THE answers to THE questions



  • cbnorris
    cbnorris Posts: 204 Member
    I'm someone who has never really paid attention to labels or tracked what she ate. As of last week, I've turned a new leaf and have tried to keep record of everything and I thought I was doing awesome by staying under or very little over my reccomended calories. The idea of earned calories baffled me. Why would I want to eat more,? I'm trying to lose weight, it doesn't make sense.

    This thread has helped me understand that if I continue on this track it will not help me in the long run because my body will begin to store fat because it will think it is "starving." Just because I need the extra calories, I resolve not to use them on things like soft drinks & sweets and things with little to no nutrional value. (though on occcassion, I WILL reward myself, in moderation, with such things.

    This site has been so helpful. I look forward to sharing my successes with others and hearing their's as well. My best friend friend, who I have known literally from the time I could walk, joined this site today. I will encourage her to read this thread as well.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I'm someone who has never really paid attention to labels or tracked what she ate. As of last week, I've turned a new leaf and have tried to keep record of everything and I thought I was doing awesome by staying under or very little over my reccomended calories. The idea of earned calories baffled me. Why would I want to eat more,? I'm trying to lose weight, it doesn't make sense.

    This thread has helped me understand that if I continue on this track it will not help me in the long run because my body will begin to store fat because it will think it is "starving." Just because I need the extra calories, I resolve not to use them on things like soft drinks & sweets and things with little to no nutrional value. (though on occcassion, I WILL reward myself, in moderation, with such things.

    welcome. Reward your body often with good food and will love you for it. And then, ocassionally, reward your body with not so good food. Everything in moderation. :heart:
    This site has been so helpful. I look forward to sharing my successes with others and hearing their's as well. My best friend friend, who I have known literally from the time I could walk, joined this site today. I will encourage her to read this thread as well.
  • TeriB19
    TeriB19 Posts: 33
    What a great thread!! Thank you so much for all the info!!! Great resource!!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Saving for easy reference! :flowerforyou:
  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    i just don't get it - why am i not losing - just checked my reports and i have only lost like 1.5 pounds in the last month - I am always under my cal's but not by too much - i leave a little in there for the cal's i miss through the day and for just calorie mis-calculations - i exercise 5-6 days a week - i am not gaining but i am not losing - eating well, at least i think so, need some help here mfp friends - getting a little bummed about this - my food and exercise logs are public so feel free to take a look and pass on some advice - thanks!!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    i just don't get it - why am i not losing - just checked my reports and i have only lost like 1.5 pounds in the last month - I am always under my cal's but not by too much - i leave a little in there for the cal's i miss through the day and for just calorie mis-calculations - i exercise 5-6 days a week - i am not gaining but i am not losing - eating well, at least i think so, need some help here mfp friends - getting a little bummed about this - my food and exercise logs are public so feel free to take a look and pass on some advice - thanks!!

    Your food intake looks good...pretty balanced, IMHO. You may want to consider tracking your added sugar. I find I bloat up if my sugar intake gets too high. (I myself don't worry about fruit and milk sugars, but some do)

    I notice from your ticker that you're around ten pounds over your goal I'll ask you a couple of questions:

    How did you pick your goal weight? Have you considered picking a goal size? Some free advice from my trainer: when you get close to your "magic number weight...the scale is essentially useless". Instead, why not concentrate on measurements, or a goal pants size? If you're exercising, you are probably carrying around some muscle mass. My goal weight for a flabby version of me would be about ten pound lighter than my current goal weight. I have a friend who is exactly the same weight as me, and I wear a dress size that's three sizes smaller than hers. Try to shift your focus from weight to size. (it will prevent the crazies...)

    Also, what are your goals set at here? Lose one pound a week? two? or half a pound? The less you have to lose, the smaller the sweet spot of deficit is. Consider setting your goals to half a pound a week and see what happens.

    Let me know if you have questions about my questions. Feel free to PM me. :flowerforyou:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    Saturday bumpage.

    join us on the "sugar is not your friend" thread in my signature. (yes, shameless plug).......

    Hi, V!!:flowerforyou:
  • AprilChampion
    AprilChampion Posts: 184 Member
    im so confused.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    im so confused.

