Eating back excerise calories...?



  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    i think people stress too much about this question.

    for me, this is the best method.

    if im hungry, and i have available calories, regardless of how or why they are there, then i eat. if im not hungry, i dont eat.

    your body will tell you if you should eat them or not.

    My body tells me I should live on cinnamon buns and wine... it's not trustworthy.

    LOL---no that is your appetite telling you that. What does your body want? Often, one's appetite screams so loud that we cannot hear the tiny little voice of our body. The way our body tells us we are on the right track is how good we feel. Do we feel lousy (can't imagine that a diet of cinnamon buns and wine would make us feel very good for long). Do we feel energized and have diminished pain in our joints and muscles (if you formerly had a lot)?
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    I give you my anecdotal experience as someone who burns an average of 500 a day.

    If I don't my exercise calories back, I become ravenously hungry. One time, I got the chills because I didn't eat enough of them back, even though I was eating well above my MFP-set target (in all fairness, I burned over 4,000 calories that weekend).

    People who are worried that they underestimate their food intake and overestimate the calories they burn through exercise sometimes like to leave a buffer and only eat back the majority of their exercise calories. You could probably get away with eating back only 300 of the 500 since you report not being hungry.
  • I give you my anecdotal experience as someone who burns an average of 500 a day.

    If I don't my exercise calories back, I become ravenously hungry. One time, I got the chills because I didn't eat enough of them back, even though I was eating well above my MFP-set target (in all fairness, I burned over 4,000 calories that weekend).

    People who are worried that they underestimate their food intake and overestimate the calories they burn through exercise sometimes like to leave a buffer and only eat back the majority of their exercise calories. You could probably get away with eating back only 300 of the 500 since you report not being hungry.

    I used a HRM, measuring cups and a food scale... I'm pretty dead on with my stuff. But I know where your coming from!
  • You need to eat if you're working out. If I didn't back most of what I burned off during my daily workouts I'd pass out! I'm also building muscle, burning fat & lowering my body fat percentage: I do not want the muscle to waste away due to nutrient deficiencies.

    Quick glance at your diary though: cut out those processed high-sodium, fat & nutritionally deficient foods. Going over in protein or fiber is not so bad, going over in sodium & cholesterol will derail all your efforts.

    Get fresh fruits & veggies to replace those quick fixes - even if you get frozen over fresh, it's better than the premade, prepackaged items. Yes it takes time to prepare, but I usually take one day a week or every other week to prep what I need for the week ahead. We all have busy lifestyles, I just ensure that there is always room for long-term health.

    I do need to make some better choices. It's just hard working, going to school and with a baby. Ha
  • Thank you all for your responses. I really appreciate it.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    ^ LOL
  • PinkyKiwii
    PinkyKiwii Posts: 512 Member
    ^ LOL

    stop stealing my opinions...

    Ill sue your *kitten*.

  • Thank you very much. I do like this.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    ^ LOL

    stop stealing my opinions...

    Ill sue your *kitten*.

    It is scary that you two didn't just post the same link right after each other..but that you also posted the same exact phrasing...and even punctuation!
  • minburke
    minburke Posts: 241 Member
    I lost 8kg last year eating back half of my calories, some days all.
    I put on 4 kg in the last 12 months and have joined Michelle Bridges 12wbt and it basis itself on a 1200calorie diet + exercise i.e. not eating back your calories.

    I'm getting much better results and I'm not hungry. If you're eating clean you can get a lot out of 1200. See what suits your body more but I feel a lot better not eating them back.
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member

    ^^ THIS , plus my doctor explained it as in MFP puts u in a deficit when you join based on your input and burning more adds to that deficit so if you already have a 500 calorie deficit per MFP and then burn another 500 calories, your out 1000 calories and taking in 1400.. body is functioning off of 400 calories... kinda like a car you can use up all the gas, get a ways on fumes but at some point you gotta fill up or you wont move...
  • DeMayr
    DeMayr Posts: 67
    Easiest way to figure out how many calories you need a day to lose weight at a little over a pound a week is to take your weight and multiply it by 11. Done, no worrying about eating back your cals etc. Just eat that amount.
  • I'm having trouble eating back all my exercise calories, but I've switched to very clean foods recently. Vegetarian, mostly organic, nothing overly processed, lots of fruits and veggies. I don't eat them all back because I'm just not hungry! You can eat a LOT of clean foods for very few calories. My doctor said as long as I'm not hungry and as long as my vitals and blood work still look good, then it's fine. I think it all comes down to what you're eating when you think about this question.
    CDAGMA Posts: 9 Member

    Jeeze... That's confusing. Lol.

    Find BMR
    Find Activity
    Use TDEE for activity
    Cut 20%.

    Simple stuff.
    CDAGMA Posts: 9 Member
    Sorry all- totally screwed up my response.... so if I am 1306 BMR and my TDEE is 1560 less 20% my daily calorie intake should be 1433? Regardless of workout days?
  • animemoon5
    animemoon5 Posts: 55 Member
    I really wish MFP had a "Net" calories number, right above the "Totals" Not many people really understand about "Net" calories, they see calories burned as just something extra and on the side, and often focus on totals..... I keep thinking if they just put net calories at the top, people could see how their exercise really changes how much calories they are putting into their system!

    People who will completely agree, starving yourself is bad, and going on an extreme crash diet of 100-200 calories/day for a long period of time is bad....... But then if their goal is 1400 calories, and they somehow manage to burn 1700 calories through some intense exercise.... They see the 1400 and think they're good to go... With -300 net calories, they somehow feel that it's healthier than having only 100 calories!

    So many people get confused and ask me "Why wouldn't you want to burn more calories than you consume? Isn't that how dieting is supposed to work?" But they forget that if they just had the goal number, they are already burning more calories than what is being consumed, through their regular daily activities... you're body needs a set amount of fuel, just to get through the basic daily activities, and going over that does help you lose weight, but you need to leave it with *something* to run on! otherwise it will wreak havoc on your health!

    I don't think people need to get obsessive over it, to the point of feeling like they have to eat back every single calorie and not be a smidgen off... but at least keep an eye on the net totals.... Remember that total calories consumed - exercise is what you are really putting in your system at the end of the day.... don't need to be obsessive but you definitely don't want to hit 500,100 or even in the negatives as I've seen some do!!!
  • PrincessNikkiBoo
    PrincessNikkiBoo Posts: 330 Member
    i think people stress too much about this question.

    for me, this is the best method.

    if im hungry, and i have available calories, regardless of how or why they are there, then i eat. if im not hungry, i dont eat.

    your body will tell you if you should eat them or not.
