Men's views on women's bodies



  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    All I know is that before I married the first time, I was thin and cute and only somewhat popular in the dating game. Then, I got divorced in my 40s, and was still cute, but not thin at all...and, to my surprise, wildly popular.

    Be fit and be thin because it makes you feel good, not because of what random guys might think.

    If you're over 65-70, you actually do not want to be extremely thin. Illnesses at that age can progress pretty quickly to life threatening, and bones are getting thinner. Having a little extra weight at this point gives your body some fallback when you get sick so when you need that extra energy to heal, you consume your fat instead of your muscles and bones. A little extra weight means just that -- 10 to 15 pounds. Too much and it's a burden on your heart.
  • TMLPatrick
    TMLPatrick Posts: 558 Member
    I think you'll find that men are a lot more forgiving toward a woman's appearance in the real world than the vocal idiots on the internet. Certainly looking toward celebrities as being what men want is not the way to go. Either way, concentrate on looking how you feel comfortable...
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I want to shake you. After I will walk you to a gender studies class where you can maybe learn that there can be more to life than gaining a partner.

    You were in med school.

    Med school.

    You must be smart, ambitious, and determined, yet your main concern is being desirable to the opposite sex. You let the .01% of the basement dwelling, acne riddled, mountain-dew-bottle-peeing, cs-getting-owned-by-bots-playing losers who think they are entitled to have their very own weird science experiment woman (as no earthly woman has yet met their standards) make you insecure. Not to mention that you're pretty freaking privileged when it comes to looks. From your profile it looks like you're white, tall, blonde, and pretty. Try being appreciative that you've never been pulled over because of the way you look. Or that you don't have to prove you're a citizen when you do get pulled over.

    There is nothing wrong with being a little vain, or a little shallow, or wanting to be attractive. It should not be the sole motivator in your efforts. Someone else said try yoga. If that doesn't work try a sport where you can feel accomplished and bamf: barbell lifting, mountain biking, rock climbing, surfing. Maybe finding out you can actually do something other than be hot (guess med school didn't deliver this message) will help your self esteem. I certainly hope so.
  • peggysue218
    peggysue218 Posts: 126 Member
    I can almost tell you 99% sure, men don't like women who are insecure.
    Same with women whether to a male partner or a female friend. No one likes to be around insecure people. It doesn't matter how good looking and fit they are but if they have that attitude then no amount of charm will make them desirable. Insecurity is totally unattractive to anyone.

    So is arrogance. I'm going to assume your comments are well-intended even if the delivery was a bit abrasive. For the record (again), I'm not openly insecure around men nor women; in fact, most men and women tend to like me. People are good pretenders when necessary.
  • peggysue218
    peggysue218 Posts: 126 Member
    I want to shake you. After I will walk you to a gender studies class where you can maybe learn that there can be more to life than gaining a partner.

    You were in med school.

    Med school.

    You must be smart, ambitious, and determined, yet your main concern is being desirable to the opposite sex. You let the .01% of the basement dwelling, acne riddled, mountain-dew-bottle-peeing, cs-getting-owned-by-bots-playing losers who think they are entitled to have their very own weird science experiment woman (as no earthly woman has yet met their standards) make you insecure. Not to mention that you're pretty freaking privileged when it comes to looks. From your profile it looks like you're white, tall, blonde, and pretty. Try being appreciative that you've never been pulled over because of the way you look. Or that you don't have to prove you're a citizen when you do get pulled over.

    There is nothing wrong with being a little vain, or a little shallow, or wanting to be attractive. It should not be the sole motivator in your efforts. Someone else said try yoga. If that doesn't work try a sport where you can feel accomplished and bamf: barbell lifting, mountain biking, rock climbing, surfing. Maybe finding out you can actually do something other than be hot (guess med school didn't deliver this message) will help your self esteem. I certainly hope so.

    Hey, thanks. :) This helps.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Well, I'm 42 and I finally got back to a healthy weight. If all the men on earth think I'm now too old, I still want to be fit because it feels good. :-)

    Amen Sista!