I'm Starting Over... Seeking new friends...

Hello, My name is TJ. I live in Atlanta, GA. I'm seeking new friends on this journey. I turn 40 on last year. I'm trying really hard to lose this weight.:smile: I must admit at times I lose my movitation.


  • fiabka
    fiabka Posts: 294 Member
    Hi TJ from grey ole England!!!!

    - I've been on here since May 2011 & came 7lbs away from my goal ........ that was Oct 11 but I am afraid to say that on the 1st Jan this year I weighed in at my heaviest so like you, I am back to this ..... hardcore as I too suffer with the motivation bit !

    I hope we can both achieve our goals this year - Good Luck :bigsmile:

  • creola77
    creola77 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi TJ and Fi,

    For the past few months I have been losing on and off and I can always use some motivation. