SlimFast- does it actually work?



  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    Yes (but not in a healthy way) and once you stop...the weight comes back as fast as you lost it...or faster. Do you want to be drinking slimfast forever?

    Like someone else has said, slimfast is only calorie restriction so just work on eating healthier foods and meeting a calorie goal.
  • dimoul
    dimoul Posts: 137 Member
    Way way back, once upon at time, before MFP, I tried Slimfast.

    It totally sucks. No variety. Tastes bad. Doesn't satisfy hunger. Deprive yourself so much, you go overboard and lose any gains you make.

    Not for me. Eat real food. Is there an acronym for that already? If not, then I'm claiming it. E.R.F.!
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    Isn't slim fast loaded with sugar?

    I'm also on a tight budget, but found that when my husband and I started eating completely clean, we get a lot more in groceries than if we were going in those middle aisles.
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    I had a lot of luck with it when I was younger (mid-20s or so) and single and only had to worry about food, snacks and dinner for me. Tried it again but with a family and family schedules found it was easier and less time consuming to learn portion control (especially since they hated the dinners I prepared on SlimFast). Still learning but don't think I could go back to Slim Fast - don't get me wrong, I like to keep their premade shakes around for emergencies but just can't handle doing it regularly anymore.

    Also, when I did SlimFast I kept that original weight off for years (and haven't put it all back on). Like some other posters said it was great for me to learn self control and I used it to lose about 30 pounds and then started portion control. Unfortunately, portion control and self-control are still major issues for me - I haven't gained back that original 30 pounds but I have gained more than I would like to admit to :tongue:
  • senami632
    senami632 Posts: 134 Member
    I tried it for some days but I stopped because not only did it not fill me up, I discovered it was filled with so much carbs and sugar. If you want a meal replacement shake, try a health store and ask for something which is low in carbs/sugar...if not, the purpose is defeated. I used the cambridge diet shakes and the UNC whey protein shakes and they worked for me. Good luck, hun! xx
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    *Oh, and a 2nd note, I already know how to eat a balanced, healthy real food diet and that's not at all hard for me to follow- it's more a matter of money and time saved with the powder.

    If this is true ^^, then yes it should work. The biggest problem with systems like this is that people don't know how to eat when they stop using the program. But if that's not a problem, I don't see why it shouldn't work for you. My sister works in a busy doctor's office and often only gets a few minutes for lunch and she recently started using shakes (not Slim Fast) for lunch. She's slim and not trying to lose weight. She just likes the convenience.
  • TattedXMomXStace
    It's just calorie control. Find out the calorie amount in a serving of powder and milk, find a meal of equivalent caloric value, BOOM- save money, avoid hunger.

    If you're hell bent on shakes, go for a protein shake. It will likely be much more filling.

    I tried Slim Fast once. I was hungry for a few days, and then I puked. Trial over.

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ same thing happened to me
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    Slim Fast is a mere tool.
    I use this product sometimes. When I am rushed or need to make a fast smoothie, slim fast works on a dime.
    And sometimes, before going to a party or out to lunch, I'll slam one down just to give me a discipline push to keep from ordering the onion rings, cheese fries and 2 deserts.
    I see value in it that way.
    To each his own....
  • fougamou
    fougamou Posts: 200 Member
    I did it successfully 7 or 8 years ago (and kept off the weight for about three years).

    The main thing it did from me was to break the patterns of eating that I had and force me into a limited calorie diet. When I went off it, I replaced the meals and snacks with real food with similar calorie counts.

    It was also useful for carrying around in my purse, so I could get the kids something to eat when we were out and not worry about what I would eat.

    Even though I was successful on it, I probably could not do it again,
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    Never tried it myself, but I know two different people who both experienced diarrhea problems with it. I don't think it's a bad idea for every once in a while, but I wouldn't use it several days in a row.

    Tried it years ago, but only lasted 3 days on it. It's ok to give yourself a kickstart... maybe.... but more than that and it's pretty horrible.
  • PeppermintJoy
    PeppermintJoy Posts: 10 Member
    Tried it a few years ago. yes I did lose weight-@thirty pds. Then I stopped as I had a pancretitis which put me in the hospital and changed my diet idea/plans. With a pancretitis diet you MUST watch the fat count. So I looked at the Slim Fast and even Liquid Lunch...way to much fat for what I could deal with. Plus even one drink caused my side to hurt. The end product? gained the weight back twice over. Yeah if you want to lose a fast five or ten pds. sure...but be prepared for the weight to come back fast too. Sure won't make that mistake again.

    Now I'm going to try just watching what I eat in the 'REAL' food world. Where you don't get sick of the same flavor or vanilla or choc. And you can feel full when you chue something.