What Makes You Nervous About Losing Weight?



  • Clothes not fitting, jeans sliding down
    Butt getting smaller
    Waist size not shrinking in comparison to the rest of body / Thighs getting too small -> disproportional look
  • I'm nervous about what I will look like when I lose a lot of weight because I've never done that before. I'm nervous about being resentful towards men if they pay more attention to me now. I'm worried how some of my family and friends will treat me because I've always been the heaviest by far.
  • floridagirl7264
    floridagirl7264 Posts: 318 Member
    Loose skin. I've seen pics and I'm really nervous about it. :ohwell:
  • sirabe
    sirabe Posts: 294 Member
    Negative attention from guys.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I'm nervous abouting committing, then giving up when I have a few set backs...
  • NADA!
  • The fact that I hate working out. Well at least I hate anything that seems like exercise...I think that's why I like bike riding opposed to 30 Day Shred...someone drilling me to do pushups. ugh.:grumble:
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    It used to be nothing. But now that I've actually lost a significant amount, it's the loose skin and the stretchmarks. My entire torso and lower body look like a stretchmark crime scene. I never noticed them when I was heavier, but now they are all that I see. And I've never had kids. I can't imagine what anyone else will think of them. On one aspect I view them as unsightly, but in another aspect I view them as victorious scars in this war against my former self. How I feel about them fluctuates with the day.
  • mdusha
    mdusha Posts: 4
    Must I pick only one thing...b/c a LOT about losing weight makes me very nervous.

    Twice in the past, I've lost nearly 100lbs, only to put it back on. Looking back, I've surmised that the sudden positive male attention did it to me. I have lived my life trying to be as physically inconspicuous as possible and when I lose weight, I seem to garner more attention. It scares the crap out of me!

    Also, to mirror what some others have said here, once the weight is gone...what do I blame for my failures? It's so easy to blame the weight. Once that's peeled back and gone, I will have only the stripped down me to take responsibility for things I want to do, should be ABLE to do...but somehow, don't get done. What an amazing growth process it will be.

    And yes, I too worry about saggy skin, looking older, and being physically unappealing naked. I'm single now and struggle to imagine dating and becoming intimate and having to explain why my body looks like a 90 year old when naked. UGH! I mean is that the conversation you have before or after the "condom" conversation? lol Jus' sayin'!

    I worry about not knowing how to be "thin."

    But the thing is...I can get over it! lol I will count it as growth and welcome each challenge with the assurance that through crisis comes growth and when we stop growing, we die. So bring it on!
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    That I will have saggy arms after the weight loss. I was big when I was a kid, then lost it all as a teen and hated my arms and still I thought I was fat at a size 7. Never dreamed I would get to a 24. Now I am on my way down again, and am 27 years OLDER and I am afraid I will look like the saggy baggy elephant.
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    Answering the question of "What did you do to lose weight?" (Most people don't like/believe the answer.)

    Also, buying new clothes in smaller sizes causes me anxiety. I hate shopping, I hate trying on clothes, and I really really hate people pointing out my new outfit. If everyone pretended nothing had changed, I'd be great with that.
  • NatashaShen
    NatashaShen Posts: 295 Member
    I'm nervous that I might have saggy skin. I've been so big for so long, I don't know what my body will do. I'm also nervous about gaining the weight back at some point. Also, I'm afraid that my mentality won't change, I will always feel fat and to me, I will always look fat.
  • treagal
    treagal Posts: 264 Member
    My fear also!
    Attention does get me I've lost a significant amount before and the attention was scary. It also made me angry that now people were much more friendlier and open to me. I was still the same person, but now some how I was worthy. I wasnt expecting it so it caused me to regain the weight. I hope I now know what to expect and can better put it into prespective. The oceans run shallow with human beings.
  • Blakelynn3
    Blakelynn3 Posts: 127 Member
    It's strange, but I'm nervous about the attention I'll get from family & friends. I'm shy & don't like to be the center of attention and the thought of people noticing my body changing and commenting on it (whether positively or negatively) makes me panic a little. Yea, I'm weird. haha!
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    Having to buy a crap load of clothes. I'll love it, but it's totally going to break the bank. I'm living low on 3 pairs of jeans (FML, I know) And already 2 of them are falling off my butt. College problems. I don't wanna spend money I don't have...I've already spent all my imaginary money on my education.
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    My original goal was to "look better fully dressed". I have lost 70 pounds and have achieved that. Beyond my wildest dreams I went from a dowdy size 16 to a "wear what I want to" size 4! I had never really been 135 as an adult. My skin was always kind of flabby anyway with lots of stretch marks, so sadly my skin does indeed sag now, but I'd still rather be at this healthy weight knowing I am adding years to my life than being fat again. Maybe exercise over time will help, but maybe I am just too old. My sagging arms will just have to bear witness to the awesome weight loss job I've done. They will not define me as a person. How many people only dream of losing the weight and reaching their personal goal?

