*waving* hello introducing myself hoping to gain support

Hello my name is Christian, new to this whole diet & excercise regime. Hoping to gain some support from friendly ppl. It's hard for me to stick to losing weight... I can be honest giving into temptations is much to easy. But with support I'm sure I'd be able to do this... What helped everyone decide it was time for a change? And how did you stick to it? Don't be afraid to send me a request I need all the friends and support I can get to stick to this for good... Thank you!


  • Kimberly3013
    Kimberly3013 Posts: 78 Member
    Hello, I am new here also. The reason I decided to join here is due to the fact that I am just tired of being over weight. I actually missed a funeral today of a family friend because I knew a few people that would be there from high school. I didnt want them to see me. I wanted to go and up until this morning had planned on it. When I went to get in the shower I was standing in front of the mirror and decided not to go. I know today was not about me, and I guess in a way I didn't want it to turn out to be about me and my weight gain.

    Just like you I am here for support, I will support you all the way. Good luck, you can do it.
  • Thanks chica I know how you feel. I look in the mirror everyday and think the same. But the love and support of my boyfriend ( my only support so far) has been utterly amazing. He doesn't want me to lose weight he loves me regardless but I told him it was my choice and he understands... Anywho I support you too... We can do this!!!
  • Justkritter
    Justkritter Posts: 143 Member
    Thanks chica I know how you feel. I look in the mirror everyday and think the same. But the love and support of my boyfriend ( my only support so far) has been utterly amazing. He doesn't want me to lose weight he loves me regardless but I told him it was my choice and he understands... Anywho I support you too... We can do this!!!

    I guess one of the most important support you can get is from someone close to you like your boyfriend. Surely you will be able to achieve your goals. Welcome. :)
  • Thank you for the open arms!!!
  • Hello, I am new here also. The reason I decided to join here is due to the fact that I am just tired of being over weight. I actually missed a funeral today of a family friend because I knew a few people that would be there from high school. I didnt want them to see me. I wanted to go and up until this morning had planned on it. When I went to get in the shower I was standing in front of the mirror and decided not to go. I know today was not about me, and I guess in a way I didn't want it to turn out to be about me and my weight gain.

    Just like you I am here for support, I will support you all the way. Good luck, you can do it.
    I can totally relate to that. My husband missed the memo for his high school reunion but I was so overjoyed because I couldn't bear the embarrassment of those people seeing me since I had met quiet a few of them back when we were dating in high school.
  • Hello my name is Christian, new to this whole diet & exercise regime. Hoping to gain some support from friendly ppl. It's hard for me to stick to losing weight... I can be honest giving into temptations is much to easy. But with support I'm sure I'd be able to do this... What helped everyone decide it was time for a change? And how did you stick to it? Don't be afraid to send me a request I need all the friends and support I can get to stick to this for good... Thank you!
    Ive heard that it takes(help me out here guys) roughly 20 something days to make a habit & stick to it. That is what I am going to do, make a habit of not beating myself up for my "mess ups" I may have day to day. I give into temptation a lot, I'm a sweets kinda girl...so I really have to watch that area.
  • Hello my name is Christian, new to this whole diet & exercise regime. Hoping to gain some support from friendly ppl. It's hard for me to stick to losing weight... I can be honest giving into temptations is much to easy. But with support I'm sure I'd be able to do this... What helped everyone decide it was time for a change? And how did you stick to it? Don't be afraid to send me a request I need all the friends and support I can get to stick to this for good... Thank you!
    Ive heard that it takes(help me out here guys) roughly 20 something days to make a habit & stick to it. That is what I am going to do, make a habit of not beating myself up for my "mess ups" I may have day to day. I give into temptation a lot, I'm a sweets kinda girl...so I really have to watch that area.

