If low weights/high reps is pointless...

...Then why do people who do Jillian Michaels' videos get such great results?

I'm not just talking about overweight people. People who are in relatively good shape and felt they were still "skinny fat" did and reviewed videos like Ripped in 30 and 30 Day Shred and toned up considerably. They're not super muscular and they're hardly body builders, but they got the body type a lot of ladies on here say they want, myself included. They also lose inches rather than just pounds, a sure sign of gaining or at least maintaining muscle as well as burning fat.

Not saying there's anything wrong with lifting heavy and I know it does great things for people, but light weights can't be all that bad considering the kind of results people who use them get.


  • letjog
    letjog Posts: 260 Member
    in body pump class we use relatively low weights with high reps, and if i work hard i can ache for days after and my muscle definition has improved so much from it!
  • FitFabFlirty92
    FitFabFlirty92 Posts: 384 Member
    in body pump class we use relatively low weights with high reps, and if i work hard i can ache for days after and my muscle definition has improved so much from it!

    That's great! :) I get sore after doing Jillian's videos as well.
  • SpringFever19
    SpringFever19 Posts: 180 Member
    The problem with lighter weights (and higher reps) can be people not actually using their muscles to lift the lighter weights, relying on momentum or just not giving a good squeeze on each lift/lower. This is not an option with heavier weights. As long as you are focused, lighter weights/higher reps should be fine.
  • lesita75
    lesita75 Posts: 379 Member
    Light weights at high reps does not build strength. Here is a good article to read:

  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    I always heard low weight + higher reps = shrinking. Higher weights + lower reps = enlarging muscles. Is that right? Like the difference in the legs of a sprinter (huge calves and thigh muscles) and a long distant runner ( leaner legs all the way).
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Stereotyping a bit here but it may be that the people who do this are going from not lifting at all to lifting something. Low weight high reps can still be effective for building muscle if you work to failure. You can just get much better results in less time from lifting heavy with low reps. Anything is better than nothing though
  • BigBigBertha
    BigBigBertha Posts: 208 Member
    I've always been told low weight high reps by staff at my gym and I still go by it. Personally I don't want to be visibly muscular or look like I've spent time in in the gym, and (I fell off the wagon a few years ago) but before that the strategy helped me tone up to where I wanted to be. Sometimes I think advocators of heavy lifting forget that not everyone has the same goals for their appearance.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    ...Then why do people who do Jillian Michaels' videos get such great results?

    I'm not just talking about overweight people. People who are in relatively good shape and felt they were still "skinny fat" did and reviewed videos like Ripped in 30 and 30 Day Shred and toned up considerably. They're not super muscular and they're hardly body builders, but they got the body type a lot of ladies on here say they want, myself included. They also lose inches rather than just pounds, a sure sign of gaining or at least maintaining muscle as well as burning fat.

    Not saying there's anything wrong with lifting heavy and I know it does great things for people, but light weights can't be all that bad considering the kind of results people who use them get.

    It isn't pointless at all. It's good exercise. It's only pointless if you are trying to gain muscles. Low weight and high reps is good for endurance muscles. High weight and low reps is good for strength muscles. They are two different types of exercise. The same people who claim low weight/high rep is pointless are the same people who call cardio pointless. It's all about your goals.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    HigHrep low weight is better than sitting on the couch eating nachos . That being said , it will build endurance without doing anything else. If you want your body to change shape, lift heavy. It will give you the best results for your efforts. I suggest you read the book, the new rules of lifting for women, even if you do not do the workout, it will help understand why it is an efficient workout.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I always heard low weight + higher reps = shrinking. Higher weights + lower reps = enlarging muscles. Is that right? Like the difference in the legs of a sprinter (huge calves and thigh muscles) and a long distant runner ( leaner legs all the way).

    the second part is true. The first part is bunk. Your muscles will only shrink if you don't use them at all and avoid protein.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    HigHrep low weight is better than sitting on the couch eating nachos . That being said , it will build endurance without doing anything else. If you want your body to change shape, lift heavy. It will give you the best results for your efforts. I suggest you read the book, the new rules of lifting for women, even if you do not do the workout, it will help understand why it is an efficient workout.

    It's efficient if gaining strength, and looking like a goddess, is your goal. Women need to read it!
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I don't know if low weights to exhaustion has any effect on the connective tissues and bones. In order to be able to lift more, you pretty much have to improve those, too.

    Others have mentioned, for a woman to get "muscular" takes a lot more effort than you'd think. Strength training isn't going to make you look like you go to the gym.
  • renkomm
    renkomm Posts: 1 Member
    7 days into Jillian's 30 day shred. Very sore the first few days I thought the soreness would never go away but it has. Not seeing much of a difference yet, but feeling better. :happy:
  • Jozie_
    Jozie_ Posts: 61 Member
    ...Then why do people who do Jillian Michaels' videos get such great results?

    I'm not just talking about overweight people. People who are in relatively good shape and felt they were still "skinny fat" did and reviewed videos like Ripped in 30 and 30 Day Shred and toned up considerably. They're not super muscular and they're hardly body builders, but they got the body type a lot of ladies on here say they want, myself included. They also lose inches rather than just pounds, a sure sign of gaining or at least maintaining muscle as well as burning fat.

    Not saying there's anything wrong with lifting heavy and I know it does great things for people, but light weights can't be all that bad considering the kind of results people who use them get.

    It isn't pointless at all. It's good exercise. It's only pointless if you are trying to gain muscles. Low weight and high reps is good for endurance muscles. High weight and low reps is good for strength muscles. They are two different types of exercise. The same people who claim low weight/high rep is pointless are the same people who call cardio pointless. It's all about your goals.

    Great answer, I'm often feeling confused about what sort of exercise I ''Should'' be doing, particulary reading the MFP forums where a lot of people seem to be a bit lift heavy or go home. Cardio migth not get me ripped, but I like it and it makes me feel good, I find Jillian Michaels DVD's quite fun so I'm more likely to do them and give them my all! Any excercise is better than no exercise and the kind you're most likely to do is the one you enjoy!
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    low weights to exhaustion works, but it takes more time..
  • 2April
    2April Posts: 285 Member
    Jillian also adds moves like pushups which many women struggle with so if you move from knee to toe pushups you have increased strength. As strength increases the pushup will become an endurance exercise but for many people it is a maximal strength exercise.
  • __RANDY__
    __RANDY__ Posts: 1,036 Member
    Just a form cardio to me.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    Those types of programs are basically forms of cardio so of course people are going to lose weight. Heavy weight is needed if you want to build more muscle or get stronger.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    ...Then why do people who do Jillian Michaels' videos get such great results?

    Your entire argument is based on a false premise. Who are these people of which you speak? Can you put hand upon them? Do you actually know people that actually got ripped in 30 days?

    If that's what you want to do, I'm not here to stop you. But I'm not sure why you continually post threads like this when you know you're going to get the same answers. Answers from real people, posting real results, from really lifting heavy.

    Feel free to do it your way. I sincerely hope you succeed. When you reach your goal, please come back and post a success thread with pictures. I'll be the first one in there to congratulate you on doing it your way.
  • S_U_M_M_E_R
    S_U_M_M_E_R Posts: 220 Member
    You need both. Low weights and high reps. You also need big weights with low reps. Both serve a different purpose.
    At body pump class at the gym (the same type of work that Jillian Michaels does) it was told to us that we need to lift with heavy weights and low reps out side of class.\

    What about P90X? Don't they claim you get ripped, but don't use heavy weights. It's been proven.

    p.s. to one person above, Jillian never said "you'd get ripped in 30 days." She claims you will lose up to 20 lbs and shred fat in 30 days."