What with all the Dairy Hate?

whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
So where ever I seem to read, everybody seems to be saying eliminate dairy, dairy's no good for you, switch to soy milk or skim milk or something else, etc. Even just as recently, that Tony Horton chatroom rant he was saying "no dairy" switch to almond milk and I'm just like where does all this anti-dairy talk come from?

Allot of people have said no dairy, and yeah I understand if you eat heavy cream, cheesecake, full milk and ice cream you're gonna get fat, but what about skim milk? I drink approx 2 glasses of skim milk a day and I honestly think it's a great way to get allot of protein in your system:

1 cup of skim is 86 calories, 12g of carbs, 0 fat, and 8g of protein.

Now granted that's a decent quantity of carbs, but look at that protein - that's allot of protein considering this isn't a piece of meat or protein shake.

And what about cottage cheese, a half cup of the light stuff has got 80 cals, 4g carbs, 1g fat, and 13g protein - that's practically a meat product when it comes to quantify of protein.

Comparably, the lightest Almond Milk (Almond Breeze) per cup has 40 cals, 2g carbs, 3g fat, and 1 g protein - comparing that to skim milk, sure it's half the cals in one cup but if you equalize it, 2 cups gets you an equivalent calorie count with 4g carbs, 6g fat and only 2g protein compared with the 8g in skim milk.

So unless a person is lactose intolerant, then I can't see what's the justification for all this "absolutely no dairy!" talk is coming from. Am I missing something?

I don't get where the strict "no dairy" hate is coming from.


  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I don't know. I'm thin and I eat tons of dairy. Yogurts, cheese, skim milk, ice cream, cottage cheese, puddings, etc.. I don't see any problems with it, I'd die without cheese. :)
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    I'd rather be fluffy for the rest of my life, and have my dairy products, than to give them up and be skinny. Nuff said! :)
  • I don't get it either. I was working with a dietician for the first part of my weight loss, and dairy was one of those things she really made me focus on getting in every day.
  • jewelinvic
    jewelinvic Posts: 332
    Don't get me wrong, I'm not a dairy hater, I love my milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, etc. and so forth. I tried the almond milk as an option. My husband called it nut juice and said it tasted like paste water.

    Back to my 1% for me! :drinker:
  • nopogal
    nopogal Posts: 162
    I don't think it's the fat/protein/calorie debate, it's a whole other debate.


    It does produce a lot of mucus, which can be really hard on some people (like myself...I have asthma and allergy issues). My naturopath said that *ideally* you should cut it out completely, but really, keeping some in my diet won't kill me. You should be aware that there is a lot of sugar in a lot of dairy, though--as far as diet goes, it's one thing to be aware of. There are differing opinions on this, as with everything, but again, as with everything--moderation goes a long way.
  • blakgarnet
    blakgarnet Posts: 343
    I eat a ton of dairy, granted, I'm a vet who works with dairy cows on a daily basis. Studies show that women who drink milk weigh less.
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    I'm an avid milk drinker and love my yoplait pro-biotic yogurt. GO MILK! it does the body good! I choose chocolate milk, it has been proven to be an effective post workout drink, it has a good balance of carb and protein, and it taste fantabulous! with little calories compared to a protein shake, our peanut butter/banana protein shake at the gym packs 675cals...wowza! if you're watching calories that's almost half a days worth!
  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
    It has nothing to do with hating dairy for most people. It does have to do with the Bovine Hormone injected into cows. Not all dairy products come from cows that were injected.

  • ShottaB
    ShottaB Posts: 29
    I'm actually going to switch back to dairy milk from soy milk. Soy has phyto-estrogens (i think that's what its called), anyway someone in my family had a lump on their breast an the doctor told her to stop drinking soy milk because it may have caused that. Don't worry, its not cancer, taking antibiotics got rid of it for her. There are also studies showing soy effecting your thyroid negatively.
    Someone told me to drink rice milk, but that seems pointless, where's the protein?
    I guess the ideal dairy milk would be organic dairy milk, but I don't have that option where I live.
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I also believe dairy is important. I am not much of a milk drinker but make sure I get it in other ways for my bone health, important at my age or any age.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    As someone mentioned previously, I think people are more concerned about the hormones and antibiotics some milk cows are injected with. Some people believe you do not need cow milk to survive. Just as some studies and people believe soy milk is not good for you due to the estrogen. I am no expert here and am generalizing, but you get my gist.

