I DONT drink Alcohol!



  • Ashlea_M
    Ashlea_M Posts: 165 Member
    I don't drink either- and when I get asked those stupid questions (I ALWAYS seem to get the 'ooh are you pregnant?" question) I happily tell them all about my fiance's father who is an abusive drunk and has been for 40 years. I give them information about him they really don't want to hear and then they shut up. It works quite well :)
  • Ellyabell
    Ellyabell Posts: 49 Member
    I don't drink alcohol for no other reason than I don't like the way it makes me feel and my body reacts pretty badly to it.

    People tend to get confused, although it has gotten better. My friends are used to it by now and many of them hardly drink at all either or only small amounts. And they are normally happy to have a driver ;-).

    I don't argue with people anymore. I stay calm and just explain that I don't like to drink but don't mind others doing it. That seem to be enough of an explanation, at least that's all they get.
  • GymChick8
    I don't drink either. Was having the odd glass if wine. But really hated the way it made my body feel like crap.

    Now I just have mineral water with a squeeze of lemon. I haven't had friends question my choice. They just don't catch up with me anymore. Which is fine by me.

  • jeningrey
    I personally do not drink alcohol. Simple.

    People question me when I go out with friends as to why I am not drinking. "Are you pregnant" "Is it because of religion" "Are you sick" "There must be something wrong with you". NO NO NO & NO.

    I am not religious. I am not pregnant. I am not sick and as far as I know there is nothing wrong with me! It has been my personal choice not to drink alcohol simply because I haven't found any drinks that I actually like the taste of!

    Are there any other non-alcoholic MFP'ers out there that know how to deal with this social situation? I am just sick to death of people trying to pressure me into drinking because they think it's 'cool' or the fun thing to do. I am 21 and our legal age is 18 here in Aus, and obviously I can make my own choices (because I choose not to drink!)

    Basically what I'm asking is, what would be your comeback? I am so tired of explaining myself to everyone I see when we are out. I am quite capable of having a good time without alcohol.

    End rant! LOL

    Wow. I could have totally written that!

    I'm from Australia too. The drinking culture in this country is weird. If you don't drink, there's something wrong with you. I hate that mindset. When I turned 18, I tried the going-out-and-drinking thing, and it just wasn't for me. Some people seem to enjoy it, but I really think a lot are just kidding themselves and doing it because they feel obligated to (because if you don't, you get subjected to the weird looks and Spanish inquisition!). I could tell you my theory on why people in Australia drink so much, but it's long winded and probably boring!

    My comeback is usually that I don't need chemical enhancers to be a fun and interesting person - I'm awesome naturally! If you turn it back on them and make them feel like the deficient ones, they usually leave you alone!

    Anyway, stay with it. Don't do anything you don't want to do. I'm 30 now, and I've never let anyone pressure me into drinking. And don't be fooled by people telling you that you'll appreciate wine once you're older - still tastes like cat pee to me!
  • treagal
    treagal Posts: 264 Member
    um...just say no thanks. if they don't listen the first time, say i don't drink (in a firm manner). don't stress yourself out about it...it is what it is.
  • leantool
    leantool Posts: 365 Member
    i don't drink. in our community men drinking is accepted but unwelcome fact whereas women drinking is an aberrance!!social gender bias at full play..
    i would rather have my antioxidants from greens and tomatoes , instead of red wine!!
  • treagal
    treagal Posts: 264 Member
    what he said
    I don't drink. When asked why, I just say I just don't drink.

    That usually ends it.
  • leantool
    leantool Posts: 365 Member
    I don't drink either- and when I get asked those stupid questions (I ALWAYS seem to get the 'ooh are you pregnant?" question) I happily tell them all about my fiance's father who is an abusive drunk and has been for 40 years. I give them information about him they really don't want to hear and then they shut up. It works quite well :)
    is your fiance ok with that!:frown:
  • PrisonOfMeat
    I drink, but my comeback would probably be something along the lines of "Because I don't want to, piss off. I can have sloppy sex that I'll regret in the morning on my own, thank you very much."

    Because I'm rude. >w<
  • newyorklover91
    newyorklover91 Posts: 77 Member
    Thank you all for your ideas.

