PCOS Ladies



  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    I have some questions for you ladies. I was diagnosed with PCOS at 15 and put on birth control since I had never had a period. I had all the symptoms and weighed 225. Fast forward 12 years and I've lost most of the weight and symptoms were gone. I've been married now for several years and thought about having kids within a year or so. I've always know I might have problems, so I've decided to stop the BC pills and see what happens. Unfortunately not much of anything has happened in the period department.
    I've researched it a little and I know some of these things happen just from going off BC. My hair has been thinning for about 2.5 months now and weight seems harder to lose (but it’s also the holidays). I’ve had a little bit more acne and hair growth (gross I know).
    I went to the Dr. to see if there was some kind of test to monitor my hormones, but they basically said there is nothing they can do unless I haven't had a period in 3 months or can't get pregnant after a year of trying. I feel like I'm just wasting my time waiting and freaking out a little that things will go back to the way they were.
    Has anyone experienced this? When does Aunt Flow come back?
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    Not to mention I haven’t had to deal with a lot of these hormones in a while and its turning me into an effin psycho.
  • Hi, my name is stacey, and I found out I have pcos back in October. I was so very thankful to finally hear him tell me something was wrong. I really thought I was crazy.now all my problems fit. I started metformin and a low carb diet. So far I have lost 28 pounds. It has been a struggle because this weight doesn't seem to want to come off. I just take each day as it comes and pray for the strength to make it through.
  • Metformin has helped me SO MUCH. The facial hair has decreased as well as the other unfortunate, unsexy body hair. Met isn't for everyone, but I have had excellent luck. And my periods are back too! Woo hoo! Still struggling to lose weight though. Trying the sugar free, grain free thing and hopefully it works!
  • Hi
    I have PCOS and i was diagnosed when i was 18. I'm 26 now and i have never been this miserable. Everyone comments about my weight. I am overweight. I have tried everything possible to lose weight. If i do end of losing like 15-20lbs i ended up putting it all back on. I was prescribed Metformin 3 months ago and have been taking it 2 times a day. I find that it has not helped with weightloss like others say but it has definitely helped with regulating my cycles.
    It's just soo frustrating. I'm an an age that i want to fix this. I live in a very conservative household and no one understands what i go through. I have tried explaining it but my family just thinks i am making excuses.
    I have started doing an hr Cardio 5 times a week and my weight is not budging.
    Can anyone please tell me what you eat that has helped you. How do you stay on a diet and not fall off the wagon. I feel sooo discouraged.
    My hair is falling out. I don't have the acne problem but i do have facial hair. How do you manage that? How do your husbands/boyfriends deal with that.?
  • Hi I have been recently diagnosed with PCOS (in the last month)...I am still trying to understand everything that is going on with my body, how I should eat (my OB/GYN suggested the Atkins diet) and get used to my new meds - metformin and spiro. I have been around 230 lbs for the last seven years at least. I lost 10 pounds before starting myfitnesspal, so my goal is now 175 lbs with more to go once that is done. Add me. I like encouragement and help...and I can do my best to encourage and help others. Thanks.
  • Can more people reply please. I really need the support! :)
  • I have some questions for you ladies. I was diagnosed with PCOS at 15 and put on birth control since I had never had a period. I had all the symptoms and weighed 225. Fast forward 12 years and I've lost most of the weight and symptoms were gone. I've been married now for several years and thought about having kids within a year or so. I've always know I might have problems, so I've decided to stop the BC pills and see what happens. Unfortunately not much of anything has happened in the period department.
    I've researched it a little and I know some of these things happen just from going off BC. My hair has been thinning for about 2.5 months now and weight seems harder to lose (but it’s also the holidays). I’ve had a little bit more acne and hair growth (gross I know).
    I went to the Dr. to see if there was some kind of test to monitor my hormones, but they basically said there is nothing they can do unless I haven't had a period in 3 months or can't get pregnant after a year of trying. I feel like I'm just wasting my time waiting and freaking out a little that things will go back to the way they were.
    Has anyone experienced this? When does Aunt Flow come back?
    How long have you been off BC? i was diagnosed 18 years ago when I was 24 but looking back think I may have had it at puberty. When I was diagnosed I was told it was Stein-Leventhal Syndrome (its former name). I was 18 when I was put on the pill for irregular periods; (before I was diagnosed) and went of the pill at 35. It took me close to a year to get a period after that. By this time the link between Met and PCOS was just starting to be known and I looked around until I got a doctor to prescribe it to me. Within a few months of being on Met I got my period back and it has been regular ever since and I ovulate every month! I don't know if that helps you but I just wanted to let you know it may be awhile. Have you looked into taking Met? It also cleared up for me the other symptoms you are having since being off BC--for me I need somehting to regualte my hormones and IR--if not BC then Met. Good luck!
  • LernRach
    LernRach Posts: 286 Member
    Hey! I have PCOS too and have always found it incredibly hard to lose weight! I exercise quite hard, am more or less careful with what I eat yet it doesn't really shift. I am trying now to count calories and we shall see what will be!
    We have been ttc for 18 months now, had a very bad reaction to Clomid and am waiting now for an HSG to see whether it is the PCOS or something else!
    I am happy for u to add me- I know how hard this is for all of u, in all areas and am happy be supportive to all those who need!
    I don't think ppl realise that when we(most of us) lose a lb it's a way bigger deal, as our bodies are fighting much more....
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I finally discovered the key to losing weight for good with PCOS is to be sure you limit carbs and eat lots of lean protein. Eat 6 small meals a day and make sure each meal is carb and protein balanced. This is how you maintain a nice even insulin levels all day long that helps to burn fat.
  • thank you for the tip, i will try that for sure
  • Cynduck
    Cynduck Posts: 255 Member
    Some great info here ladies! I don't even remember when I was diagnosed with PCOS it was so long ago. I had all the symptoms that have been listed. I didn't realize that hair loss could've part of it. I have been experiencing that a lot more lately. Going to check into metaformin again. The side effects make me nervous though!

