Females in their 20's...Over 200lbs...wanting motivation!



  • FeliciaGM
    FeliciaGM Posts: 5 Member
    Hey everyone, I am Felicia and I for sure fit into this category! I am 27 years old and started at 244lbs. I have a very big year ahead of me and I pray I can lose this weight to start this new chapter in my life. I will be graduating from the teacher's program in May and will begin my hunt for a job. I feel that I would have a much better chance of landing that perfect job if I not only look better but feel better about myself. Also this year,my baby brother is getting married and I am the maid of honor at the wedding. Yikes, me in a dress!! I have the perfect life, now I just want to feel like I deserve it! This site has really really given me the support to want to do this. I am excited for all of our future success!! Can't wait!!!!!! Feel free to add me:)

    And by the way, if there is this many young women over 200lbs why in the world is it so stinkin hard to find cute clothes to fit us!! Makes NO sense. We like to dress cute too;)
  • crystalfleming1
    crystalfleming1 Posts: 11 Member
    im 22, started a week ago starting at 266lbs and down 5lbs already! I dont want to fail, i too am looking for support, friends to help each other threw it?
  • I'm 26 years old and just weighed in at 220 pounds. Diabetes runs in my family and my mom has recently been diagnosed. I fear being the next. I have a four year old son and no energy to spend quality time with him. My husband and I started dating when I was 14 years old and a size 4. My marriage is on the verge of being completely over. We live as roommates because he can't stand that I am now a size 20. I look in the mirror and do not even recognize this person that went from being so obsessed about looks to the girl that hides in the closet to scarf down candy. I am really looking for support to reach my ultimate goal of 130 pounds and will gladly return the favor. Please feel free to add me. I recently moved to Hawaii and am ready for a lifestyle change.
  • LollypopGinger
    LollypopGinger Posts: 21 Member
    I'm 20 years old, 5ft 7 and weigh 223 pounds. I started losing weight exactly a year ago. Since then I have lost 56 pounds and over 40 inches and I'm hoping to do the same again this year, though I won't complain if I lose a bit more :laugh:

    SW - 279
    CW - 223
    GW - 140

    My calorie goal is 1,200. I walk to and from work every day, an hour round trip, and am re-joining the gym in the next couple of weeks.

    I am hoping to be 200 pounds by the beginning of summer.

    Feel free to add me! :flowerforyou:
  • MizManda180
    MizManda180 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm 25 and 312 pounds. Always looking for new friends to help support and motivate :-)
  • Elbeckistan
    Elbeckistan Posts: 16 Member
    I'm 26, and I started out at 260 pounds. It has been a long, but very rewarding journey for me! Anyone can do it with hard work, and dedication! If you need any advice or motivation, feel free to add me! :)
  • Bobtheangrytomato
    Bobtheangrytomato Posts: 251 Member
    I just turned 25 and I've gained 60lbs in 2 years, due to a combination of injury and some medications with weight gain side effects. At my lightest I was 137 and I'd love to get back to that (or anywhere near it!). Mostly I'd just like to be light enough to run again without injury. My goal is to run another half-marathon, or if my knees can take it, a full one. Feel free to add me
  • ImperfectedBeauty
    ImperfectedBeauty Posts: 124 Member
    Hello!... Im Christina, Im 22, 5"3. I started my journey at 230lbs and am currently 205.8lbs. =) I am always willing to accept new friends who have similar stats as me and also log daily. I am currently on my last couple days of 30 day shred, and also looking into starting C25K.
  • athenaheim
    athenaheim Posts: 496 Member
    I am 27n and weigh 235 I cant seem to move. This sucks.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I started this in my 20's (I was 28 and 303.4lbs two years ago)..... Now I am 30, and 186.6, have run two half marathons in the past couple months, currently training for tribal quest with some half marathon training this winter! anyone that needs motivation/encouragement - feel free to add me. :)
  • Molly08
    Molly08 Posts: 153 Member
    Hello! Please add me if you are looking for support and wanting to give encouragement. I feel like I could use some support to. Encouragement is so important when you have a large amount of weight to lose. I'm working to lose 138+ pounds and become healthier. I lost 70 over 2011 but gained 35lbs back durning 2012 due to lack of motivation. I'm back now with a vengeance. I want to lose weight, but more importantly be fit! We can do this :o)
  • FeliiD
    FeliiD Posts: 3
  • Msnatalieann
    Msnatalieann Posts: 56 Member
    Oh I needed this so bad. I'm 28, 244lbs (down from 251 pounds, which is the highest I've ever weighed my entire life) and this been the hardest journey I have ever been on. for the last 10 years I have consistently gain weight uncontrollably. I more than doubled my weight since I met my husband and have dealt with incredible depression and failed diet after failed diet and I am so tired of letting myself down and letting my husband down and now letting my daughter down. I want to get pregnant by the end of the year so it's really important to me to lose this weight because I know what it's like to go through a pregnancy when you're overweight and be treated like garbage like a bad person because your overweight. I lost 40 + pounds with my last pregnancy, unfortunately gained that and some back since then. my daughters now two and I feel kind of like I'm in a hurry to have another baby and lose this weight because I for 1 I'm getting older and for 2 I don't want to put myself in more danger for the rest of my life. I really need help I really need friends and I really need somebody to convince me that this is actually possible as I see all these people losing weight that everytime I go on a diet change my lifestyle change my eating habits to start exercising and start drinking water I either gain weight or the scale doesn't move it all it just gets really depressing an overwhelming so I hope that by following this blog in this group of wonderful woman that I can really go somewhere for the first time in my life because I need to get back to being me.
  • vgpeterson1984
    vgpeterson1984 Posts: 51 Member
    Aloha, I am 28. Been on MFP for a year lost almost 30 lbs recently fell off the wagon and gained 12 over the holidays. Need some good friends for motivation. Love yoga and walking on the beach. I also try to ride my bike regularly .
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    I am 26, started at 224lbs and currently sitting at 205lbs. However, I didn't lose weight for six weeks so measured inches instead, if saved my sanity as I lost 17 inches from my body and am now two dress sizes smaller. I have done two rounds of thirty day shred, my fitness levels went up and I am currently waddling my way through Insanity. Think positive, stay positive, you got this!!
  • soldierzside
    soldierzside Posts: 19 Member
    I am 22 and 264 I lost 50 pounds for my wedding then it was over and we moved into our apartment and I let myself go again only this time I am up 64 pounds so I am ready to get back to getting this weight off for good! add me :)
  • Just joined MFP and looking forward to his Forum!
  • jenniejoy07
    jenniejoy07 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm 26 and 206lbs after the holidays. I gained 11 lbs in the last 3-4 months. Hoping to lose a most of that in the next month or 2 and then continue on! I lost 25 lbs last year and just keep putting more back on...don't want to be at my highest weight ever again!
  • Hi all! So SO glad to see this topic! I'm Samantha and I'm 25 years old from NYC. I am DEFINITELY in the 200+ group and have been for a long time. It's awesome to see so many of you who can all relate. Stay motivated. We can do it!!

    Feel free to add me! :)
  • Hi All! This is an awesome board. I am so glad to see that I'm not the only one out there, still young but doesn't feel like it. I am turning 27 in a month....and am so sad that I am almost 300 lbs. I have always been a big girl...but this is outrageous. my husband and i are working out and dieting together, but if you've ever done a diet with a guy you can get depressed as their weight just melts off. I've tried many diets, but never loose more than 10 lbs and end up giving up. Not this time. I'm not giving up! Please add me! I love'd to meet new friends!