So tired, sad, defeated..lost..



  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    It doesn't matter what you chalk it up to... get on the scale and get back to whatever you were doing when you were feeling good.

    You're not alone in getting off track. Half the people on my friends list suffered a scale shock this morning. We're all cheerfully getting back to business after enjoying a month of debauchery. It's not the end of the world. You'll feel better when you start doing better. I felt like crap this morning, but after saying "no" a thousand times to my inner compulsive eater today, I feel pretty good.
  • LisaPhi72
    LisaPhi72 Posts: 9 Member
    Look how far you have come! Just go one day at a time or even one meal at a time. Do something really nice just for you. What makes you feel great? A nap, a workout, doing your nails, a candlelit bubble bath, playing your favourite song loud while lying in the dark, whatever recharges your batteries. Sorry for the cliches. Just know you aren't alone.
  • Brenda4105
    Brenda4105 Posts: 117 Member
    The nice thing about dieting is you get a fresh start every day. So you get a chance to start over every day. Take pride in the days you accomplish what you set out to do. :happy: Don't sweat the days you don't quite make it :grumble: , you get to start all over tomorrow. :bigsmile:

    Now get back up on that horse and go for it.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    ...I feel as though I should chalk it up to "The Holiday's". Is that fair?...

    Just do that and get back on track. Even if you "take a break" now and then, if the overall trend is on the right direction, you'll be fine. So get that trend moving back in the right direction - starting now! :flowerforyou:
  • llewdon
    llewdon Posts: 4 Member
    Look what you did - you took a step! You posted on this board! Good for you! One step at a time... baby steps. Don't get overwhelmed - it happens to all of us... I could tell you stories! If it is too hard to face exercise, take a 20 minute walk outside -- then take a longer walk the next time... don't think about it as being "exercise" -- think about it as getting out of your house and you are actually doing something positive for yourself...

    If you like some food you think is "verboten" -- take two small bites - each one, slowly tasting, then throw the rest in the garbage disposal or someplace where you can't get it back. Keep a log of this -- give yourself a gold star every day! You can get back and you are NOT defeated or lost... I have been there and I have picked myself up and dusted myself off dozens of times... It is just how life is sometimes for many of us who are not skinny minnies... We can't help genetics, and we just have to work with what we have...

    Step on the scale. Look at the number. Say, "Right, now I move on." Do not focus on it, focus on taking the baby steps to make that number go down... bit by bit...

    Skip the pitty party -- look at what you have to be happy about and even if it is only a few things, you can add to that list if you try...

    Today you took a step out of the tired, sad, defeated, and lost -- you can do a little bit more tomorrow and you will have increased your motivation...

    You can certainly do this!
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    So it has been over a month since I have...

    A. Blogged

    B. Logged honestly

    C. Exercised regularily

    D. Weighed in

    ...and I feel like ****! I feel lost from when I began. I honestly feel as though I have given up in my heart. I have indulged and over-indulged. I know I have gained. I am sad with where I am mentally at. I do NOT want what once was. Do I feel as though I should chalk it up to "The Holiday's". Is that fair? I know I should move forward. I know. And one of the funny things is that before Christmas, what I wanted, or asked for, was items that I could work out at home with...and I got them. I am mentally tired. I am physically put out with myself. I want the vigor that I felt when I started. How in the world do I get that back?

    Go back to how you felt when you first joined MFP, when you were hopeful this was your answer. Do you really wanna let that girl down?

    I'm a recovered alcoholic and over the years I've kind of "personified" addiction. Addiction wants to kill alcoholics and addicts and will lie to us and take everything from us till there's nothing else to take but our souls and then our lives. Every day I ask God to keep me sober is a day the addiction doesn't win. It's been a long time since I even had a drinking craving, like years! But that disease is doing pushups over my left shoulder just waiting for me to forget who I am. I guess what I"m trying to say is think of obesity the same way. It's lying to you and its winning. Don't let it!

    I remember feeling hopeless and even resigning myself that I was gonna be "fat forever" (that's what I would tell myself), until the pain got great enough to inspire BIG change in my life.

    Don't quit before the miracle happens. I lost my weight by working out at home and many moons later I still work out at home. YOU CAN DO THIS! Friend me if you want more support! :)
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    You get it back by not waiting for it come back.

    Motivation is temporary. It comes and goes. As a friend of mine says, patience and endurance wins the rest. This isn't starting over. This isn't a relapse. This is just you getting up today and making better choices. Just like that. No shame. No beating yourself. . Motivation will return.

    This. There is no magical day that motivation falls out of the sky. Decide right here and now what you are going to do starting in the morning. Decide that you are going to log. Decide that you are going to break in your new exercise equipment. Set your alarm. And do it.

    I just took 3 weeks from logging. And from working out. And from eating at a deficit. Today was the day I decided to get back on the horse. When my alarm went off at 5:30 I wasn't motivated. Not at all. But I was committed. And I got up, worked out, logged my food, and ate a deficit. The last 3 weeks don't matter. Only today. Then tomorrow. Always today and tomorrow. Never yesterday. Yesterday doesn't exist.

    Motivation is nice, but commitment is better. OP, can you make this commitment?
  • Sarahsmiles0875
    Sarahsmiles0875 Posts: 95 Member
    My "glass half empty" moment sucks. Typically I am a very jovial kinda gal, but embarrassment has bested me in this moment...and I do thank you all for your words of encouragement and offers of support, it is whole heartily appreciated. Sometimes I just need to shed the crap in my head because it seems like it weighs more than I do..thank you for letting me unload..ready to saddle up..well part of me is:)
  • skyttles
    skyttles Posts: 33 Member
    You get it back by not waiting for it come back.

    Motivation is temporary. It comes and goes. As a friend of mine says, patience and endurance wins the rest. This isn't starting over. This isn't a relapse. This is just you getting up today and making better choices. Just like that. No shame. No beating yourself. . Motivation will return.

    I love this, its so true.... I would add, one of my favorite quotes that i go to for motivation is “The only workout you'll ever regret is the one you didn't do.” ... it really helps me. Good luck to you!