roasted bussel sprouts, why do you taste so good?



  • biolicious
    also, roasted cauiflower is amazing

    To answer the rhetorical question in the original post, it's called the Maillard reaction: roasting veggies in oil releases hidden sugars. The science of deliciousness!
  • gradtchr
    gradtchr Posts: 3 Member
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    With all the endorsment here I am going to have to give it a try. I never liked the taste but my mom always boiled them.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Mmm-mmm-mmm; I love them, too. I always have them all to myself; nobody here will touch them.
  • LesaDave
    LesaDave Posts: 1,480 Member
    I never had them roasted before, but I'm glad others leave them alone so I can have as MANY AS I WANT!! Once I went to an all-you-can-eat buffet and ate a plate of brussel sprouts!! DELISH!!
  • onehurt
    onehurt Posts: 143 Member
    I like them ,,, Never tried roasting but will now! :smile:
  • beekuzz
    beekuzz Posts: 428 Member
    i am addicted to them. I make them about 3 times a week and I hog the whole plate and refuse to share with my husband and kids lol it is sooo sad.

    but today for lunch all I WANT IS ROASTED BUSSEL SPROUTS. we are having company over and everyone who is coming over loves my spouts and have asked me to make them, so i bought 5 fresh bags of them and the sad thing is I WANT THEM ALL TO MYSELF. I told them they can eat the broccoli and ribeye but leave my spouts alone.

    How do you make yours? I've never had them.
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    Thank you, all! I feel so NORMAL with this thread. I too love brussels sprouts... just rediscovered them this year when a friend showed me how to prepare and boil them, then accidentally almost burned them. We loved the "roasted" flavor! Now I'm hooked. I will definitely try these real roasted recipes! (My dear mother was an atrocious cook whose cooking scared me away from brussels sprouts, eggplant, and several other vegetables, but I am on a mission this year to increase my veggies and learn how to cook them properly.) What a great thread!!
  • GenesisandEden
    GenesisandEden Posts: 338 Member
    Yum bump
  • MrMax
    MrMax Posts: 73 Member
    I recently discovered roasted brussel sprouts. So good!