    Almost all milk is RGb (I think that is what it is) free that I have noticed in the stores these days.

    I personally buy organic milk if any, for one it eliminates the risks of most of these antibiotics and hormones and for two, I just think it tastes so much better.
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    I have 1 slice of cheddar every day at breakfast. It's the only dairy I have but it's not that I hate dairy, I just dont have a taste for anything other than cheese and ice cream. I'll have the occassional yogurt, but that's rare.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    As someone mentioned previously, I think people are more concerned about the hormones and antibiotics some milk cows are injected with. Some people believe you do not need cow milk to survive. Just as some studies and people believe soy milk is not good for you due to the estrogen. I am no expert here and am generalizing, but you get my gist.

    Almost all milk is RGb (I think that is what it is) free that I have noticed in the stores these days.

    I personally buy organic milk if any, for one it eliminates the risks of most of these antibiotics and hormones and for two, I just think it tastes so much better.

    Ditto. I drink organic milk because of the hormone and antibiotics present in regular milk. But I also avoid non-fermented soy because of the estrogen (or estrogen-like substance) in it.
  • arfletcher
    arfletcher Posts: 143
    As someone mentioned previously, I think people are more concerned about the hormones and antibiotics some milk cows are injected with. Some people believe you do not need cow milk to survive. Just as some studies and people believe soy milk is not good for you due to the estrogen. I am no expert here and am generalizing, but you get my gist.

    Almost all milk is RGb (I think that is what it is) free that I have noticed in the stores these days.

    I personally buy organic milk if any, for one it eliminates the risks of most of these antibiotics and hormones and for two, I just think it tastes so much better.

    Ditto. I drink organic milk because of the hormone and antibiotics present in regular milk. But I also avoid non-fermented soy because of the estrogen (or estrogen-like substance) in it.

    For me it is the hormones and anti-biotics and the masses of mucous that it causes for me! I stay away from teh soy for the estrogen factor... I dont think that cheese is EVIL :devil: but I dont think that is is the healthiest option... at least for me

    That being said - I AM A CHEESE ADDICT!!! I can go without milk, cream in my coffee, and ice cream on a hot day, but I cant seem to stay away from cheese!!! - I use goat and sheep cheese where I can, but I do love my stinky cow cheeses! Especially gouda!!! My cousin has a gouda farm... mmmmmmmm
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    It does have sugar in it. Oh well. Fruit has sugar in it as well and I'm not giving that up either. I always get at least 2 servings of dairy every day and I still lost the weight I wanted to.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    1 :heart: DAIRY. No skim for this girl. It's either 2% or full fat and I've still managed to lose a little weight in the process. You can't beat the protein, calcium and potassium combo in dairy.
  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    I've lost weight drinking only full fat milk...granted it's from my cow share, so it's raw milk from a pasture fed cow and has more Omega-3, more vitamins and minerals, oh yeah and ALL the natural enzymes your body needs to process it since they haven't been killed by pasturization. Plus it's so good it tastes like there is sweetener in it....YUMMY!
  • I used to wonder the same thing. I always made sure my daughter drank her milk, and I drank mine to show her that I practice what I preach. I was almost always vegetarian, but I used milk, cheese, eggs, and yogurt liberally. I ALWAYS thought I'd die without cheese!

    But then, as a continually read books, blogs, journals, took classes, etc. I started to see why the hype about losing the dairy. After years of suffering migraines, I attempted to try a vegan diet. Haven't had a headache since. I was tested for food allergies, positive to all dairy. Turns out, I would actually die WITH cheese. I had my daughter tested. Positive to all dairy.

