Jogging for Pear Shape body?



  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    Excellent idea and avoid the hills@30 mins run.

    If your intention is to have leaner looking legs, then choose to run a flat route and NOT one with too many hills. Long distance runners (leaner bodies - flat running course) VS sprinters (hill training for speed and agility).

    Totally unnecessary.

    Clearly, we disagree. The choice is entirely up to 1990sophia199 to gauge for herself what she deems is best for her. The guinea pig will be her body. What we commit here are merely opinions.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    My thighs have slimmed with running. I'm pear-shaped too (I think, I'm never real clear on the fruit-shape thing).
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    Runners are lean, generally. Go for it.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I have big hips and thighs, though not a pear shape. I dropped 2 jean sizes in about 10 months with jogging as my primary source of working out. Went from a 14 to a 10. If the starting out slow on your own doesn't work...try the C25K. I could not run AT ALL when I started and it worked great!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Excellent idea and avoid the hills@30 mins run.

    If your intention is to have leaner looking legs, then choose to run a flat route and NOT one with too many hills. Long distance runners (leaner bodies - flat running course) VS sprinters (hill training for speed and agility).

    Totally unnecessary.

    Clearly, we disagree. The choice is entirely up to 1990sophia199 to gauge for herself what she deems is best for her. The guinea pig will be her body. What we commit here are merely opinions.

    Adding another 'opinion' that is is not necessary to avoid hills.
  • mumpmarinemom
    Wow! So proud of you to start jogging! I have not heard that your thighs can get bigger...I don't think that I could jog if I tried..or at least not for long! Be sure to update us on how it went!
  • RockstarPunch
    RockstarPunch Posts: 203 Member
    stairs, running up hill and cutting out some of the starches will reduce the thighs* I have that problem and i have to work uphill and down hill for my legs to decrease:glasses:
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Excellent idea and avoid the hills@30 mins run.

    If your intention is to have leaner looking legs, then choose to run a flat route and NOT one with too many hills. Long distance runners (leaner bodies - flat running course) VS sprinters (hill training for speed and agility).

    This is the wrongiest statement in the history on wrongnicty. OP, please don't take this advice. As a matter of fact, as soon as you have built up the endurance, I encourage you to challenge the hills. You will love what it does for your physical appearance and your endurance.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I went jogging outside yesterday for the first time ever. I really enjoyed it - it's different to being on the threadmill for sure!

    I had an app that helped track my distance and time, and also played music.

    From my house I can run in one direction that is basically flat, or another which is hilly, for now I'm running the flat route, but only because I fear my lungs will explode on the hills! When I can run the full 30mins, I'll be hitting the hills for sure.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i never understand why people use the way elite athletes look as the way to determine what their bodies will look like if they did the same workout.

    genetics determine your body shape not the activity. for instance, ballerina misty copeland (below) does not look like a typical ballerina


    with that said, i know quite a few people who are pear shaped, run hills and have slimmed themselves down to size 2's and 4's.
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    It will give you a good shape, not a pear shape. It will be nice, you will like's different than being fat. If you don't like the results you can always stop...but you won't want to. I bike ride a lot, and I can feel my *kitten* and thigh muscles trying to poke their way through the is awesome.
  • Tommy
    Tommy Posts: 127 Member
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  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    As a new potential runner, id say follow a simple programme first like the couch to 5k programme. you can get podcasts set to music or apps. get to grips with running and enjoy it.

    Once you are comfortable try intervals/ sprints/ hills etc to push the . love hills and what they have done for my endurance and speed!
  • letjog
    letjog Posts: 260 Member
    Your thighs may get smaller, your calves *might* get bigger a little as the muscle works hard, but only if you had thin calves before. You'll look good!
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    Hi I'm thinking about doing a crazy thing...I've never really liked running but I thought I might give it a go tomorrow! I will jog very very slowly at first but I'm just wondering even after walking for 40 minutes each day I noticed muscle definition in my calves. I'm a bit worried that jogging will make my thighs a lot bigger when it's one of the main parts I would really like to be a lot smaller!!

    If you are as concerned as you obviously are about possibly looking bigger in the calves and thighs, then you should measure them. Your thigh should be measured just below your buttocks (remember to keep your feet apart and relax your muscles). Your calves should be measured at its largest part (No tip toeing and stand up straight). Measure it every 2 weeks and keep a record of in your "Check -In" section.

    Unfortunately, all our opinions will merely get side lined when your genetics@thighs and calves will react to whatever forms of exercise you choose to undertake.
  • cwelch2677
    cwelch2677 Posts: 69 Member
    Take it from me, running does absolutely nothing for the muscles in your thighs. My body shape is leaner, but no thigh muscles :( I've recently added squats and lunges with dumb bells to get some thigh toning and to strengthen the muscles above my knees. Good luck with the running, it's great :)
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    running up hills will NOT make your legs bigger unless you have a parachute attached to you or something. I run up hills in the mountains all the time and my legs are stronger but not bigger.
  • ZB17
    ZB17 Posts: 92 Member
    Bumping for future reference!