Tiger woods



  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    btw seiod..i love your ticker! lol
  • tlh8185
    tlh8185 Posts: 1
    If you place your self in the public eye, you place your self at a different spot in society. You are a role model for children. Would Tiger like his childrens heros to act the way he did and his kids find out about it? If you are a star you better have pretty good locks for your closet because everyone is looking for your skeletons. If you cant take the heat.......turn away the MILLIONS of dollars that come along with it and stay out of the spotlight.
    Sex addict? My chubby rear!! (thats why I am here lol!) Its easy pickins. They are called groupies and they want to go home and say.....look who I did such and such with. Tiger nor Jesse are addicts. They are selfish players and an embarassment to their families. Not just their wifes and kids. Their MOTHER who thought she did better than that.

    Tiger is just plain STUPID!! Using the same cell your wife calls you on?? Um DUH?? You got cash!! Get a second phone!

    Jesse?? All I have to say to that is what the hell was a beautiful woman like Sandra thinking when she picked up a sweaty pig at a biker bar. YUCK!!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Addicted to sex my butt!!! As far as I'm concerned there is absolutely NO excuse for cheating! NONE! PERIOD! To be quite blunt, if the man can't keep his penis in his pants where it belongs when he's away from his wife, then he shouldn't have gotten married in the first place! I don't care who he is.
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    Here is the problem. Our society has developed an attitude of sexual permissiveness. Additionally, our society has developed an attitude of acceptance for divorce. (And I am speaking as one who is on his second marriage)

    When it is snickered at for a person to wait until the sanctity of marriage to enter into sexual relationships, the intrinsic value of sex is depreciated. When sex is referred to as "talking to" a person and a commitment is referred to as "dating," the value of sex is depreciated. When sex is treated as a casual form of entertainment, the value of sex is depreciated. The end result, you get people saying things like "It was just sex, it didn't mean anything." And these people think it didn't, because it was meaningless for them. The problem is, sex always means something to someone!

    Add this to the concept of marriage being just a thing of convenience, and there is no societal pressure for people to make it work, or for that matter to behave in ethical ways. There is no shame in saying you are divorced. There is no stigma with leaving your wife and children (or husband and children). There is no effort to make things work. There is no sense of responsibility for living up to your promises and responsibilities.

    The whole philosophical movement of the post-modern world is based on deconstructing what was previously held to be true and important. So, when we deconstruct morals, we get a "what feels good to you" mentality. So, it felt good to Tiger Woods and Jesse James and all the other dogs in the world. They had no moral compunction to behave in an ethical manner, because the post-modern view of ethics is that there is no such thing as unethical or immoral.
  • ♥seoid♥
    ♥seoid♥ Posts: 476
    btw seiod..i love your ticker! lol

  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Addicted to sex my butt!!! As far as I'm concerned there is absolutely NO excuse for cheating! NONE! PERIOD! To be quite blunt, if the man can't keep his penis in his pants where it belongs when he's away from his wife, then he shouldn't have gotten married in the first place! I don't care who he is.

    Totally agree!
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    If you place your self in the public eye, you place your self at a different spot in society. You are a role model for children. Would Tiger like his childrens heros to act the way he did and his kids find out about it? If you are a star you better have pretty good locks for your closet because everyone is looking for your skeletons. If you cant take the heat.......turn away the MILLIONS of dollars that come along with it and stay out of the spotlight.
    Sex addict? My chubby rear!! (thats why I am here lol!) Its easy pickins. They are called groupies and they want to go home and say.....look who I did such and such with. Tiger nor Jesse are addicts. They are selfish players and an embarassment to their families. Not just their wifes and kids. Their MOTHER who thought she did better than that.

    Tiger is just plain STUPID!! Using the same cell your wife calls you on?? Um DUH?? You got cash!! Get a second phone!

    Jesse?? All I have to say to that is what the hell was a beautiful woman like Sandra thinking when she picked up a sweaty pig at a biker bar. YUCK!!

