Not giving up, not a plateau, just fed up with it all :(



  • vnakkar
    vnakkar Posts: 30
    How much booze did you have?

    I'm finding alcohol throws my weight all over the place, even if I keep within my calorie goals. I ate extra over the holidays, sure.... but not 6lbs in two weeks more.

    Stick with it, it will even out.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Someone throw me a life line...I know you are all full of words of wisdom even a gif would help :heart:

    Save me from myself :sad:

    Do you know how when people say when you crash diet you put it all back on because it's been too extreme? Well it's the same when you've over eaten for a few days, you will lose it quickly enough when you start eating your normal amounts again.
  • Reesecup312
    Reesecup312 Posts: 277 Member
    Wow!! I have lost 99 in 10 months!! I gained 4 pounds over the holiday but I lost it all in a matter of a couple of days. It was water mostly. Yours should come off quickly too!! Do yourself a favor and don't go off the wagon for that long or at least try to log as best as you can so you can see where you are over. The holidays are tough and it's a new year!! Make a new plan and get started!! You can do it!!
  • BluenoserChick
    BluenoserChick Posts: 106 Member
    Not enough water + carbs + less exercise. Not hard to see you're retaining fluids. Give it a week even -- you know in your head that you haven't eaten enough to put that on.

    You've come SO far. Maybe you're just tired and need a new routine / plan to shake things up.

    Good luck to you!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I'm with everyone else...most of that, if not all of it is probably water weight. I know personally that a lot of the stuff I was eating over the holidays was loaded with sodium, far more than I would normally get. We went out to eat several times, which is a rarity and when I logged my meals I was shocked at how much sodium I was taking in, not to mention all of the carb bloating.

    I'm back to business as usual today regardless and it feels great to just be back to my routine regardless of what the scale says.
  • teacherspet1
    teacherspet1 Posts: 142 Member
    HEY CHIN UP MATE.......
    Remember its only a temporary weight gain.........that is easier to shift than something thats been hanging around for years......You are only human and we have to learn to cope with did it before and you can do it again!!....
    I have every faith in you dont be down in the determined to show whos the boss !!!
    I wish you a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR and lots of good luck ....
  • queencat3
    I understand your frustration. I often feel as if I am taking one step forward and three steps back. The thing I tell myself is that time keeps on moving forward so I might as well be doing something positive as opposed to nothing at all. Best of luck to you!
  • rose_turtle
    rose_turtle Posts: 20 Member
    I agree with the water weigh comments. I've read that the scale can fluctuate as much as five pounds in a given day. For me personally, I can have a perfect day, eat one slice of pizza (staying under my total calories for the day) and still show a 2 pound gain the next few days. If it is bothering you that much, try getting a massage or hitting a sauna to get your system back on track. Good luck to you!
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Thank you all for your support...and I really mean that from the bottom of my heart...I know sometimes on MFP things can get heated but when push comes to shove you are all a great bunch of people.

    I am going to work harder tomorrow and get my head in the right place and just ...well. get back on the horse..

    I hope it is water weight, guess I need to drink more to keep it all moving?

    Thanks all for your support :flowerforyou:
  • cortezpj
    cortezpj Posts: 129 Member
    Thanks for sharing. I know you're not the only one who is (or has been) in this situation. I agree with others about possible causes for the setback.

    Chalk this up to a learning experience and focus on looking forwards, not back. You worked hard to lose forty plus pounds and a mere five pounds isn't worth throwing in the towel over.