    Also people do treat me differently being a size 4 instead of a size 16. It is probably due to the way I also felt about myself. I have much more self confidence just knowing that I am not fat anymore and people are not judging me solely on being fat anymore.

    I work at home and we have our own Auto Repair business, so mainly interact with men. Many are long time friends of husband so any remarks are positive. I don't have to deal with the catty women in a workplace. However I do remember losing weight before when I worked at the hospital and people would constantly be sizing me up. You lost weight. What do you eat? Why are you eating that? Like it or not I guess that is just human nature and you need to find a way to deal with it. There will always be those people who are jealous and want to see you fail. It makes them feel better somehow. After all, if losing weight was easy, everyone would be thin. I've heard from women who did lose their weight, too that now they are criticized for not eating! Just goes to show that some people will never be happy with YOUR body, YOUR weight loss, YOUR success. Because somehow it reflects on them and their weight issues.

    Just go out there and be the best you can be. This is YOUR life! Maintenance is no cake walk either. IT requires the same diligence as losing weight, however you will be more used to your limitations by then knowing what you should and should not do. And don't ever lose sight of the awesome accomplishment you have made or you WILL be one of the 90 - 95% that does gain it all back and more. It isn't magic. It just takes daily thought and follow through.

    This. Exactly this. I have loose skin already so I worry it will get worse. And I worry women will like me less or be less friendly. But I can't let it stop me!
  • drummer_lady
    drummer_lady Posts: 150 Member
    I'm nervous about the possibility of unwanted male attention again. I lost enough weight once before to be deemed "conventionally attractive" I suppose, and I couldn't believe how often I got hit on, checked out, or straight up harassed. It made me extremely uncomfortable, and I didn't really know how to deal with it at the time, and didn't really have the confidence to do so. That was when I was 18/19, in my first year of university, and still occasionally went to bars/parties/social situations full of young drunk people so I'm hoping now that I'm a bit older and don't really do that I won't be in those situations as often. Although I still ran into uncomfortable situations plenty in everyday life too...people yelling at me from their cars when I went for runs, male friends trying to get into my pants, etc.

    Other than that I'm a little worried about loose skin, but I'm hoping I'm still young enough for it to bounce back easily.
  • SuperMammaLeah
    SuperMammaLeah Posts: 93 Member
    I am afraid that despite my hard work, I will still be considered the fat one out of all my siblings. I am afraid that no one will notice, and that I won't feel a difference about myself in general. I also worry how my husband will feel and be.
  • Loose Skin.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    I'm nervous that I will not be able to stop losing weight. The weight has come off relatively easily and I'm so used to eating 1200 calories a day and am not really hungry for more than that. I know that I need to eat more than that in order to stop losing weight. I never stalled weight loss on a 1200 calorie diet as others have complained of on here. Just kept losing. Now I'm probably close to a weight that I should just maintain. Not sure I can stop losing though. I also obviously don't want to gain any back. Maintaining seems more difficult than dieting.