    One thing that really made sense to me was this explaination about milk:

    All mammals produce milk for their young that is appropriate for that youngin' to reach a certain level of development. In humans, anthropologically speaking, we can feed our young for up to 5 years and they are then able to continue to thrive without it. This happened untill about 10,000 years ago when humans began domesticating plants and animals for food. Babies were being fed milk so mom and dad could pull their weight around the new 'farms' without little junior holding them back wanting to eat all the time. (Back then mothers fed babies whenever they wanted, there was no, "let him cry it out he needs to get accostumed to a feeding schedule.")
    A cows milk is designed to grow a calf into a 400 pound cow. Kind of over kill for a human, right? We now know that its a bad thing to give milk to babies because they cannot digest it. And in this present day, milk is one of the most common allergens amonst the population.

    Other things I can think of at the moment are......

    In the U.S. 80% of African Americans, 90% of Aisans, and 60% hispanics are lactose intollerant to some degree.
    (Roberta Larson Duyff, American Dietic Association Complete Food and Nutrition Guide)

    The campaign showing the connection between drinking milk and weight loss was sponsered by the Dairy Council. Those results came about in conjunction with a low calorie diet. (No proof that it was the dairy doing anything) That campaign was suspended and claims redacted after the Dairy Council was sued by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.

    As women we have been beat in the head with the "we need milk for calcium" line. Well, whole milk contains 118 mg calcium BUT......Chickpeas=150, Almonds=234. So really, why does it have to come from milk? There are also studies, can't recall at the moment by who, that show that cows milk actually pulls calcium from the bones, is linked to diabetes, and linked to cancer. (But most things are linked to cancer anyway.)

    Then of course you have the hormone/antibiotic issue. And the treatment of the animals who provide these foods to us. I'm not an animal rights activist by any means. I'm a vegan who is not a member of PETA, {GASP!}:noway: :laugh: I do, however, find the way cows are raised and milked to be despicable. Imagine when your boobs are sore, from pregnancy or pms. Now imagine a metal machine clamping on to your nipples and sucking the milk out. Thats just plain rude. I say that as a woman, not an amnimal rights person.:grumble:

    Anyway, thats some of the hype against dairy. Everything will always have hype. As much as I loved cheese and yogurt, I wouldn't go back for anything. Thats just because I feel absolutely amazing now. I guess if you can tolerate it and you are ok with the other things being said, then:drinker: drink milk. Have a nice slice of cheese on a cracker for me too.

    I think we all need to make our own decisions, but we need to have the whole story too. I always bought the dairy makes you skinny. But now I always look at who did the study and look at opposing evidence. Then I can comfortably make a decision for myself. And I'm always willing to stay open to new research and possibly change my mind. And no matter who tells me something is good or bad, I do all the research myself. I don't have anything against non-vegans or vegetarians, I just hope everybody is really, actually thinking for themselves.
  • jewelinvic
    jewelinvic Posts: 332
    As someone mentioned previously, I think people are more concerned about the hormones and antibiotics some milk cows are injected with. Some people believe you do not need cow milk to survive. Just as some studies and people believe soy milk is not good for you due to the estrogen. I am no expert here and am generalizing, but you get my gist.

    Almost all milk is RGb (I think that is what it is) free that I have noticed in the stores these days.

    I personally buy organic milk if any, for one it eliminates the risks of most of these antibiotics and hormones and for two, I just think it tastes so much better.

    Ditto. I drink organic milk because of the hormone and antibiotics present in regular milk. But I also avoid non-fermented soy because of the estrogen (or estrogen-like substance) in it.

    For me it is the hormones and anti-biotics and the masses of mucous that it causes for me! I stay away from teh soy for the estrogen factor... I dont think that cheese is EVIL :devil: but I dont think that is is the healthiest option... at least for me

    That being said - I AM A CHEESE ADDICT!!! I can go without milk, cream in my coffee, and ice cream on a hot day, but I cant seem to stay away from cheese!!! - I use goat and sheep cheese where I can, but I do love my stinky cow cheeses! Especially gouda!!! My cousin has a gouda farm... mmmmmmmm

    I love gouda and goat cheese, Can I be adopted please :smile:
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    I have 7 kinds of cheese in my fridge...and 3 different kinds of yogurt :)
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