Looking for C25K Buddies



  • katescurios
    katescurios Posts: 224 Member
    Week 1, day 2 completed. Managed to do more of the running this time, only missed 1 run section which was better. Think I might repeat week 1 next week so I can have a stronger basis before moving up the programme. Will see how the 3rd day goes on Thursday.
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    ME!!!! I just bought a treadmill to do this because it's freezing cold here in the Chicagoland area.
    Please anyone who is doing this feel free to add me. I'd love to have/give the support!
  • FrustratedYoYoer
    FrustratedYoYoer Posts: 274 Member
    Week 1, day 2 completed. Managed to do more of the running this time, only missed 1 run section which was better. Think I might repeat week 1 next week so I can have a stronger basis before moving up the programme. Will see how the 3rd day goes on Thursday.

    Well done! I'm going to do my Day 3 on Thurs as well and looking forward to it :)
  • shellbellnz
    shellbellnz Posts: 115 Member
    Has anyone paid for the app? I just bought the upgraded version of Rundouble. Otherwise there is only a free 2 week trial. It looks like it won't let me progress so I have to start from day one again. Does that sound right? I have already done 3 or 4 runs but I am only on my first week so its no big deal.
  • ljc1057
    ljc1057 Posts: 357 Member
    I would love to join. I'm signed up for a 5K on March 2.
  • micheles234
    micheles234 Posts: 73 Member
    I completed c25k last June and ran 3 5k's last year. I thought they were so much fun! Took a few months off from running, as it got cold, but got a treadmill for christmas. I restarted in the middle of c25k. I will do week 5 day 1 on Thursday. This year I want to do some 5k obstacle runs. I'm signed up for 5k foam fest, and I'm probably going to sign up for SHAPE Diva Dash (women's run/obstacle). Anyone can add me!
  • JustAGirlyGeek
    JustAGirlyGeek Posts: 149 Member
    I really enjoyed the NHS C25K plan. http://www.nhs.uk/LiveWell/c25k/Pages/couch-to-5k.aspx

    You can download the podcasts from the site above or from iTunes. Have fun!!!
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member

    I just decided today that I wanted to set myself a challenge and get back into running sooner rather than later so decided to give the couch to 5k a go. I have literally just started today and did the first workout this morning. Thought it might be more fun with a bit of motivation from others who are planning to start or just starting out so we can cheer each other along.

    I have about 23 lbs to lose and at the moment my fitness is absolutely terrible at the moment but I could run for 30 mins not too long ago so I don't see why I can't do it again. I'm based in the UK so if anyone is just starting the C25K and wants some company too then add me :)

    Hello UK! I am restarting in a couple of days. I am listening to Chubby Jones podcasts off and on and depending on my mood I either do treadmill at the gym or outdoor walk/run C25K programs. I really enjoy this challenge and happy to send you a friend request too :glasses:
  • taschulz
    taschulz Posts: 43 Member
    Count me in! I am on week 5 of C25K, but it has taken me longer than 5 weeks to get here. It will be good to have others to help me stay motivated, and keep me on the right track. I am sort of beginning again with the new year, I haven't been good at logging everything. So this is just the support I need, thanks and let's get running!!! :smile:
  • spunkfish
    spunkfish Posts: 581 Member
    Feel free to ad me! :) I just finished W1 ..this will be my second time through C25K. After the first one I ran a Zombie 5k. :)
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,324 Member
    I am restarting C25K soon. I completed it a year and a half ago and a knee injury stopped my running for awhile. I will probably start with week 2. Best wishes.
  • msfaithful
    msfaithful Posts: 88 Member

    Great group of C25K participants and supporters!! :flowerforyou:
  • lexieflick
    lexieflick Posts: 30 Member
    Hey I used to absolutely hate running. I did the "get running" app the summer before last with my best friend and we both loved it. I am doing it again this year but I also need some running buddies to keep me motivated and accountable. Add me as a friend! I am a slow and sweaty runner but hey even walking is still lapping everyone on the couch right!?
  • slyfoxB
    slyfoxB Posts: 2 Member
    hi there ~ I will be starting the c25k program tomorrow....I would love to cheer you on...you can add me if you'd like.

  • lexieflick
    lexieflick Posts: 30 Member
    if you are a nerd like me and like listening to podcasts while running, I love to listen to "Two Gomers Run a Half Marathon" they are hilarious and good motivation, especially season 1 in the beginning when they run their first few miles.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    ill (hopefully) start c25k tonight. The first few weeks should be pretty easy i rekon.

    will see how i go.
  • AmyK2003
    AmyK2003 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm going to be starting the C25K ap in the next few weeks. My first 5K is going to be at the end of April. Looking forward to it.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    Has anyone paid for the app? I just bought the upgraded version of Rundouble. Otherwise there is only a free 2 week trial. It looks like it won't let me progress so I have to start from day one again. Does that sound right? I have already done 3 or 4 runs but I am only on my first week so its no big deal.

    you should be able to start at any point you want

    i just bought rundouble pro aswell. the only free one that had the whole program didnt have inbuilt gps, and there is no point in a c25k app if you cant track the distance you are running.

    ill be starting at week 1 day 2 cos i want to start week 2 on sunday.
  • FrustratedYoYoer
    FrustratedYoYoer Posts: 274 Member
    Wow, thanks for all the replies and comments guys :) I'll check out that support group too I'm sure x

    Oh, I've sent out friends requests as well.
  • paulasuscas01
    paulasuscas01 Posts: 73 Member
    It seems that I keep downloading and deleting the app, but this time I'm sticking to it. I did Week 1 Day 1 on New Year's Eve but I felt that it could have gone better. So later today (1.2.13) I plan on repeating day 1 instead of progressing to day 2. During the run sessions I seem to stop just a few seconds before the time is up. Good luck to you!