  • hollyroode
    I'm not sure if anyone else watched his press conference last Monday (I did, my husband is huge into golf and I knew the Masters would be on all weekend). I really do believe that Tiger is genuinely sorry for what he did. He has stated that with all the fame and everyone putting him up on such a high petistal(sp) that he felt like he was entitled to do the things that he was doing. He has never admitted to being a "sex addict" or going to sex addiction therapy. He is going the therapy and has said that it has helped him take a hard look at himself and the damage that he has caused others, but did not specify that it was for sex addiction. He has also said how he got away from core values and morals that his parents had taught him, and that he is sorry for hurting them (his father died a few years ago and he feels like his Dad would be ashamed of him, but also wished he was here to help guide him through it). He has also said that the hardest part of all of this is the scrutiny that he has put his family under, and that by attending therapy he missed his daughter's first birthday and he will never forgive himself. I don't think that was he has done is justifiable by any means, but he is human and is has admitted his mistakes and apologized for them. Maybe if we didn't have such high expectations from him then he would have never thought that he deserved to act like he did in the first place.
  • leavinglasvegas
    I think addiction has just become a medical term for lack of common sense, willpower, and morality. We all have one in some form or another. I think the medical community just comes up with new words when they can't come up with anything else.

    As far as Tiger goes, I could care less about him or any other celeb. I expect for them to have faults and they will always be magnified. No matter what they do, someone will have to make it bigger than it is. Example: Britney Spears trips while carrying her baby. Ummmm, call the child people cuz I dropped my kid more than a few times, lol! And I wasn't being chased by paparazzi when it happened. My point is, if we all had cameras following us 24/7, our mistakes would be picked up too. Imagine sneaking a pint of Ben and Jerry's into your grocery cart and seeing it plasered on the cover of every magazine with a photo of your *kitten* cellulite. Or a fight with a spouse, which is inevitable in any case, and what people make of it.

    I think we put far too many expectaions on celebs. I know they are public figures, but we are not required to follow or admire them. They are in a business that depends on our reactions. We tend to react more to their negative actions, so thats where they make money. It a business, ya know. Sad and immoral maybe, but money talks in this country. People want money and most don't care how they get it.

    I'm actually thankful to hear more about Tiger than I have been hearing about Kwamme. If you live in Michigan, you know what I mean, lol. Mainly I don't even bother with the TV. Its all garbage anyways. They form the stories around what we react too. We all say we'd rather hear good things, but our money says something else. If you had a choice to watch a documentary on saving Haiti every night at 7pm, or a celeb gossip show/trashy reality show, the later would have higher ratings. Sad but true.
  • hollyroode
    Whoever said would Tiger want his kids to see their heros act the way he did? Tiger is their father, and is now going to have to explain to them what he did when they get older....I think that is far worse
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Here is the problem. Our society has developed an attitude of sexual permissiveness. Additionally, our society has developed an attitude of acceptance for divorce. (And I am speaking as one who is on his second marriage)

    When it is snickered at for a person to wait until the sanctity of marriage to enter into sexual relationships, the intrinsic value of sex is depreciated. When sex is referred to as "talking to" a person and a commitment is referred to as "dating," the value of sex is depreciated. When sex is treated as a casual form of entertainment, the value of sex is depreciated. The end result, you get people saying things like "It was just sex, it didn't mean anything." The problem is, sex always means something!

    Add this to the concept of marriage being just a thing of convenience, and there is no society pressure for people to make it work, or for that matter to behave in ethical ways.

    The whole philosophical movement of the post-modern world is based on deconstructing what was previously held to be true and important. So, when we deconstruct morals, we get a "what feels good to you" mentality. So, it felt good to Tiger Woods and Jesse James and all the other dogs in the world. They had no moral compunction to behave in an ethical manner, because the post-modern view of ethics is that there is no such thing as unethical or immoral.
    Totally agree!!

    @hollyroode - thanks for your perspective on his apology; I didn't watch so couldn't really say one way or the other if I thought he was genuine. I also like the rest of what you posted; gotta love how the media puts words into people's mouths to make the news and gossip more sensational.
  • ssheldon318
    Yes he is a role model for many young men, and he definitely acted poorly and used bad judgement and I absolutely don't condone his behavior, but the issue here is with the media! They need to drop it let Tiger and Elin work it out or don't rather than continuing to bring it up. We the public, don't "deserve" to know anything about their situation and they don't "owe us" any explanation, I don't care how famous they are!
  • TheMotherAwesome
    TheMotherAwesome Posts: 174 Member
    Yes he is a role model for many young men, and he definitely acted poorly and used bad judgement and I absolutely don't condone his behavior, but the issue here is with the media! They need to drop it let Tiger and Elin work it out or don't rather than continuing to bring it up. We the public, don't "deserve" to know anything about their situation and they don't "owe us" any explanation, I don't care how famous they are!

