How to not take this as an insult...

msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
I want to vent this a little bit. I'm now the 'thinnest' person in my entire family. On Easter while visiting, my brother remarked jokingly "well you got the thin genes in the family." He weighs almost 500lbs, can barely walk, has diabetes, and eats pretty much everything you shouldn't eat - and lots of it. Whenever he talks about losing weight, he chalks it up to genetics; he refuses to see that he DOES have a choice.

His comment has been eating away at me. I laughed it off then, but I've been busting my @$$ for more than 3 years now to get where I am. Its not genetics. Its hard freaking work and determination. And I'm trying to find a way to constructively tell him that. Its really starting to bother me.



  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    "I didn't get the thin genes. I got the 'get-off-my-*kitten*-and-fit-the-skinny-jeans-genes'"
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I think the best thing is to say it exactly the way you said it here.

    Essentially, say that genetics (by definition) works this way: your family all has the same genes. If it's genetics he wants to use as an excuse, he can't.

    I would be really honest about the amount of diet change and time-consuming hard work. It ain't easy...and you did it through WORK, not through some bizarre genetic impossibility.

    I had a similar confrontation with someone who said "well, it's easy for're just athletic." After I finished laughing so hard I peed myself, I pulled the before pic out of my purse and set her straight.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Your brother most likely was joking because he is jealous of your accomplishments. However, it won't be until he can get the motivation to just do it to lose the weight also. As you probably know.

    I am sure it was his way to compliment you. :flowerforyou:

    You have done fantastic. :smile:
  • gc2052
    gc2052 Posts: 183
    Simply state that "my feeling were hurt when you said......." I have been working very had to control my weight. Would you like to work out with me? I think that would be fun.
    Never start with "you" start with I,My . Then you are not placing blame and he should be less defensive.
    Let us know how this works.
    By the "weigh" I got the skinny gene too only because I work my A;;;; of every day.
  • JeninNT
    JeninNT Posts: 6 Member
    If your brother truly weighs that much, I'm sure he knows that you know he's not eating lettuce for every meal. Maybe he wants your help but doesn't know how to ask for it. Why not tell him about how hard you work and that your health isn't just about luck?
  • gc2052
    gc2052 Posts: 183
    Simply state that "my feeling were hurt when you said......." I have been working very had to control my weight. Would you like to work out with me? I think that would be fun.
    Never start with "you" start with I,My . Then you are not placing blame and he should be less defensive.
    Let us know how this works.
    By the "weigh" I got the skinny gene too only because I work my A;;;; of every day.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    That's very sad that your brother weighs almost 500 pounds and doesn't care enough about his life and his family to want to do something about it. When I see someone in the morbidly obese category shoving Big Macs it makes me want to cry and vomit, not necessarily in that order.

    Does he not realize that he could drop dead at any given moment? Does he have kids? I hope not, I wouldn't want them to grow up without their father.

    You didn't get the "skinny genes". You got the BRAINS of the family, and he got the "lazy genes".
    Good for you for being the thinnest in your family!
  • Brittany_Kayy
    Brittany_Kayy Posts: 262 Member
    e x a c t l y; well said!!!!!!!!!!
    "I didn't get the thin genes. I got the 'get-off-my-*kitten*-and-fit-the-skinny-jeans-genes'"
  • kimberly428
    kimberly428 Posts: 237
    Agreed, tell him exactly what you just told us. Just because he is 500 pounds doesn't mean you have to sugar coat it (LOL OK, that is funny)...He is isnt being realistic and its ok to call him on it. :D
  • SarahNicole317
    SarahNicole317 Posts: 302 Member
    The physique you have built is dependent only on 5% genetics... the other 95% is equal to 80% proper nutrition and 15% exercise. Tell him that... it is true.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Simply state that "my feeling were hurt when you said......." I have been working very had to control my weight. Would you like to work out with me? I think that would be fun.
    Never start with "you" start with I,My . Then you are not placing blame and he should be less defensive.
    Let us know how this works.
    By the "weigh" I got the skinny gene too only because I work my A;;;; of every day.

