January Challange Join????



  • lovecrystaljoy
    lovecrystaljoy Posts: 297 Member

    I also did six reps of 10. Seemed to help.
    Yeah that does seem to work alot
  • Did my 1st time today:) I feel great. Although wow on the future star jumps. I'm also concerned with the push ups, that is one excercise I have a hard time with. Being able to lift myself back up.
  • i want in... Sounds like som e serio building to go with my good eating. Happy New Year!
  • smeadowsimhof
    smeadowsimhof Posts: 5 Member
    i will do it!
  • iHeartYammy
    iHeartYammy Posts: 21 Member
    I just saw this post but i'll join. better late than never right?! i've done challenges before on a different website and it worked great.
  • LaSutopia
    LaSutopia Posts: 1,164 Member
    I would like to jump in...I have BEEN having a hard time and I need to get back on the ball. I fell off last August and gained 15 lbs back after I have lost almost 65...so now I am back to like 23lbs away from my goal...I was so close and lost it and Im so depressed now...I need to start back small and get back with it...I have been starting things and not sticking to it so I wanna try this and hope I will stick to it...will yall help me stay with it? I don't have anyone around me in person to help me and I have been letting down my friends here.
    I guess I missed yesterdays but I did do the squats and some sit ups...so I will start with todays (the 4th) and go from there. I am worried about the push ups like some one else said cause I have no upper body strength. I can do like 5-8 GIRL push ups max...But I will try. And I will have to look up the Starwhatevers
  • Just wanted to say, I love stuff like this.

    I have such a hard time coming up with my own workout routines, and month long things like this really help x)
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Jan 4th done

    Did all 60 star jumps. (By the way, everyone make sure you are leaving and landing on your toes. And land as soft as possible so you don't hurt yourself)
    25 lunges done
    and did 30 sec planks both sides
  • iHeartYammy
    iHeartYammy Posts: 21 Member
    I finished January 5th workout. (i'm in a different time zone than most everyone). i have to say the squats started getting me, but i pushed through. i'm looking forward to the rest of the months exercises!!
  • I finished January 5th workout. (i'm in a different time zone than most everyone). i have to say the squats started getting me, but i pushed through. i'm looking forward to the rest of the months exercises!!

    Not looking forward to squats tomorrow. My legs are sooooo sore LOL. I'm determined, though!
  • iHeartYammy
    iHeartYammy Posts: 21 Member
    I finished January 5th workout. (i'm in a different time zone than most everyone). i have to say the squats started getting me, but i pushed through. i'm looking forward to the rest of the months exercises!!

    Not looking forward to squats tomorrow. My legs are sooooo sore LOL. I'm determined, though!

    i always tell myself that if it doesn't hurt then it's not working. lol. keep it up!!
  • LaSutopia
    LaSutopia Posts: 1,164 Member
    oookkkkkk. that star jump is NOT FUNNY. lol..I did 30...the end. That was hard. I did the lunges and side planks though. and I did some squats earlier today. So yea...Im done today. I will try again for tomorrows..
  • Lamaestra91
    Lamaestra91 Posts: 14 Member
    i'm in, if it's not too late! I will start tomorrow... I would start today, but it really is very late now.
  • I'm in! Starting today!
  • lovecrystaljoy
    lovecrystaljoy Posts: 297 Member
    Did my 1st time today:) I feel great. Although wow on the future star jumps. I'm also concerned with the push ups, that is one excercise I have a hard time with. Being able to lift myself back up.
    YAY im happy you started today im not good at pushups either ugh
  • lovecrystaljoy
    lovecrystaljoy Posts: 297 Member
    i want in... Sounds like som e serio building to go with my good eating. Happy New Year!
  • Did my 1st time today:) I feel great. Although wow on the future star jumps. I'm also concerned with the push ups, that is one excercise I have a hard time with. Being able to lift myself back up.
    YAY im happy you started today im not good at pushups either ugh

    I am also terrible at pushups. Even when I was 135 lbs and went to a climbing gym for 6 hours a week, I couldn't do darn pushups.
  • lovecrystaljoy
    lovecrystaljoy Posts: 297 Member
    Welcome Everyone who is just now joining us
  • lovecrystaljoy
    lovecrystaljoy Posts: 297 Member
    I would like to jump in...I have BEEN having a hard time and I need to get back on the ball. I fell off last August and gained 15 lbs back after I have lost almost 65...so now I am back to like 23lbs away from my goal...I was so close and lost it and Im so depressed now...I need to start back small and get back with it...I have been starting things and not sticking to it so I wanna try this and hope I will stick to it...will yall help me stay with it? I don't have anyone around me in person to help me and I have been letting down my friends here.
    I guess I missed yesterdays but I did do the squats and some sit ups...so I will start with todays (the 4th) and go from there. I am worried about the push ups like some one else said cause I have no upper body strength. I can do like 5-8 GIRL push ups max...But I will try. And I will have to look up the Starwhatevers
    Welcome I am excited that you have join us this is a nice little push to help you get back on track I was the same way started Insanity a few months ago only got 4 days in and then Quit this time I AM STICKING TO INSANITY and I added ANOTHER on my to-do list to help me :) Best of luck
  • lovecrystaljoy
    lovecrystaljoy Posts: 297 Member
    Just wanted to say, I love stuff like this.

    I have such a hard time coming up with my own workout routines, and month long things like this really help x)
    I agree they help out alot