the same as you.
    ps: the woman on the right will be a "tub of lard" in about 10-years.

    Totally unnecessary and untrue.

    This is a very poor "fitness app" ...and a most-excellent "weight-loss app". People have every right to be anywhere they want on the internet, including here. So far be it from me to have given you the impression that I am not an equal-rights person. However, if you are looking to get "toned", I can recommend several other sites that have fitness as a focus, and will be far more beneficial. Fit people on this site are either made-up profiles, or just people looking to feel better about themselves among us that are overweight, and serious about trying to do something about it. What do you want them to call the app ...""? it is called 'marketing', and it a first-semester course at any college or university. So when "pregosaurus rex" delivers and comes to more-closely resemble the "barney" she watches on the tele; because there is not enough time in the day to be a mom, work in the home, and work out of the home will more-better understand and appreciate my comments ...and this site.

    pps: Sorry about the "do" comment and it's lack of class ...but obviously you do not understand sarcasm. It seems like today, an emoticon smiley has taken the place of prose. Also, just because I am realistic about my (and other people's) looks, does not mean I do not appreciate a nice body. The one on the right is completely fake. That back-side is as large as mine without the surgery and weight-lifting. She has not truly-used a soccer field since she had those implants. So all of you ladies that are upset and posting because of another shallow-male thread are right ...but perhaps the initial-poster is more honest, and you are the ones that are "shallow"?

    I am a fit person who is using this site to hopefully drop some body weight, and make sure I eat enough protein to sustain the lifting I do. I also find the social aspect entertaining and have met several "good friends" here.

    I started using this site about 1.5 years ago when I was had some post pregnancy weight to lose. MANY mothers find time to mother, work, clean, AND BE HEALTHY.
  • BamsieEkhaya
    BamsieEkhaya Posts: 657 Member
    At 17, I became a single mother. I kept my home clean, was in college full time, held a job, made good grades and cared for my baby, all while also managing a decent social life and time for exercise.

    I have never understood women who can't manage both motherhood and life. Or do you just want people to feel sorry for you?

    erm I think everybody copes with motherhood differently and it's not clear cut, luckily it worked out for you being a single mother but not everyone is in YOUR situation...don't mean to cause offence think its great it worked out, just saying everyone/mother is different and in different places in their lives. Until you're in that situation it may be difficult to understand (speaking as someone who's grown up in a family full of women and majority of those are single mothers - haven't had children myself but I understand how some of these women struggle/can't manage motherhood and a life )
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Almost every guy AND girl would choose the girl on the right, but "curvy" has become code for "almost fat", which the girl on the right is certainly not.
  • AwesomeMoJo
    AwesomeMoJo Posts: 1,145 Member
    it depends, which has longer legs, which has a better butt, which has better boobs, which is taller, which is better at sandwich production and which is the most fond of beer and bacon?

    Also I need how much they squat, deadlift and bench.

    I squat 200lbs, bench 125(though I started with only the bar) and deadlift 125 as well...(I may not look it but I am a damn strong woman). I actually have done a fireman's carry with my brother who weighs impressed him...and I impressed myself...

    I am working on increasing my weight lifting capabilities...Though there was a time when I was afraid of them...not anymore. I love how strong I feel after lifting.
  • dan1971drum
    dan1971drum Posts: 8 Member
    I also take it that that are not your own abs in your profile pic; because if you are in that good of shape do not need to be here.

    It's MyFITNESSPal, not MyWeightLossPal. There are plenty of people who are fit and have goals for themselves that have every right to be here just the same as you.
    ps: the woman on the right will be a "tub of lard" in about 10-years.

    Totally unnecessary and untrue.

    This is a very poor "fitness app" ...and a most-excellent "weight-loss app". People have every right to be anywhere they want on the internet, including here. So far be it from me to have given you the impression that I am not an equal-rights person. However, if you are looking to get "toned", I can recommend several other site that have fitness as a focus, and will be far more beneficial. Fit people on this site are either made-up profiles, or just looking to feel better about themselves among us that are overweight, and serious about trying to do something about it. What do you want them to call the app ...""? it is called 'marketing', and it a first-semester course at any college or university. So when "pregosaurus rex" delivers and comes to more-closely resemble the "barney" she watches on the tele; because there is not enough time in the day to be a mom, work in the home, and work out of the home will more-better understand and appreciate my comments ...and this site.

    pps: Sorry about the "do" comment and it's lack of class ...but obviously you do not understand sarcasm. It seems like today, an emoticon smiley has taken the place of prose. Also, just because I am realistic about my (and other people's) looks, does not mean I do not appreciate a nice body. The one on the right is completely fake. That back-side is as large as mine without the surgery and weight-lifting. She has not truly-used a soccer field since she had those implants. So all of you ladies that are upset and posting because of another shallow-male thread are right ...but perhaps the initial-poster is more honest, and you are the ones that are "shallow"?

    Let me ask you something.

    How do you think the fit people here got fit? By NOT tracking their diet, perhaps?

    Point understood and valid. However, if you are truly fit, then you need to start measuring specific intake and frequency. You also need to rotate supplements and such. O2 consumption, sleep-schedules, etc.. You need to perform specific weight-work, and balance it with the diet ...none of which this site is truly designed for. Those people have moved 'beyond' this site. Congrats to them (and you if you are part of this group), I am certainly jealous. So I stand behind my previous comment.

    I am just trying to alert people to posts that could be more "sales" than truth.

    As to my preference boss is 44-years of age ...weighs about 80lbs ...lucky to be 4.5 feet in height ...has no breast-protrusion of any kind. She seriously wears children's-sized clothing. Yet, to me, she is the most magnificent specimen of a woman that I have ever seen. She is a decorated marathon-runner (only starting at age 38), watches what she eats. A quarter would embed into the ceiling if you bounced it off of her stomach or buttocks; so clearly my taste more fits the one on the left. Yet I would not ignore any advance by the one on the right ;)
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    TL;DR, but I offer this to everyone who has said something stupid in this thread:

  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    How about a gal with a sense of humor, intelligence and whatever version of HER healthy body she wants?

  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    Neither. The "skinny" girl has a smaller rack than I do and the "curvy" girl's hips and booty are going to resemble a Mack truck in about 5 years.