    I agree with whoever said we should start a support group!
  • I really need to go to the doctor. I'm almost 99.9% positive I have PCOS. The only reason I haven't gotten it taken care of earlier is because I never had insurance. When I did go in I had almost $1000 in doctor bills for just a general gyno app. - I have insurance now and I don't really know why I put off going. Nerves I guess...It is something I really need to do and now that someone said hairloss .. i'm amazed. I've been wondering why my once thick beautiful hair is so thin and balding! I think it's been almost 2 years since I've had my last period. -- When i first started loosing weight it came back...then I fell off the wagon and boom. No more cycle. I need to get this taken care of.
  • Jeanine_Colavecchi
    Jeanine_Colavecchi Posts: 185 Member
    I finally discovered the key to losing weight for good with PCOS is to be sure you limit carbs and eat lots of lean protein. Eat 6 small meals a day and make sure each meal is carb and protein balanced. This is how you maintain a nice even insulin levels all day long that helps to burn fat.

    This is so true! As soon as I started eating low glycemic I lost like 40 lbs! I also saw a webcast on www.pcosdiva.com and she talked about why your body craves sugars and carbs more than a normal person...very informative.

    What kind of carbs have you been eating? I try and just stick to true whole grain...any other suggestins?
  • Qfrump
    Qfrump Posts: 64 Member
    I have PCOS and am not overweight....that seems to be relatively unusual, and I know that it's a blessing, but in a way I feel like I fall through the cracks a bit because of it and I feel isolated. I'm 5'6" 110-115lbs.

    My PCOS symptoms are pretty severe: headaches every day, bad acne since I was 12 (I'm 25 now and it's still going strong), I'm losing a LOT of my hair, no recognizable periods but constant spotting (so annoying), one miscarriage- not trying to get pregnant again right now...the list goes on and on!

    Despite all these symptoms, I feel like my doctors are marginalizing my concerns because I don't have weight to lose. I'm trying to change my diet a lot (to be lower glycemic) and I drink spearmint tea every day for its anti-androgen effects, but I've had minimal success. So far no prescription meds.

    It's comforting to find you ladies. Best of luck in your weight loss goals, and I hope we all have success stories to tell soon.

    Me too. I'm 5'4" and around 118 pounds. I am trying to get down to maybe 112-115. After I came off the pill a lot of hair fell out and all of a sudden I have "bacne." I suffered through accutane as a teen, I guess it didn't fix the problem. Actually, I've been treated for PCOS without knowing it during grad school-- bc and spironlactone. Now that I am trying to make some babies I'm confused about my chances. No insulin resistance when i was tested a year ago, but was still on the pill (not sure if that matters). I <3 carbs and especially starbucks hot chocolate. Yumm.
  • CATindeeHAT
    CATindeeHAT Posts: 332 Member
    I have PCOS. I'm 5'7", 145 lbs.

    The ONLY way I lose weight is to kiss sugar and grains goodbye and eat high fat, which is hard at first, but a breeze once you get into it. Only fruits I have are apples, clementines, and berries - basically low glycemic fruits (or low compared to most).

