January 2013 Move Your A$S Challenge



  • roxieindiana
    roxieindiana Posts: 26 Member
    6 1/2 miles biked today...
  • alisonsurf
    alisonsurf Posts: 92 Member
    No bike today, just .8 elliptical. 13.2 to go,
  • jasondcooper
    Another 5K on the treadmill this morning and I am where I should be on the month. I'm going to shoot for a long hike this weekend!

  • Alialena
    Alialena Posts: 28 Member
    New at this but i'll try 30 miles ^^
  • Alialena
    Alialena Posts: 28 Member

  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    Without any kind of truly interactive forum... seeing results posted... having responses to our posted questions... this challenge is not proving very inspiring. Why did you start it and then not bother to answer us or interact with us? Anyway... I was injured and had to get injections... so my walking totals are down temporarily. Not that anyone on here is reading this crap or responding. HELLOOOOOOOO! I ask again... where is the alleged spreadsheet?

    I've already answered your questions on pp 7 and 16. I suggest you start reading the posts and quit *****ing, or seek inspiration elsewhere. We don't need this negative attitude here.
  • Doberdawn
    Doberdawn Posts: 732 Member
    Thank you. I looked for response and never saw one.
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    Phew, I finally managed to update the sheet.
    There are now 211 people in the challenge, 96 on the board, 30 on track (colored lime).
    136 people join the MYAC for the first time, 56 were here in December as well, 19 are back after skipping months :happy:

    The spreadsheet where I keep track of these numbers is at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0As57uSwFQUGJdC1OU0dvNEdQSXpWQzhfYjdTb1plWnc&pli=1#gid=93

    Remember to post your total mileage every time, otherwise I cannot update.
    I'd appreciate it if you would post your distance in miles and spare me from the hassle of converting kms to miles, but I'll manage if you don't.

    @Dinos: You're the best! That's what you deserve, month after month!

    Thanks for the link! I was wondering if we could see the spreadsheet (I must have missed it in Dec.) Wow - what a lot of work!
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    1/4: 2.0 miles

    month-to-date: 12.75
    goal: 120

  • Doberdawn
    Doberdawn Posts: 732 Member

    Can I make a suggestion? In the other challenge group that I belong to... instead of just having an enormous thread that no one can track... and from the comments, I'm not the only one who missed your speadsheet post. Heck one person was in it in December and still never saw it... This is an awesome idea, but you might want to do it like the other challenge and actually create a "group" for it. Then, the group in the forum can have multiple topic posts that are separate instead of just this one monster thread. You could have one topic thread be where people post their stats for you to add to the spreadsheet. Have one topic thread where you post notices to the group, such as where you have put the spreadsheet and when it's updated or whatever. And then have other topic threads where the folks can interact on what they're doing or whatever. It's nice because then we can all interact more in a meaningful way. What do you think?

    Here is a link to the other challenge group if you want to see how it is set up: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/10134-15-000-30-day-challenge

  • animefan914
    animefan914 Posts: 324 Member
    1/4 3.41miles

    Total: 15.51 miles

    Sorry for not posting my total before, I post late at night, and was so tired I didn't realize we had to.
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    In for another 1000 miles
    01-01: 41.52 miles
    01-01: 3.13 miles (walk)
    02-01: 52.29 miles
    03-01: 40.86 miles
    04-01: 42.00 miles
    05-01: 22.06 miles
    January total / miles to goal: 201.82 / 798.18
  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    Dinos = please note now in MIles (Hope it helps) :bigsmile:

    5 Jan 7.5 miles
    MTD 33.08 miles
  • phoenixgirl81
    phoenixgirl81 Posts: 309 Member
    Woo hoo! Today, in 32*C heat, I still managed to do 5.2km running (tonight) and 1.2 km walking (this morning) = 6.4 km for the day.

  • JanisAtki
    JanisAtki Posts: 77 Member
    Another 5.2km today in stupid heat.
    That's 8.5 miles of my goal 46.6 (I hope that helps, and that my math is right)

  • tasoconnor
    tasoconnor Posts: 425 Member
    1/4/13 ~ 5.79 miles!

  • patdavidson775
    I'm in, my goal is 40 miles for January
  • Lonewolf1507
    Lonewolf1507 Posts: 507 Member
    8.48 Miles today 5/1


  • saramerrigan
    saramerrigan Posts: 555 Member
    3.52 miles walked yesterday

  • strongershell


    Another 4.97!