Any Chunky Runners Out There?



  • I'm a little chunky and training for my first marathon! Last weekend's long run was 12 and it's 13 on Saturday. Motivation for my weekend runs is easy because I get to sleep until 7am and then relax and eat breakfast before I go. Mid-week runs are super tough because I can't go in the morning. I'm a high school teacher so I'm at work by 6:30am. Running after a full day at school is SO HARD, but I ALWAYS feel better after a run, which is why I do it.

    I'm doing the Shamrock Marathon in Virginia Beach VA in March. The month before, I'm doing the Disney Princess Half and I'm super excited about that one!
  • Mindochka
    Mindochka Posts: 61 Member
    Hello to All! Another one here! I started really running in October 2012 and I have my first half marathon in May 2013. (best 5k time is 43 minutes so I have/had a LONG way to go! ) I am always up for chatting about running/eating/fitness etc. Feel free to add me but please add a note so I know who you are :)
  • DeeDel32
    DeeDel32 Posts: 542 Member
    Chunky AND slow, but, I got heart! Love the simplicity and challenge of running.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    While I'm not particular "chunky" anymore (although I still want to lose the last 10-15 pounds) I am definitely a back-of-the pack plodder...I'm slow but steady. I still love running and would love to make some new MFP runner friends! Feel free to add me!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Chunky runner here, used to be even chunkier. I walk some, too.
  • thekyleo
    thekyleo Posts: 632 Member
    not so chunky runner anymore. Working on a 10k in may
  • JuniperT
    JuniperT Posts: 394 Member
    Chunky runner here and I will add you :smile: I had started the C25K last year and it almost killed me, I think the hardest part was learning how to breathe properly, and then I got preganant so I had to start but I am going to start again. This new year is bringing on a new me!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    If I could run I would definitely qualify for a chunky runner. But I have no lungs. I tried the C25k for like 2 days and wanted to die. Wow that's sad. I wish I could catch the running bug that seems to be going around to all my friends and family.
    I had a hard time at first too, until I read that if you can slow down at all, you're going too fast! You can also start walking first, then walk longer, then pick up speed before you try jogging again. I'm an old lady, grandma of 4, and if I could do it after not running since high school, you can too! I'm now on the 5k to 10k bridge, after thinking I'd NEVER run. Add me as a friend if you'd like and I'll try to help you. Good luck!
  • lilmzritz
    lilmzritz Posts: 176
    Chunky runner here! :) I'm on week 8 of C25K and just like majority of you, I almost passed out after doing 30 seconds of jogging but now, I can go and run for 30+ mins without stopping and I love it! I'm running my first 5K on Jan. 19

    I'm so adding you right now :happy:
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    I'm definately a chunky runner! :) I love/hate it with a passion! LOL Waiting for our temps to get a TAD warmer before getting back out there (current windchills are in the single digits...).
  • tmfrater77
    tmfrater77 Posts: 26 Member
    Hey that's me!!! I'm usually the chunkiest wogger (walker / jogger) in my running group. :happy:
  • em435
    em435 Posts: 210 Member
    Chunky runner here!

    Only in week 5 or so of C25K but hoping to up the ante this year!
    Anyone feel free to add me!
  • kaa02c
    kaa02c Posts: 103 Member
    Head down, raises hand! And at 250 lbs, but I refuse to stop. I will complete a 5K this year!
  • FUNNY..... thats how i feel!!
  • This would be me!! I am a slow runner but I have caught the bug. Farthest I have ever run is 8 km, my usual is between 6-7. Add me! :)
  • I don't consider myself chunky, but have to lose 10 lbs to my goal weight. I just completed my first marathon, and really love running. I also gained weight while training! WTF?? Anyway, please add me in, I love to talk about running (and weight loss) :)
  • Suz_w8loss
    Suz_w8loss Posts: 197 Member
    hoping to be an "ex-chunky" runner. Love running, started last year & ran 11 races including a half marathon & plan to run like crazy in 2013 :)

    Feel free to add me, any additional motivated runners are always welcome :drinker:
  • evilmj31
    evilmj31 Posts: 55 Member
    Yup I am a chunky I ran my first 5K I guess two years ago. This year I have been down with an injury to my hip but I am finally able to run again. I started back on the track on Monday and boy are my legs now sore....but I missed it, glad to be back :)

    Chunky Runner unite.!!
  • jaxCarrie
    jaxCarrie Posts: 214 Member
    Chunky runner here (but less chunky than a year ago!). 10-11 minute/mile pace and completed my first full marathon in late 2012....(at an almost 12min/mile pace.) Continuing to run in 2013 and newly discovered the joy of mudruns!!!! LOVE them. Feel free to add me...I'm fairly consisent about food logging (although I usually take 1 day off/week of food logging) and very consistent on exercising/running logging.
  • dagucrew
    dagucrew Posts: 20 Member
    Currently doing the C25K and LOVE it. On off days (even tho it's not reccomended) I just "go with it" on the treadmill. I find myself intending to walk for 30 min, then end up cranking up both speed and incline because it "feels right". So, yes, I am a chunky runner-and quite a site on the treadmill, I'm sure!