    They pretty much sum up everything that I was thinking! Ahhh I feel a weight off my shoulders now knowing that I'm not the only 'weird' one that doesn't drink!
  • dragonfly_em
    dragonfly_em Posts: 122 Member
    there are loads of us out here - i occasionally enjoy a drink but . I've always been like this and just kind of ignore all the silly questions - i made a bunch of friends at uni who were similar and we had loads of fun without getting caught up in the whole drinking culture yet still were part of the social scene and had a great time. 25 years on i'm still the same tho my relationship did suffer because i was with someone who liked drinking and spent loads of time at the pub with his mates and i would only join occasionally.

    I absolutely hate beer, wine's ok and love a cocktail (but enjoy them just as much without the alcohol) but don't just like drinking for the sake of it. i like going out to do things but hate going out to the pub where it revolves around drinking - not because i have any objections or problems with people drinking... i just get so utterly bored. And can't bear the bleh feeling the day after drinking a bit.

    And i still have loads of fun!
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    I drink. I don't question others who don't.

    On the flip side, my on alcohol drinking sister will make snippy snide comments when she grocery shopped with me, "Oh look, the alcoholic is buying wine." keeping in mind she doesn't live with me nor does she know my consumption amounts.

    Moral of the story, if your friends question why you DO NOT drink they aren't your friends. If your family rags on you because you do drink, they should be kicked in the shins.

  • DoriGaga
    I didn't start drinking till I was 25 (the legal age here is 19, but most people sadly start at like 15!), for 10 years I got the "omg you're so lame why don't you drink it's cool blah blah blah..."

    At 25 I got drunk for the first time... I'm not gonna lie, it was awesome, but in the past 4 years I have done it MAYBE 5 or 6 times since then.

    I have several reasons not to drink: I have no time for it (I work 7 days a week, when do I have time for a hangover???), it's so expensive, it tastes bad, and it makes you fat!

    But the reason I give to everyone, and the biggest reason of all, is that my dad is an alcoholic. I was terrified to take a drink, even one, because I was scared to go down the same road. Now I know that I won't, because the only time I consider drinking is at weddings (even then I only drink at about a third of the ones I go to), or when I am away at my cottage with my cousins (a once a year trip). We have alcohol in my house all year and I am never tempted to drink it. Seriously, it does taste bad lol
  • BigDnSW
    BigDnSW Posts: 641 Member
    I personally do not drink alcohol. Simple.

    People question me when I go out with friends as to why I am not drinking. "Are you pregnant" "Is it because of religion" "Are you sick" "There must be something wrong with you". NO NO NO & NO.

    I am not religious. I am not pregnant. I am not sick and as far as I know there is nothing wrong with me! It has been my personal choice not to drink alcohol simply because I haven't found any drinks that I actually like the taste of!

    Are there any other non-alcoholic MFP'ers out there that know how to deal with this social situation? I am just sick to death of people trying to pressure me into drinking because they think it's 'cool' or the fun thing to do. I am 21 and our legal age is 18 here in Aus, and obviously I can make my own choices (because I choose not to drink!)

    Basically what I'm asking is, what would be your comeback? I am so tired of explaining myself to everyone I see when we are out. I am quite capable of having a good time without alcohol.

    End rant! LOL

    The older one gets, the less one cares about what others think, but rather care more about how we think about others. I don't give a sh** about what others think of my food plan...I wouldn't spend much time or energy on it...you are you and "a gentle answer turns away wrath" (very old proverb). I do have one now and then...but only for recreation and relaxation. For the most part...my blender drinks are full of raw veggies, some fruit, and my vegetarian protein supplement...What would Jimmie Buffet think???

    Trek on...and great post!
  • Ashlea_M
    Ashlea_M Posts: 165 Member
    I don't drink either- and when I get asked those stupid questions (I ALWAYS seem to get the 'ooh are you pregnant?" question) I happily tell them all about my fiance's father who is an abusive drunk and has been for 40 years. I give them information about him they really don't want to hear and then they shut up. It works quite well :)
    is your fiance ok with that!:frown:

    If he wasn't I wouldn't say it.
  • Ashlea_M
    Ashlea_M Posts: 165 Member
    I personally do not drink alcohol. Simple.