    This is pretty much my PCOS bible:

  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    I have some questions for you ladies. I was diagnosed with PCOS at 15 and put on birth control since I had never had a period. I had all the symptoms and weighed 225. Fast forward 12 years and I've lost most of the weight and symptoms were gone. I've been married now for several years and thought about having kids within a year or so. I've always know I might have problems, so I've decided to stop the BC pills and see what happens. Unfortunately not much of anything has happened in the period department.
    I've researched it a little and I know some of these things happen just from going off BC. My hair has been thinning for about 2.5 months now and weight seems harder to lose (but it’s also the holidays). I’ve had a little bit more acne and hair growth (gross I know).
    I went to the Dr. to see if there was some kind of test to monitor my hormones, but they basically said there is nothing they can do unless I haven't had a period in 3 months or can't get pregnant after a year of trying. I feel like I'm just wasting my time waiting and freaking out a little that things will go back to the way they were.
    Has anyone experienced this? When does Aunt Flow come back?
    How long have you been off BC? i was diagnosed 18 years ago when I was 24 but looking back think I may have had it at puberty. When I was diagnosed I was told it was Stein-Leventhal Syndrome (its former name). I was 18 when I was put on the pill for irregular periods; (before I was diagnosed) and went of the pill at 35. It took me close to a year to get a period after that. By this time the link between Met and PCOS was just starting to be known and I looked around until I got a doctor to prescribe it to me. Within a few months of being on Met I got my period back and it has been regular ever since and I ovulate every month! I don't know if that helps you but I just wanted to let you know it may be awhile. Have you looked into taking Met? It also cleared up for me the other symptoms you are having since being off BC--for me I need somehting to regualte my hormones and IR--if not BC then Met. Good luck!

    Thanks for the reply!
    I went to the Dr. hoping they would try running tests, but they said they can't do anything until I hvaen't had a period for three months....Im almost there. I was hoping I would have "cured" myself after losing 70 pounds, but it doesnt look like it. I'll try to keep you ladies updated!
  • I have PCOS too and all of the lovely symptoms that go with it. My doctor suggested the Book "The Insulin Resistance diet" which I am reading now. She said it has helped many people. Once I am done reading it, we shall see.
  • I have PCOS too and all of the lovely symptoms that go with it. My doctor suggested the Book "The Insulin Resistance diet" which I am reading now. She said it has helped many people. Once I am done reading it, we shall see.

    I read that book! Didn't help me much! Hope you find it better!
  • I finally started losing weight, once I began taking 3g/day of cinnamon (a natural insulin sensitizer). Until I learned about cinnamon, I'd been killing myself in the gym every, single day, and virtully starving myself, with continued weight gain. Literally from the day I began taking a cinnamon supplement, I began losing weight (initially 2-2.5lbs/week, on average).

    While I have lost over 40 of the 60 or so pounds I want to lose, it has not been completely smooth sailing. I have experienced many plateaus...most of which occur when I try a new diet or exercise plan. (e.g. I gained 2lbs doing "Insanity" and "Brazil Butt Lift".)

    But, just for some solidarity, I'll let you PCOS ladies know about my recent experience, so you don't beat yourselves up too much about slow/zero weight loss.

    My husband and I are currently renovating our house. We slept at a hotel for two weeks of the messiest demolition. Myself, I typically put-in 5-10hrs/day of back-breaking demo. Over the course of the two weeks, I was exhausted and had no appetite the entire time. I ate less than 500 calories most days, with some days under 100 calories, and probably no days over 1,000 calories. I didn't, however, bring my cinnamon supplements with me to the hotel and, at home, they were packed away with everything else.

    So...to recap...I have PCOS and have successfully lost over 40lbs to date; I did heavy labour every day for the past two weeks; I ate next to nothing during that time (due to nausea, exhaustion, and circumstance); I didn't take my normal cinnamon supplements.

    Today was my first full day back at home. Before hopping into the shower, I stepped on the scale. I'd gained 1 1/2lbs.

    So, PCOS ladies, don't let ignorant losers get you down. (They know very little about insulin resistance, and even less about how PCOS affects weight loss.) You can do everything "right" and still not lose weight. The key is to keep trying, and not give up I lost weight wth an extremly healhy diet, daily exercise, and a daily cinnamon supplement. Diet and exercise, alone, did nothing.

    MFP estimates my BMR at 1,100 cal/day. It is suggested that PCOS women have a 30% slower metabolism than expected for their age and activity level. I suspect my BMR is likely only 800 cal/day, or thereabouts. So, I make it my mission to get as many nutrients as possible in as few calories as I can. I have been eating low GI for several years, too. My supremely healthy diet, daily exercise, and the addition of a daily cinnamon supplement, is what has worked for me, so far. Keep trying 'til you find the combination of factors that work for you. And be kind to yourself. Most of the "experts" you'll encounter are completely ignorant about PCOS and insulin resistance. You really can exercise, eat little/nothing and still gain weight with PCOS. Stay strong. Work the problem. :D