I DONT drink Alcohol!



  • yogamom16
    yogamom16 Posts: 114
    I dont drink either. I have never had anyone question why I wasnt drinking. I just dont like how it makes me feel.
  • Dwamma
    Dwamma Posts: 289 Member
    I choose not to drink as well! I have seen it hurt to many people in my life. So therefore I make a choice NOT to drink and I am very proud of it! If you chose to then that is YOUR choice. I will respect YOUR choice and I hope YOU will respcet MY choice. No need to argue or ask a bunch of questions...it is what it is and that is all there is to it. Your friends should respect you and allow you to make your own choice about drinking.
  • NuggetLovesEdie
    NuggetLovesEdie Posts: 477 Member
    I do think it will get easier as you get older.

    I stopped drinking in order to be effective when I quit smoking (had to quit coffee at the same time, too, to break the behavioral associations). This was coming up on 10 years ago.

    Now, I will drink MAYBE one or two drinks per year.

    I find that I don't like how I feel with alcohol in my system. My body feels very flushed and I feel my brain functioning differently after only, like half a beer.

    For a while it was weird. I felt like I needed to explain to people that I don't drink alcohol.

    Now its totally normal and I just order what I want and don't give it a second thought.

    Though, I have to confess, I don't usually go out much to bars because if I'm going out, its to see my friends and *talk* with them, which I can't do in most bars because its too loud for a conversation.
  • jadedzen
    jadedzen Posts: 221 Member
    I drank enough in college, I just don't do it anymore. Not that I avoid it, I just don't.

  • RobynMcGregor
    Persistence is the key, eventually people get the picture and stop pressurising you to join them. I have not drunk alcohol for the past 40 years as like yourself I don't actually like the taste so decided I would leave it for those who do. After about the first 5 years other than my father in law ( who took a little longer) people started asking me if I wanted juice. soda or something else non- alcoholic to drink. In social outing situations something that looks similar eg lemon, lime and bitters makes others feel comfortable and you don't go thirsty :-) Stick to your guns, I did and haven't had to feel uncomfortable for years.
  • ang3h
    ang3h Posts: 185 Member
    I hate alcohol. Hate the taste, hate the way it makes me feel. I am loopy enough without needing to add alcohol into the mix :p
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    i dont drink either but its because i am in recovery have been sober for three years. people contantly try yo get me to drink all the time. its annoying but i just tell them over and over I DONT DRINK. i dont explain anything they eventually let it go.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    I drink once or twice a year, and at home.

    People try to get me to drink more but honestly the alcohol makes me sick. I tell people its because I'm the DD.
  • petite_boleyn
    I'm a recovering alcoholic. Personally, if someone asks me why I don't drink, I tell them simply "Because I just don't." You don't owe anyone an explanation for anything, regardless of WHY you don't drink.
  • Miss_Z_87
    I don't drink, not a big fan of the taste. I like to be in control of my actions lol. I've had some bad experiences when I was younger, so think this contributes. Not fun being around drunk people either. :grumble:
  • PipBnz
    PipBnz Posts: 49 Member
    I used to enjoy a drink or 2 with friends, only once every few weeks, then i moved into a new flat and my habits didn't change but me new flatties decided i "wasn't fun enough" because i chose not to get s**tfaced a couple times a week like they did.
    They spiked my drink on 2 occasions, (i only figured it out the second time because i have no memory of the next 24 hours). since then I extremely rarely drink.( xmas day with the family kind of thing)
    Even with people i trust its not a situation i want to risk being in again so i tend to avoid alcohol altogether.
    The other reason is that i prefer to train early in the morning and its just not possible to give it my all with a hangover.
    I too get asked why and often people think i'm weird because i choose not to drink, to be honest i have more fun sober and it doesn't ruin the next day :)
  • AyaKara
    AyaKara Posts: 220
    I never have! I plan on making a toast on my birthday & having a drink for the first time with my family + fiancee, but I'm probably not going to have another until my wedding . . . & after that, I have no idea when. :laugh:
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    I completely stopped drinking for about 8 months. Did not drink a drop. I just didn't think it was doing anything positive for me (I now may have 1 hard liqour drink or 2 glasses of wine max on rare occasion) When people asked me I just said "I just don't like the way it makes me feel" or in your case I'd say I don't like the way it tastes. I don't get why people have to assume there is a specific reason or that it is so odd not to drink...
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I haven't drank in almost a year and it's the best thing I ever did. Don't start if you aren't into it just because of others.

    The only reason the majority of people that drink more than they should hound others to drink is because they don't want you seeing them drunk when you sober. It makes them feel better about going overboard on it.

    My son says he'll never ever drink just like you and I hope he does just that. Good on you! Waste of calories anyway.
  • lilystardust89
    I dont drink. I dont like how it makes me feel and even just the smallest amount changes my personality without me actually feeling intoxicated. i drank in my teens, a lot, but now i am happy to stay sober.

    most of my friends dont drink and my partner is allergic to alcohol (well, dextrose but she is yet to find alcohol she likes which doesnt send her into mild anaphelactic shock).

    i love being sober (it means that you remember all the stupid things the drinkers do whilst under the influence and tease them about it!)
  • g0hard0rg0h0me00
    wrong place, sorry!
  • runningfataway
    No thanks, I rather not...

    I know how to have a good time without being intoxicated....

    Thanks, but I'll pass...

    Not really into getting **** faced even slightly...
  • midschool22
    midschool22 Posts: 1,267 Member
    I don't drink. When asked why, I just say I just don't drink.

    That usually ends it.
  • JosieJo2000
    JosieJo2000 Posts: 162 Member
    I don't drink...well, I'll have half a beer once or twice a year maybe. I used to get a hard time about it as a teenager / early 20s, now no-one seems to really care. "Do you want some wine?". "No thanks - enjoy yours though!" End of story :)
  • PankTheTank
    I used to drink pretty often until I got serious about my training. I might have one here and there now but not very often...it is not worth it to me. It lengthens the time it takes to recover and hinders my performance in the gym. I miss going out sometimes but not enough to throw away all my hard work.