    People question me when I go out with friends as to why I am not drinking. "Are you pregnant" "Is it because of religion" "Are you sick" "There must be something wrong with you". NO NO NO & NO.

    I am not religious. I am not pregnant. I am not sick and as far as I know there is nothing wrong with me! It has been my personal choice not to drink alcohol simply because I haven't found any drinks that I actually like the taste of!

    Are there any other non-alcoholic MFP'ers out there that know how to deal with this social situation? I am just sick to death of people trying to pressure me into drinking because they think it's 'cool' or the fun thing to do. I am 21 and our legal age is 18 here in Aus, and obviously I can make my own choices (because I choose not to drink!)

    Basically what I'm asking is, what would be your comeback? I am so tired of explaining myself to everyone I see when we are out. I am quite capable of having a good time without alcohol.

    End rant! LOL

    Wow. I could have totally written that!

    I'm from Australia too. The drinking culture in this country is weird. If you don't drink, there's something wrong with you. I hate that mindset. When I turned 18, I tried the going-out-and-drinking thing, and it just wasn't for me. Some people seem to enjoy it, but I really think a lot are just kidding themselves and doing it because they feel obligated to (because if you don't, you get subjected to the weird looks and Spanish inquisition!). I could tell you my theory on why people in Australia drink so much, but it's long winded and probably boring!

    My comeback is usually that I don't need chemical enhancers to be a fun and interesting person - I'm awesome naturally! If you turn it back on them and make them feel like the deficient ones, they usually leave you alone!

    Anyway, stay with it. Don't do anything you don't want to do. I'm 30 now, and I've never let anyone pressure me into drinking. And don't be fooled by people telling you that you'll appreciate wine once you're older - still tastes like cat pee to me!

    This is so true! I'm Australian as well- I agree our drinking culture is weird! I've had people offer me wine and then get offended when I say no or make some comment about how they are better than me because they like it lol :)
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    I'm tempted to stop after the Xmas and NYE I've just had :laugh:
  • eylia
    eylia Posts: 200 Member
    I'm Australian too, 22, and for the most part, I'm not someone that drinks either. I've just had two and a half years completely sober (due to my health, but stopping was beyond easy for me). Before that, I'd only drink if it 'felt' right for my body, and most alcohol tastes rotten-I only had a few I was comfortable with/actually enjoyed. My friends are generally okay with me not drinking-yours should be too(!), but the overall mentality over here does seem to be that something must be wrong, or you're a straight edge fanatic of some sort. I tend to fall into the habit of not really mentioning it if it isn't relevant, I'll order something like a lemon, lime and bitters and people just silently assume there's vodka in it. After so long not tasting anything, I find it really strong and awful. When I'm not intentionally avoiding it, I find things like malilbu/coke or vodka/pineapple or something like sangria aren't too bad; it all depends on tastes though. But really, whatever the reason, don't let people bother you; you're saving yourself a fortune, your liver, and you'll come out of it knowing how to have a good time without needing to be inebriated. I have friends who already rely on a cold drink after a bad day, and I always wonder if that'll be a bad coping mechanism when we're older.
  • BrittanyErica
    BrittanyErica Posts: 74 Member
    I am not religious. I am not pregnant. I am not sick and as far as I know there is nothing wrong with me!

    this describes me.. and i also don't drink O_O
    even though, i have found drinks i like the taste of, but i just prefer not to drink, seems i have no desire for alcohol.

    but, i know what you mean by the social aspect of it.. it pisses me off when people assume 'i'm not drinking because i'm trying to lose weight'. obviously, yes, not drinking will help me lose it faster, but, thats not the prime reason why i chose not to.. and people today are just too damn nieve and stubborn to believe that. either that.. or they're just too jealous ;)

    either way, tell them to suck it. my decision of not going out on new years eve, and waking up new years morning at 6am to do combat has me feeling a hell of a lot better than those people waking up at 3pm, with a massive, sickening hangover.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I have seen people I know get very sick because of long years of alcoholism and I wouldn't want to go down that path.

    That's all you need to say, I guess. People say similar about not wanting to smoke.