Jillian Michaels Flush



  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    Couple of questions, maybe dumb ones but still :bigsmile:

    So basically this flushes out water weight, right? Wouldn't you just gain it all back soon anyway? Or does the weight stay off once you flush it out? If it IS just water weight that will come back, it doesn't seem like there's any point :/

    Also is there a reason it needs to be pure/distilled? Can't it be tap or bottled or water?
  • QueenGorgo
    QueenGorgo Posts: 75 Member
    I can't give you a scientific reason why distilled water would be better..so I would guess if you have good tap or drinking water go ahead and use that..maybe Jillian Michaels gets a kick back from the distilled water people :))...

    Yes you do gain/lose water weight daily..especially as a woman..but if you have the proper amount of hydration then your body doesn't hold on to excess fluids..it's like your body has an imaginary line drawn right? As long as your fluids stay above that line, the amount of water you retain will typically be less. If you watch your salt intake, and you don't have any horomonal reasons and you stay hydrated (drink 60 ounces or more of water a day- more if you're active or you live in a hot weather climate) then the amount of water you may or may not retain would be less..besides all of the other health benefits you would get.. I mean I'm just speaking from my own personal experience..I'm not even close to having any sort of medical background..I've just learned what works for me through trial and error..

    Hope that helps!!
  • Brianabomb
    Brianabomb Posts: 87 Member
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    I can't give you a scientific reason why distilled water would be better..so I would guess if you have good tap or drinking water go ahead and use that..maybe Jillian Michaels gets a kick back from the distilled water people :))...

    Yes you do gain/lose water weight daily..especially as a woman..but if you have the proper amount of hydration then your body doesn't hold on to excess fluids..it's like your body has an imaginary line drawn right? As long as your fluids stay above that line, the amount of water you retain will typically be less. If you watch your salt intake, and you don't have any horomonal reasons and you stay hydrated (drink 60 ounces or more of water a day- more if you're active or you live in a hot weather climate) then the amount of water you may or may not retain would be less..besides all of the other health benefits you would get.. I mean I'm just speaking from my own personal experience..I'm not even close to having any sort of medical background..I've just learned what works for me through trial and error..

    Hope that helps!!

    So basically the main point (other than to sell lots of distilled water :D ) is to keep you super hydrated so you don't retain?? Since you're drinking a lot of water you tech shouldn't retain too much??
  • QueenGorgo
    QueenGorgo Posts: 75 Member
    Hopefully..I mean so far it's worked for me. I haven't gained back any of the weight I lost on the flush and I've been keeping up with making sure I stay extra hydrated since it's summer..I'm going to do another flush just to see what happens. I like the way it tastes and it keeps me honest with drinking enough fluids everyday...let me know if it worked for you if you ended up tryin it!!
  • hi all! i was wondering, are we supposed to brew the tea or just simply put it into the water.
  • Kerikins76
    Kerikins76 Posts: 9 Member
    Couple of questions, maybe dumb ones but still :bigsmile:

    So basically this flushes out water weight, right? Wouldn't you just gain it all back soon anyway? Or does the weight stay off once you flush it out? If it IS just water weight that will come back, it doesn't seem like there's any point :/

    Also is there a reason it needs to be pure/distilled? Can't it be tap or bottled or water?

    To answer your question about "the point". I am doing this cleanse right now because I went on vacation last week and that included a vacation from watching my food intake. I ate whatever I wanted to and as much of it as I wanted to. So of course, I've gained some weight. :) But I know some of it is bound to be water weight from all the extra "stuff" I ate last week so I decided to give this cleanse a try.

    It is not a "magic bullet" or a diet fad or a radical anything...it is meant to be used as a jump-start to either get a person back on track after a brief break or to lose some water weight before an event like a wedding, etc. And as others have said, there is nothing about it that is harmful so let's all be nice to each other. :)

    I am on Day 3 and I'm down 3 pounds. I have not been doing anything different about my eating except I'm back to sticking to my MFP daily calorie limit.
  • runningk919
    runningk919 Posts: 13 Member
    i found the dandelion tea bags in the organic section of Kroger (i'm in the US) for $5 for 16 bags. Definitely cheaper than the $12, it's worth checking the organic section of a local grocery store.
  • How do you make this flush thing? x
  • Melolicious
    Melolicious Posts: 71 Member
    Superstore - in their natural foods aisle, I got a box of organic dandelion root tea for around $3
  • I believe a lot of you have some misconceptions about what this does.

    First of all, it helps you lose water weight. This is something that is very good to do to help jump start any diet or exercise routine and is even good to do if you've slacking from your diet in anyway. (Many people like to do it after coming back from a cruise because of all the food they ate).

    Second, even if you don't have a lot of water weight to lose, its still good to do it 2-3 times a year. Dandelion is an AMAZING detox herb and your liver will love you for it. More then just losing water it really helps to clean out anything toxic and nasty in your body, which isn't always something that you are aware of.

    Some other good info about dandelion:
    Good for your kidneys, rich in vitamins A, Bs, C, and D as well as full of iron potassium and zinc. Helps treat skin problems, heartburn and upset stomach. It can even be used to help stimulate milk production.

    So really, its amazing to use and hardly a waste of money even if you aren't "losing" any weight. After water weight is not something that stays off for long. Dandelion is already so good for your body that it shouldn't matter.

    And one last thing--YOU DO EAT DURING THIS TIME. It should be common knowledge by now that NOT eating is extremely unhealthy. You eat just as you would every day...and you don't have to exorcise either. (Although it is recommended for best results)
  • MariFitBody
    MariFitBody Posts: 287 Member
    Today I started a flush by Jillian Michaels and was wondering if anyone else has done this and if it worked?

    Jillian Michaels recipe for losing 5 pounds in 7 days...

    Get 60 ounces of distilled or pure water...
    Add a tablespoon of sugar free cranberry juice...
    Add 1 dandelion root tea bag and...
    Add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.

    This recipe works because it helps flush out excess water weight you have carrying around in your body and...

    You could lose more than 5 pounds in 7 days depending on how much excess water weight you're carrying around

    No food?
    That can't be good

    ^^^ Agreed
  • If I do this then stop will I gain the weight back?
  • LittleMissMarie87
    LittleMissMarie87 Posts: 47 Member
  • Treadmillmom1st
    Treadmillmom1st Posts: 579 Member
  • I started this cleanse on Sunday and so far I feel amazing. I am not really craving junk food and I seem to have more energy. I did double the amount to one gallon but am still eating my usual meals. So far I have dropped 1.4 lbs. Does anybody know how often you can do this cleanse?
  • Hi! I am really excited to start this tea. My goal this year is to prep for a marathon this August and firm up for my bestie's BIG DAY!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    The only flush one should do is the one after using the bathroom!:laugh:

    Realistically, if you want to drop just water weight, reduce some of you sodium intake, drink more water and sweat more.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Jilian Michaels is a sell out. Her products are just as bad as the crap Dr. Oz endorses.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    lol @ "excess water weight" that needs to be "flushed"
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