WW vs. MFP

I was about to re-join WW and then I stumbled on MFP! I played around and was pleasantly pleased. Due to my hectic schedule, I think I would prefer an online program. Would love to hear from others with experience from both plans... Thank you!


  • I too was about to rejoin WW. Several years back I did manage to attend the meetings but I was working full time and I had difficulty attending the meetings. I sometimes felt the meetings were more about selling their new products than having a support group. I have only been on this site for a few weeks but it seems very easy to journal what I am eating. I am looking for friends to give and get support.
  • PReiss828
    PReiss828 Posts: 41 Member
    I did WW online and did well, but then fell away from tracking and well....you know what happens then...
    I wanted/needed to get back on it, but money was an issue and then a friend told me about this (the school nurse suggested it) and so I figured I would try it..and I really, really like it...I'm tracking again and I've found the people on here to be wonderfully supportive of everyone...
  • nikongirl29
    nikongirl29 Posts: 59 Member
    I have done WW in the past (and I did lose, but gained it all back and more) - MFP is better for me because it's straight up what you eat - I don't know how weight watches is now, but it used to be based on a points system so I really overdid it - like I wouldn't eat all day so I could have a reece cup - I don't feel like I got as much nutrition out of that as I do out of MFP and with MFP it really makes me be aware of everything I'm putting in my mouth - so I have to plan out my meals and make smart choices! I did like the meetings with WW though, but again, MFP = free :)
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    I've done both and been success. I like MFP b/c its free. I couldn't afford to pay for WW anymore. MFP has made me pay more attention to what I eat. I know you can do it. Both programs take work and dedication.
  • maggiewithfins
    maggiewithfins Posts: 75 Member
    I did WW years ago, it was before their new pure points. I like the simplicity of MFP. Calories in, calories out. No converting your food to points. Makes it really easy. But the structure of WW is something that MFP doesn't have. Make a pro's and cons of each. You can always use one or the other as a back up if the one you choose isn't working for you.
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Agreed on all. They are out to make money. I had to unsubscribe from their emails because I felt like I was being stalked to start their new program. Really sick of the "new" programs they announce. Stick with one thing and just stay true to it. In my mind this is watching nutrients via this site. You have all the support you need and it's free. Why not?
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,212 Member
    Really sick of the "new" programs they announce.

    I look at it THIS way. If their programs work, why do they have to keep having NEW ones?
  • JamesChargerWolf
    JamesChargerWolf Posts: 83 Member
    Also a former WW member. (Lost 28lbs, made it to goal, became a lifetime member, kept it off for 6 years before putting on a few and losing my free meeting status.)

    WW still does points and they actually do suggest how you should distribute your points. Example, protein: 6 points , carbs: 14 points, etc.

    To me, the biggest differences between the 2 are the cost and the weigh in.
    -With MFP you do not have to weigh in weekly. Or you can weigh every fews days, whatever works for you.
    -And obviously MFP is free. When I was in WW I found that paying for weight loss made me stick to it better. I didn't want to waste money on TOP of not losing.

    I'm only on day 5 of MFP but I like it a lot. I can get DAILY support instead of just 1 hour a week. Community is key for me. (To be fair, WW does have an online version. It might be included with membership.)
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Right. They do push you to buy products as well. And they are so expensive.
  • Sweetfi
    Sweetfi Posts: 59 Member
    I find MFP to be less confusing. I liked the WW recipes and emails. I like not paying for MFP. It's one of the reasons I won't pay for Jillian Michaels App. I get the same stuff here for free. Also, no product pushing. It's actually not allowed here. That makes me happy. :smile:
  • alisiaendris
    alisiaendris Posts: 213 Member
    Although I have never joined WW, one of my co-workers uses it. Her main complaint is lack of accountability in between meetings. I love MFP, because as long as I have the internet handy (pretty much always with my smart phone) I can log my foods. THis helps when I am out and about and need to make healthy choices. :)
  • 2011Eileen
    2011Eileen Posts: 63 Member
    I did ww points plus in 2011 and lost 70 lbs, doing it online only. I came to mfp as needed a change and loved the idea it was free.
    WW website did have a lot of problems when posting, which annoyed me.

    I do like mfp better as can track sugar or sodium, or etc., have an open diary all of which ww does not have, and can choose friends.
  • P05T5CRIPT
    P05T5CRIPT Posts: 285 Member
    I joined WW a few years ago and lost around 10lbs (was there about 2.5 months) before slowly drifting away. I just didn't like having to keep to their schedule and attend meetings, just wasn't my 'thing' I guess. I joined MFP in June 2012 and have lost 68lbs so far, so it's pretty obvious MFP suits me better.

    I like the freedom of being on this lifestyle in my own time and figuring things out as I go along, without having to buy into certain products or having to be at a certain location for a meeting each week, I'd much rather spend that evening in the gym! I found there was no support in between meetings, whereas on MFP I get support, guidance and advice daily from my friends and on the forums.

