


  • ALCHOHOL - a funny word has lots of calories and should be included! At 600 calories in a bottle of wine!!! That's lots wasted eh?
  • dogo187
    dogo187 Posts: 376
    yes there are calories in alcohol but i refuse to track them...
  • I'm a lush...I hate knowing I drink my calories, I don't log my liquor intake (I should though, it'll be a sobering experience, lol). Its hard to gauge how many calories are in some mixed drinks though.

    I thought lush was a Brit term for pisshead... I'm impressed that Americans use it too :)
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    I log booze - it adds up.
  • TriShamelessly
    TriShamelessly Posts: 905 Member
    Absolutely. Alacohol is basically sugar/carbs and should be tracked here with everything else. A few beers will push me right over my targets for the day everytime.
  • asdjlo
    asdjlo Posts: 76 Member
    I stopped drinking because I saw how many calories was in one shot of Bacardi Rum (68 calories per ounce) I can't imagine how many calories I could be consuming on one night out drinking.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    If you don't want people who read your diary to know you drink, just do a "quick calorie add" in the amount you drank. Alcohol has almost no nutrition value outside of the calories and carbs, so doing a quick add won't throw your macros off by much.
  • TriShamelessly
    TriShamelessly Posts: 905 Member
    Dammit ! Thanks, In that case then i'm not eating any more today and saving my Cals for my night in with a couple of the girls :-)...Thanks for helping

    Im doing a detox, Im going three full months without liquid calories.

    Wow! That is impressive. Don't think I want or will ever try that. LOL
  • Depending on what you drink, there are plenty of calories in booze and the mix. Plus, alcohol lowers metabolism by as much as 70%!! I like a few drinks every so often but in my January Challenge to myself, along with my exercise and food rules, I am cutting alcohol completely. If you don't log it, you are only hurting yourself.
  • jensnewstart
    jensnewstart Posts: 97 Member
    Yikes! Don't go out drinking on an empty stomach :sick:

    I earn my wine through excercise, you need the food cals.
  • glitteratthesea
    glitteratthesea Posts: 104 Member
    I log it when I can remember... ;D
    Sounds very familiar.

    Well, I don't like the fact beer has so many calories, and mostly I only eat my calories, but if I want to lose weight I need to know what's going inside. At the other side: when I go out and drink I dance and do a lot, so I burn some of the calories I don't log.

    It's most of the time more the fried stuff I eat after going out :embarassed:.
  • OMG_Twinkies
    OMG_Twinkies Posts: 215 Member
    Try vodka diet coke or gin and diet lemonade....basically a low cal mixer and then its only the alcohol that really has any calories :-) I think vodka has about 40cals a shot or something like that.

    Only 40 cals in a shot?? HA! You might wanna look that up darlin…
  • Try vodka diet coke or gin and diet lemonade....basically a low cal mixer and then its only the alcohol that really has any calories :-) I think vodka has about 40cals a shot or something like that.

    Only 40 cals in a shot?? HA! You might wanna look that up darlin…

    Agree. I'd say at least 100 cals per shot...