Any 20 somethings out there?



  • I am also trying to change my eating habits, too big portions is my main issue as i have a relatively healthy diet (christmas excluded!!) but i just eat way too much.

    I so badly want to wear the nice high street clothes my friends all wear.

    had trouble staying slim all my life. had a good phase around 18-20. but i'm now 25, work a desk job with long hours and contentedly sit on the sofa with my boyfriend and cook tasty food. Oh and i love the pub too which is a problem! NO MORE BEER!

    I am the exact same! I have the same issues as well as the fact that I lose motivation so fast! That's why I joined this today! I'm definitely ready for a swift kick in the *kitten* to get me going!
  • 23 soon to be 24 - feel free to add me as a friend. Looking to lose 5-10 lbs of fat/get stronger/better cardiovascular fitness.
  • katieebug11
    katieebug11 Posts: 1 Member
    Feel free to add me! (:
  • Hi :) I'm also in my 20's... I'm 24 and looking to lose weight due to a struggle with PCOS. My fitness pal was a great help to me last time I lost weight, but I got off track so now I'm back and ready to fight! Looking for some friends for motivation & encouragement! Good luck everyone!
  • Hi! I'm 20 - anyone feel free to add me for some motivation and support! :D
  • 26 here. Similar situation minus the buff boyfriend. I took on my husband's bad eating habits and gained weight, then had a baby. I've lost a bit since I started and still have about 15 to go + toning. My husband is joining me this year :]
  • adidrea
    adidrea Posts: 275 Member
    Hi, I'm 25 and have actually been on MFP for quite a while but fell off the wagon in recent months. I gained back about 6 lbs and it was a real reality check when I weighed in after Christmas. All that hard work down the drain? No thanks! I'm back and more motivated than ever :) Feel free to add me!!
  • brittanyg820
    brittanyg820 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 23 and new to the site! Feel free to add me!
  • Missalybelle
    Missalybelle Posts: 41 Member
    hey everyone! i just turned 24 last week :) i've been active on mfp for almost a year now. always looking for new friends to stay motivated! 2013 will be our year. <3 feel free to add me!
  • I'm 25. Always interesting in meeting new people. I'm new on here.
  • lol that sounds like me too I used to be athletic and now I'm fat it suxs.
  • megmay2591
    megmay2591 Posts: 621 Member
    Hey, I'm 21 looking to add some friends my age. Feel free to add me!
  • Hello! I'm 25. My goal is to get back to my weight before all the busyness happened. This past year I got a house and two jobs, gained guardianship of a teenager and hot a job. I also moved up the career ladder at work and now that things are manageable I'm ready to start eating right and getting back to my normal weight
  • Donica_Marie
    Donica_Marie Posts: 64 Member
    im 25 feel free to add if me if you want
  • Tannerb816
    Tannerb816 Posts: 19 Member
    I am 28 and a newbie! Looking to find friends to start this journey. Feel free to add me. :)
  • Im 21 here EVERYONE feel free to ADD ME!!!! =)
  • 26 here :)

    Anyone can add me. I am new around here and looking to make friends that will help keep me motivated :)
  • honey_bee_keysha
    honey_bee_keysha Posts: 773 Member
    I'm 26. Feel free to add me
  • Caymi
    Caymi Posts: 4 Member
    hello my names caymi im 20, ive used the fitness pal for about a year on and off and decided that in 2013 im gonna actually stick to using it everyday. so now im on the boards looking for people to help keep me motivated and to push me to stick to using and tracking my progress. so yeah any and everyone fell free to add me
  • claris917
    claris917 Posts: 16 Member
    me. :3 21 yo. I am also new here so i hope to have some contacts. ;)