    Thank you.
  • leavinglasvegas
    Yes he is a role model for many young men, and he definitely acted poorly and used bad judgement and I absolutely don't condone his behavior, but the issue here is with the media! They need to drop it let Tiger and Elin work it out or don't rather than continuing to bring it up. We the public, don't "deserve" to know anything about their situation and they don't "owe us" any explanation, I don't care how famous they are!

    I agree!
  • meganwojo
    meganwojo Posts: 221 Member
    All in all, throughout the gossip and media...Tiger Woods and Jesse James are not men. They are pathetic. To sit there woman after woman and use their bodies...which is exactly what they were doing...they weren't in love, they had nothing in their mind about these woman but as objects to satisfy their fantasies. AND every single woman KNOWS they were married men. These woman are homewreckers and LOVE it. Furthermore, why are these gorgeous smart woman STAYING with these "sex addicted people"... because they get "help"? I'm sorry ,but if I found out my husband's thing was in 14 different vagina's...I would never let him touch me again. These mistresses are porn stars and strippers for crying out loud...I'm sure they are all clean and I'm sure the cheating scums used protection 100% every time. YA RIGHT. Now Tiki Barber left his 8 MONTH PREGNANT wife for their 23 yr old Nanny. COME ON NOW! They have sites like Ashley Madison promoting people to have affairs. I am so tired of people thinking they can get away with cheating and if it doesn't work out they will just get divorced, oh well. It's so sad that Elin and Sandra ADORED their men, and they have been betrayed to the fullest. Tiger and Jesse could go to therapy the rest of their lives and still it won't take pain their wives will have for the rest of their long life. I love the cop out of sex addiction. Don't you think after, i dont know, the 6th woman, they would think...oh this is bad & i need help? Nope...they knew every aspect of what they were doing. Shame on this society. They made their bed, now lay in it. Or maybe they won't lay in it until another slutty bimbo is next to them...hmmmm.
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    There's a good deal of anger and righteous indignation in this post. I would like to suggest one thing though, if so many of us here at this website are here because of food addiction, then I see no reason not to think that there are people who suffer from sex addiction, so I don't think it's right to brush that off as "there's no sex addiction, just a-holes".

    The year I got married, I cancelled cable and stopped watching television, it's been 9 years now and if I happen across some of utter garbage that's mainstream now I can't believe it. Here's a challenge, give up tv for a year and see how trashy things get. Men and women are being raised on sex and direct fulfillment of all immediate desires, and it's no surprise that Tiger would fall victim to such conditioning, b/c for a guy like Tiger he can get whatever he wants and it's probably flaunted in front of him so often that it makes attempts at monogamy a living hell. From one side men are supposed to be perfectly loyal spouses to their wives and on the other side they should be buying into the semi-naked girls in bikinis selling you beer and cars on television. Either divorce your wife or divorce the media and the ideals of society.
  • TheMotherAwesome
    TheMotherAwesome Posts: 174 Member
    There's a good deal of anger and righteous indignation in this post. I would like to suggest one thing though, if so many of us here at this website are here because of food addiction, then I see no reason not to think that there are people who suffer from sex addiction, so I don't think it's right to brush that off as "there's no sex addiction, just a-holes".

    YAY YOU! This bit counts as pure win in my book.
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    I have a fundamental problem when the word "addiction" is placed behind any behavior in order to normalize it and marginalize the personal responsibility a person holds for their behavior. I have a compulsive component to my personality, so I completely understand the physical and psychological hold pleasure yielding behaviors exhert.

    Take an addiction that seems to represent addictions everywhere: alcoholism. And take the pre-eminent organization that deals with this addiction: AA. The first thing that everyone seems to know about AA is the way members introduce themselves: Hello my name is _____ and I am an alcoholic. That simple phrase takes responsibility for their addiction.

    When people stop playing victim, and making excuses, our society will get better.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I honestly do think he is truly sincere in his apology and is seeking help to recover from his addiction. I don't think its right to be disgusted at someone for their past?
    Not logical. Get a heart. Accept his sincerity and move on. Its public, its humiliating, its over and all he can do is look to the future and hope/pray he doesnt make the same mistakes again.

    I think he is sorry he got caught.....not that he did it. I think that anybody that cheats on a spouse is scummy and has no morals whatsoever. Can you tell that my ex was a cheater too?
  • Vallandingham
    Vallandingham Posts: 2,177
    Sex Addict?

    You're only considered a Sex Addict if you are a celebrity. When Tiger or Jesse or Charlie Sheen get caught, they go to Sex Rehab. When the guy down the block or some other non-celebrity gets caught, they are just *kitten* and go to conselling or divorce court.