    You CAN do it. It's in you. You know it is.
  • Yani51
    Yani51 Posts: 48 Member
    DON'T QUIT AND DON'T CHANGE whatever has worked for you during the last 15 months.
    I'm certain that that 5 lb of holiday weight will drop off faster than it took you to drop any of the previous 5lb's during your 15 month program. I don't know why (maybe it's water + salt) but short term weight spikes seem different to the weight we put on over years.
  • florymonde
    florymonde Posts: 261 Member
    I also gained 5 pounds over the holidays. But yesterday I started scaling it back to where I should be. I still went over on calories, but not so much. And the scale was already down a pound this morning. Maybe you did put on some fat, but I'm sure some of it's water weight and will come off quickly when you get back into your groove.
  • 69ssrs
    69ssrs Posts: 4
    Just decide if you want to keep down the weight or go out of control. Just wait a week and start weighing yourself again. We all gained weight over the holiday but WTH ? I am an over eater and I admit it. When I do this I set the goal down to maintain my weight instead of trying to lose it. It's a manageable disease in my humble opinion .The fact is it isn't dope dope and I can get all I want .That extra cookie or the added cheese on my baked tater is legal but deadly. I know it sucks but the alt is being fat and I refuse to go back and be fatter than I am. I just changed my goal to drop 1 lb a week but will be happy to stay where I am at. I have gone from 268 down to 235 in 12 months.But I have just been on since Sept 26th 2012
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    I know I picked up about 7 lbs in the last 10 days which is slightly ironic considering I havent gone over my cal intake. I know or suspect its solid water weight. For some reason when I get super busy I dont drink the water I normally do (12 or more cups a day). I can feel it in my hands today, even slightly in my legs and feet. GAWD I HATE IT.

    Back too basics.......less food, small portions, tons of water, lots of action. I CAN DO THIS..............and with the help of my doods and doodettes here at MFP........I'll succeed right along with the rest of ya.

    Even if its water weight it still sucks

  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I really doubt that it's fat over the course of a single week or even month. I always put on about 5 pounds of bloat when I eat a lot of carbs (sugar, potatos, pasta, etc.). It takes me a good month or two to recover and lose it again, but trust me, it's not 5 pounds of fat.

    Take a deep breath and go on with life. Eat better and trust that the 5 pounds will disappear just like the 42 before it!

    Good luck!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Sometimes the numbers just don't add up, do they? I've been down on my weight, sick all day, couldn't keep anything down, but up 3 pounds the next morning. Unbelievable! Do the best you can - take care of you - and don't give the scales more power than it deserves.
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    HI! I feel your pain. I've gained about 10 pounds this past year alone... though I can say about half of those have been just this past few months. It's hard to see that on the scale, but just remember, it's only 5 pounds and it's most likely not body fat! You can certainly lose it, as you've lost so much already! Don't give up. It's a minor set back, and I'm POSITIVE that you will get back to where you want to be. :)
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    It`s deffo not TOM.

    I have been peeing more than normal over the last few days but the scales haven`t gone down...I could curse here but I won`t :wink:

    I haven`t exercised as much as normal, and I am trying to get the drinking water back up again.

    I have eaten a shed loads of carbs I suppose, when I usually eat high protein?

    But it is just soul destroying to think I am behind a couple of months I could cry I really could :sad:

    Hey- take what you learned about this and yourself and learn from it! I can't go on a mass carb intake- my body flips and I gain fast too! Yes even a week will undo months of hard work, depending on your body.
    Have a good cry- its ok, this is frustrating - then take what you have and learn. Instead of a new years resolution, make an end of year resolution- of goals to set for yourself. Think about every meal- plan the workout to counteract the calories- think about each time you indulge- it does add up- fast. All we can do about the future is work to change bad habits- can't change what is done
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    I stuffed my face for the best part of two weeks.

    I was up 6lbs when I weighed in yesterday!

    Nothing I can do now only drink lots of water and green tea, eat my fruit and veggies, and work out every day.

    There is NO POINT in feeling anxious about it...that will make it all the more difficult to get back on track. Just pretend it didn't happen...pretend you are the same as you were before the holidays (which you pretty much are...a few pounds doesn't change how we look to others at all!) and act as if you are just continuing on as normal.

    There are millions of people out there in the same boat xxx
  • kimanne4
    kimanne4 Posts: 52 Member
    I gained six pounds last week eating everything I wanted. I started logging again on Friday and the damage is down to 1.8. If you lost it once you can lose it again!