Getting fit with Dance Central or video games anyone??



  • My main form of cardio is from Dance Central 2. I do 1 - 2 playlists that consist of 20 songs each. I wish we could add more. The general calories burned tracking I believe is for someone around 150lbs, so you should use something else to get an accurate calorie burn. I can't imagine doing regular gym machines any more now that the Kinect exists! I know you all have had times where you were on that treadmill and wanted to bust a move to a song on your mp3 player but were afraid you might fall off. Now you can do it for as long as you want. Ask anyone and they can tell you that dancing is one of the top ways to burn maximum calories.

    I cannot WAIT for Dance Central 3 and Zumba Fitness Core. Comes out October 16, 2012.


    I started my weight loss and lifestyle change on June 2, 2012. DC 2 is what I chose for cardio. I do not regret it, I love it.
  • haku23
    haku23 Posts: 18 Member
    I love doing Dance Dance Revolution as a break from my normal routine(or addition to it). Once you get up to difficult and expert levels you're almost constantly moving and it's so fun it doesn't feel like exercise to me. I'd love to get Dance Central or Just Dance as well but tall girl in a short basement with arm movements is probably not a good idea. :'D
  • sairbear8
    sairbear8 Posts: 19 Member
    Wii Fit Plus/Wii Sport are really great if you're just starting or have medical hindrances. I've got degenerative cartilage in my knees and get migraines like a mofo, so I appreciate the aerobics, yoga, boxing and step. (Does anyone else find the little animated wii-board to be rather sassy if you miss a day? lol) I really want to try some of the dance games, especially after reading so many good words about them on here.

    Xbox Kinect is on my christmas list. Seem like a lot of fun, which is great when you ache and need the motivation. :D
  • How would you find out how many calories you lost playing Dance Central?

    New to the calorie counting?
  • I received Jillian Michael's workout for the Wii. Has anyone done that before? I'm only starting out with this because DH and I don't really have the funds right now for a gym membership and we were given the Wii and Wii fit as a gift so I thought I'd try what that does for me. Also - has anyone found any zumba or yoga videos online that are free? I have no idea if they are out there but if so - I'd love to use them to add to my workouts.

  • carlosdon
    carlosdon Posts: 125
    it estimates it for you on 2 and 3, on the original your talking guess work as I remember. But you know something between 3-6 cals a min dependant on weight and intensity, you can easy lose 2 hours to it.
  • altinker
    altinker Posts: 173
    I use an HRM when I do XBOX Zumba Core. I burn between 350 and 500 calories an hour. It's good cardio.
  • svalenzeno
    svalenzeno Posts: 23 Member
    I have Zumba for Wii and I personally prefer taking the class over the game... The class kicks my BUTT!!! They just added a Zumba + toning class at my gym and it's a killer. The game isn't bad though... I think the actual classes tend to be a little more intense because they don't really allow you to take breaks like you could do when playing the game... depending on the game setting, of course.