    Me too Oreos (double stuffed) are my weakness! Smh
  • Dakryn
    Dakryn Posts: 155 Member
    Hi, My name is Melinda and I am sort of new...This is a great site...I guess the point when I needed to seriously look in the mirror is when my significant other kinda lost interest in me...he still loves me, but when I dont feel good about myself how can i expect him to feel good about me...its a vicious circle...so time to change for me, which the attitude change that I have experienced just in the last couple of weeks has improved my relationship with him and with my kids....
    Good luck
  • Hi, Im Cheryl. I'm new here as well. However, I'm not new to weight loss. Losing weight for me is difficult but keeping it off is down right hard. What made me make up my mind about finally geting it off and keeping it off is that everytime I actually attempt weight loss it gets harder and harder. so because this may be my last chance before age and a ruined metabolism keeps me from droppin weight at all, i'm gonna stick with it now. Plus carrying around an extra 150 lb sucks on the knees, back and heart. I'd love to get to know more people here and will def add you as a friend. Good luck on your journey, keep trying and I know we'll make it to goal!
  • holliesmith9484
    holliesmith9484 Posts: 20 Member
    I am kinda new here. I lost 70 lbs before, and I have 30 to go. Doesn't seem like a lot, but it's tough. I have fun finding new recipes that are healthy to make and try, that helps keep me motivated.

    Pasta is my biggest weakness!! I could eat it every night! :)
  • marie5282
    marie5282 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi Christian!
    I'm new on here as well, and so far think that it's pretty easy and exciting! Though, that could also be the whole "jumping off a cliff" excitement still coursing through my veins. lol Just stick with it, and you'll do great! Try out new foods to keep things interesting and new workouts to help out as well.
    Good luck! :-)
  • I am kinda new here. I lost 70 lbs before, and I have 30 to go. Doesn't seem like a lot, but it's tough. I have fun finding new recipes that are healthy to make and try, that helps keep me motivated.

    Pasta is my biggest weakness!! I could eat it every night! :)

    Alfredo pasta is my other weakness so I understand try using veggie pasta.noodles.I like them more than I like the whole wheat pasta noodles. Good luck :-)
  • Hi my name is Dee! I am finally joining myfitnesspal after hearing so many great things about it. My intentions are to meet others who are DEAD serious about taking care of their body so that I will be encouraged to do the same, in addition to encouraging others through the "struggle" ;) !!! My fitness goals are to lose 25 lbs, to build muscle, to maintain it, and to make clean eating a habit!!

    I am 167 lbs at the moment and I am not happy with the way it is proportioned! :(
    So cheers for a new body........wish me luck! And good luck to you all!

    White Rice is my absolute weakness!!!!!
  • Hello you beautiful people!! I started here on the 1st!! So far, I'm loving it. The site turned out to be more than I expected, but the people are so awesome! There is support everywhere (or so that's what I'm seeing anyway). I did ww's online and went to meetings and this is a lot like that. I look forward to this journey and the people I'll meet along the way. Anyone feel free to add me. I am holding myself accountable to being here every day, logging everything I eat, logging all my excercise and helping with support and finding support. Let's do this!! WE ARE DOING THIS!!!!! <3
  • Hi, Im Cheryl. I'm new here as well. However, I'm not new to weight loss. Losing weight for me is difficult but keeping it off is down right hard. What made me make up my mind about finally geting it off and keeping it off is that everytime I actually attempt weight loss it gets harder and harder. so because this may be my last chance before age and a ruined metabolism keeps me from droppin weight at all, i'm gonna stick with it now. Plus carrying around an extra 150 lb sucks on the knees, back and heart. I'd love to get to know more people here and will def add you as a friend. Good luck on your journey, keep trying and I know we'll make it to goal!

    My knees ankles and feet are feeling the worst because of my weight my doctor even informed me that I was too over weight for my height. And the work that I do doesn't make it any easier on me. Good luck to you as well I'm sure with all this support on mfp we both will meet our goals. :-)
  • I am new here too. And could use all the support I can get. I also got my sister to join too. So we are all on this journey together. Let's make 2013 the best year ever!
  • farmerswife1
    farmerswife1 Posts: 1 Member
    .I too did ww and actually gained weight there:noway: :noway: so i am going for a different approach.
  • curt40
    curt40 Posts: 137 Member
    Please feel free to add me. I'm very motivated, so this will be fun, I'm very funny!
  • phyllisbobbitt
    phyllisbobbitt Posts: 347 Member
    :flowerforyou: sending you a friend request
  • Mizpah4680
    Mizpah4680 Posts: 3 Member
    Welcome! Please feel free to add me to your friends....We'll get smaller and healthier together!