    It's really all about finding out what works for you :flowerforyou:
  • jrtcw
    jrtcw Posts: 128 Member
    Mfp is free which is a huge factor in why I use it and not WW. Also feel that the emphasis here is fitness and not just weight loss, or perhaps that is because I have been careful who I add as friends and what I read/pay attention to? I started C25K because of this site, and am glad I did as now I am much fitter than before.
  • voliver77
    voliver77 Posts: 13 Member
    I have done both and definitely prefer Mfp. For a start, it's free. I love being able to make friends and get support and ideas.. Going to ww meetings now with 2 young children just isn't practical for me anymore. I know there is ww online, but I don't want to pay for that when Mfp is free! I did lose a lot with ww but over the years I gained it all back, whereas I feel like Mfp is more sustainable.
  • hello there I have tried WW and did quite well to start with but it's expensive and a pain working out the points. All foods have calories printed for you so i find MFP simpler to use so thats what i'm sticking with but I suppose its whatever suits your life style and circumstances. good luck with whatever you decide to do.:smile:
  • JaneInKansas
    JaneInKansas Posts: 82 Member
    I did WW years ago and found I always hit a plateau, but never could really figure out why. -- and then I'd basically give up. I feel like MFP has better tools to help you understand why you aren't losing weight (eating too much sodium, etc.). Plus, if you have a question about anything you can always post to your MFP friends or create a topic on the message board to get suggestions, info, etc. So, for me, MFP definitely is the best choice for me.
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    I was about to re-join WW and then I stumbled on MFP! I played around and was pleasantly pleased. Due to my hectic schedule, I think I would prefer an online program. Would love to hear from others with experience from both plans... Thank you!
    I LOVE Weight Watchers!! I lost 35 pounds in 3 months after I had my middle son on their nursing mom's plan.

    I hate that they change it every year, though. Seems like I was always having to relearn a program change.

    I like MFP because they are consistent and it is FREE :) And I get tons of support. So...will be staying here!
  • amymichelle1226
    amymichelle1226 Posts: 150 Member
    I used WW a little over two years ago and lost weight fast but gained it all back.

    I like MFP much better for these reasons:

    1. It's FREE
    2. I think the food database is much bigger
    3. The community here is awesome
    4. For me, it's encouraged me to work out more. I did not work out doing WW. When I first started, seeing all of MFP friends working out, it really pushed me.
    5. WW says zero points for fruits and veggies, but there are a lot of calories in some fruits and veggies so I think it's doing a disservice to people who are counting them as nothing.
  • plynn54
    plynn54 Posts: 912 Member
    WW $$$ MFP free, easy choice for me lol
  • olores
    olores Posts: 257 Member
    WW really does work! Still a member! Lost 55lbs since 2/15/12 with WW; I don't buy in to their products and you don't have too! MFP is great too! I double track on both programs although MFP is a better tracking program with much more variety and less complications. Both works but its all about dedication...your williness to create a change for yourself! GOD bless!
  • olores
    olores Posts: 257 Member
    Although I have never joined WW, one of my co-workers uses it. Her main complaint is lack of accountability in between meetings. I love MFP, because as long as I have the internet handy (pretty much always with my smart phone) I can log my foods. THis helps when I am out and about and need to make healthy choices. :)

    WW has much accountability! If you have a smartphone and most do...you can log on 24/7.
  • Starfish1125
    Starfish1125 Posts: 169 Member
    It was too easy for me to cheat on WW. Plus the cost was prohibitive for me.

    MFP is free and I can see how many carbs/fats/proteins I'm eating.

    I am sticking with MFP!
  • mk_hammer
    mk_hammer Posts: 105
    I lost about 60 lbs over several bouts with WW, so it definitely works, but I won't go back. It's expensive, they are all about pushing their products when you go to meetings, and they spam you TO DEATH. Seriously.

    I'm all MFP now!
  • drkuhl2017
    drkuhl2017 Posts: 181 Member
    I am currently tracking both (I found some free tools online about WW points and such). If your interested in those tools, and hey it's free, send me a message and I'd be glad to send you the links.
  • I don't think weight watchers is all that useful or healthy to be honest. I know a family that uses weight watchers and they use the points to eat any type of junk and focus solely on these points, rather than macro-nutrients and clean whole foods that should take up a majority of the diet. Any time I see weight watchers foods on the shelves in supermarkets they are processed chocolate bars and ready meals etc, and personally I just don't think that gives the person any knowledge or learning opportunities for healthy eating or sustainability, people rely on weight watchers brand and that equals MONEY because people will keep crawling back because they have no idea how it went wrong.
  • xjanetx123
    xjanetx123 Posts: 5 Member
    www works but personally not for me. not enough points and was starving after each meal. mfp works for me
  • silverthreads1
    silverthreads1 Posts: 11 Member
    Off and on since the 1970's I had been a member of WW and each time I lost weight and followed all their various plans and paid out all those $$$$. The one thing I did find was that there was only support during the meetings, altough you can go as many times a week as you want to, but who has the time. I never did the online meetings. I like MFP better. It seems more realistic to me and I love the daily, if not hourly support that I can find here. A lot of people have told me that WW sets their daily points too low, but I don't know if that is true or not. Someone else made a valid point that fruit ( I guess on the newest plan) is free. How can that be? it has calories and if you are a diabetic that is bad news. I forget to mention that each time I left the plan I also gained weight. I think MFP will work better for me at keeping the weight off, much easier to keep tracking.
  • Rg2324
    Rg2324 Posts: 15 Member
    WW never worked for me and since I travel for work all the time, the meetings are out. I started with the mayo clinic diet last week and am now using MFP to keep track. Love it and am down 3,5 lbs in five days . Putting in what I eat and having it calculate as I go along, automatically, keeps me honest and on track.
  • BreakingBackSunday
    BreakingBackSunday Posts: 15 Member
    I lost weight with WW as well, and liked it well enough. But just tracking calories makes more sense to me. Plus, I think the community and support is much better on mfp.
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