    Really? Why?
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    Great post. Thanks to all who have bumped so that others could read. It really is deceptively simple - set your goal, eat your calories. My scale isn't budging lately, but I have more energy and my clothes fit me better, so I am pleased!

    One question - how are you all staying below your daily salt and sugar limits? I don't struggle so much with calories, but I'm almost always over in these two categories...
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    Great post. Thanks to all who have bumped so that others could read. It really is deceptively simple - set your goal, eat your calories. My scale isn't budging lately, but I have more energy and my clothes fit me better, so I am pleased!

    One question - how are you all staying below your daily salt and sugar limits? I don't struggle so much with calories, but I'm almost always over in these two categories...

    Well, we battle the same things you do. I find that if I stick with whole foods (non-processed) and three to five ounces of meat a day, then I can stay within my sodium (salt) parameters. The processed foods are the problem IMO.

    As far as SUGAR. grrrr. It is a difficult battle. I am able to stay at about 11-18g of ADDED sugar daily. I don't count my dairy and fruit sugar as "sugars". You need to have dairy and fruit in a balanced diet (unless you have milk allergies). If you come to the thread in my signature, there is a lot of good info about how others cope with their sugar intakes. Generally on a 2,000 kcal/ day diet the recommendation is not to exceed 40g of added sugars daily. That is 10 teaspoons - quite a lot. Sugar is just bad news, and it is a battle worth fighting on many levels.
    That said, I still allow myself the occasional sugary treat. Once a week, if at all. And I don't buy anything sugary that I don't intend to eat the entire package just won't last at my house for a full day. It may be my OCD (seriously - I'm on meds).....but that is my problem. If I have it, I will eat it.
  • AprilChampion
    AprilChampion Posts: 184 Member
    im so confused.

    Really? Why?

    i just am...i dont understand all the numbers and the exercising calories and all that. i know the calories im supposed to eat to get to my goal weight but this and the exercising calories just confused the crap outta me.
  • goldsguy
    goldsguy Posts: 58
    great post, but I count calories and exercise 5 times a week and haven't lost a pound since the first 2. I'm at a point where I just keep doing what I'm supposed to and hope something happens
  • TTabour
    TTabour Posts: 13
    I have leveled off for 4 weeks. I stay at or near MFP goals and have begun to walking briskly. I am confused by your note. Why would reducing calorie intake and increasing exercise not kick start my weight loss whicn has stalled. Also, If I use the BMR it will add 500 calories to my goal, how can that help me lose weight? Your response would be appriceated.
    BTW i am male 65 years old and about 80 lbs overwieght. I have lost 9 lbs in 8 weeks, most of the the first month.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Please check out another post (for whatever reason I can't link to it here for you... called "for those confused or questioning eating your exercise calories" (if you search the forums, it should be near or at the top).

    Essentially, it's not just a "the less calories the better for weight loss" game...but it's a sweet spot of deficit you need to find. Although reducing calories can kick-start weight loss that has stalled, so can raising calories for some. It's about keeping your body confused and adapting.

    I am an advocate of eating at least your BMR calories, but if you have more to lose, you can go lower than your BMR. But, the closer you get to your goal, the smaller your deficit has to be to continue losing successfully.

    IMHO, if you can lose successfully without severe calorie reduction, you should do it. The more severe your "diet", the more difficult it is to maintain your weight loss...just my opinion, mind you...but what worked for me.

  • TTabour
    TTabour Posts: 13
    Thanks for your post. This is both confusing and frustrating. I do understand your point about BMR. I have lost a lot of wieght in the past but did not pay attention to the BMR. I think that this index may be very important later on.
  • spaniel
    spaniel Posts: 468
    Thanks for the very informative post, Viviakay
  • faithfulrose
    faithfulrose Posts: 18 Member
    Wow...this info was SO helpful! Thank you for posting it!

    I guess I better start eating my exercise calories... :)
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    I just readjusted my calorie level to the recommended level of 1,600. I don't want to get frustrated and quit again. I like food, and I can have it doing it the right way. :)
  • ToughMudderAddict
    ToughMudderAddict Posts: 290 Member
    Hurray! Bump, Bump, Bump!