    Great advice.
    "I statements" really work. "I feel....." instead of "You ....."
    Tell him that statement hurt your feelings and has been bothering you.
    Emphasize how much work this has taken, and let him know you'd be glad to help him along the same journey.
    Tell him there may not be any "skinny genes" in your family but it's fun to wear "skinny jeans"!
  • michelleleigh1067
    To tell him that you are where you are is not because of "thin genes" but rather because of a lot hard work and determination shouldn't even be viewed as an insult. You got the same genes he did. You worked your butt off to get where you are. The truth is, with him being in that kind of shape, it was probably a lot easier on his own ego and self esteem to say that because it isnt always easy to take that first step to get ourselves back in shape. We all know that, that is why we are here. He has seen that in you but is still where he is at with no change. You have to realize that in all actuality, his comment was way more about himself and less about you. You could try talking to him about that and also let him know that his comment to you hurt your feelings and made you feel that your great accomplishment was trivial to him. You could also let him know that it wasnt easy buy very much worth it and that you will be more than glad to help him with his journey when he is ready to start taking the steps.
  • acakeforawife
    Well, if I'm reading your ticker right, you've lost almost 150 lbs??? So how anyone can pass that off as just 'good genes' is beyond me. But in all honesty, it sounds like this is much more about your brother than it is about you -- he isn't ready to take on his own journey, and he's built himself a safe place where he doesn't need to. And your success intrudes on that place -- because if you can do it, why can't he? But he's not ready to go there yet.

    The most I would suggest is just being honest with him the way you were here, say it bothers you that it seems like he is discrediting all the hard work you've put in ... tell him a little about what your life is like now and the changes you've made. But I wouldn't attach him over it. I'm sure there was a time in all of our lives where we made our own share of excuses and it's not bad to show a little compassion.
  • suejonestx
    suejonestx Posts: 256 Member
    What about inviting him to work out with you, or have you train him? Maybe he just needs support and motivation. It would also have the affect of showing him how much effort you've put in to get where you are! I would avoid saying anything that would truly hurt him.
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    That is a tough one to handle. You just hope that some day he will look at you and want to be more like you. Are you two close? Do you think approaching him and talking to him about it might upset him or help him? It is all in what you really want to do about it.

    My story with my mother is I want her to live a long and healthy life. I try to talk to her about it all the time, but it goes in one ear and out the other. It is so frustrating. She has seen my transformation and is very happy for me and I so want the same thing for her. I completely understand where you are coming from.

    Maybe if you sit down with him and explain why you are the only one in your family without diabetes and ask if he wants help to beat it as well. I wish I had more encouraging words for you.

    On another note, congrats on your new and beautiful lifestyle. Keep up the AWESOME work. :bigsmile:
  • SandyRob
    SandyRob Posts: 11 Member
    It's hard to convince someone that is way overwieght that they need to care about what they eat and to excersize. If they have no motivation for themselves to look and feel better and just generally be healthy...then they just think people are nagging.
    However, I would tell him the same as you have explained to us, here at MFP.
    Tell him you would like to know that you are going to have a long healthy relationship with him.
    I know that would work for me.

    Good luck,

  • Guchick18
    Guchick18 Posts: 17
    By him laughing at you, thats him crying out for help and a little jealousy . You should try talking to him and make him understand that he is killing himself. I have the same problems with my sisiters and they also make a lot of excuses and joke about me. heck they will sit right in front of me and eat an ice cream they think they are hurting me but in reality they are hurting themselves. Its a difficult situation but they really need the help your brother might get on your nerves and insult you till he is done but dont give on him. He will eventually come to his senses.
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    My brother has been bothering me exactly the same way. Yes, I had a bit of an advantage over him (we were both underweight infants and the docs told my mom to fatten us up, which she did with him and then ignored with me b/c my brother was already an overweight 3-year-old!) but I also am working my at-money-money off to try and get myself healthy! It really irked me over the holidays when I suggested that while we sit there watching tv, we could do 10 sit-ups/crunches/push-ups/whatever every time one of those stupid weight-loss commercials came on, which is something I actually do. He flat-out said that he didn't want to and then got grumpy with me. WELL!! THERE YA GO!! :grumble:

    Good luck with your brother, let me know if you figure out something that he responds to instead of shutting down :ohwell:
  • mzmoonlight
    mzmoonlight Posts: 160
    Rather than telling him to stop being lazy and telling him he is greedy etc (because that will achieve nothing except offending him back) I think you are in a perfect position to mentor your brother into weight loss and improved health. You are the example for him to follow. Motivate him and show him that he can have a better life; explain its about small and continued lifestyle changes. Once he starts to lose weight it should be the motivation he needs to continue. I'm a firm believer in learning through action and example. I don't think just saying you're fat/big because you eat too much and dont move will do anything. I say this as someone who used to be morbidly obese. As much as it is in his control to change things, he will feel like its not. He will need a lot of support and understanding to reclaim his body back. As his brother I would want to do everything I can to help him to achieve that.

    (Anyway, fat genes just leave you predisposed to put on weight (so you put it on more easily than someone without a fat gene) they are not the actual cause of obesity in and of itself so his comments are not valid on that basis)
  • esco2186
    esco2186 Posts: 50 Member
    "I didn't get the thin genes. I got the 'get-off-my-*kitten*-and-fit-the-skinny-jeans-genes'"

    i like this way!! lol screw being nice and get straight to the point! :D