Looking for Nike Fuel Band Friends



  • Add me sn is wmuwally
  • Feel free to add me. I will add you all later when I am off work. My screen name is bloodpanther
  • Everyone please add me. my s/n is franq_g
  • seaside3 is my name
  • Looking for friends as well. clarkcec is my sn.
  • managed to add most of you. i use nike+ running and fuelband. my s/n is katmcvicar
  • Just got my Nike Fuel Band. Valory43 feel free to add me
  • trishpsl
    trishpsl Posts: 30 Member
    How do you like the nike fuel band? Debating on whether to purchase one or not.
  • KristyCone
    KristyCone Posts: 10 Member
    LOVE it!! Looking for some competition too! ;)
  • KristyCone
    KristyCone Posts: 10 Member
    Feel free to add me- Kristy cone
  • sovenden
    sovenden Posts: 1 Member
    I've had mine for a month or so and love it. I'm "sovenden" if anyone wants to add me.

    While the calory counters etc may not be 100% accurate, it shows very clearly the difference between an active day and a not active day. Over the time I've had it I'm already starting to see some trends in the way I exercise.
  • Hi i am looking for some friends for motivation and encouragement - i want to complete my 1st half marathon in 3 months.

    Help me.... :-)

    NAME =

  • KristyCone
    KristyCone Posts: 10 Member
    After work, I cannot justify sitting on the couch until I have met my goal. My goal is pretty high... Going to make a better effort to reach it Monday-Saturday.
  • ChrisInMI
    ChrisInMI Posts: 1 Member
    Definitely need the motivation........please add me: chrisinmi
  • kangababy
    kangababy Posts: 187 Member
    After reading this I want one.. I thought it was a HRM.
  • Add me! My screen name is Wargasm1793, if you cant find me by that my name is Austin Paddock.
    Wear it everyday!
  • KristyCone
    KristyCone Posts: 10 Member
    It's not a heart rate monitor but it does track steps, calories, shows time and "nike fuel" (points based on activity for the day). I used the wear a fitbit but it would easily fall off of me I once ruined my first one because it got sweat in it. I really like that the fuel band is on my wrist. It's plain -looks like a black bracelet. I wear it as a watch and most people dont notice. The ones who have have asked me about it and it starts up a great conversation. Different tools work for different people. This little device works for me. It keeps me motivated everyday. I like that it syncs to my computer, phone and iPad. I also find it user friendly and enjoy seeing my activity graphed. I only take it off to shower. The first one I ordered wouldn't sync and I contacted Nike. They provided excellent customer service and I was up and running with a new one in no time. Honestly it's like a little personal trainer on my wrist pushing me... A constant reminder to keep moving!
  • lessoff
    lessoff Posts: 19
    i have a fuel band and would love friends on there, my name is lessoff ( i know i branched out with the screenname there). I cannot figure out where to add friends but ill keep looking.
    i used to have a fitbit but broke it by accident (well the charger actually).
  • I just added a bunch of you but if I missed ya add me. Look me up by name

    Candice Arseneau

    Might also be worth mentioning that because of the "Nike Fuel Points" I now have a jump rope in my locker and do jumping jacks in the stairwell :-P............ the points mean nothing to me really other than modivation to not be sedintary at my 10h a day office job!
  • No one I personally know owns the Nike+ Fuelband. I added most of you on this list. Feel free to add me. Nike+ screen name is: mav82erick.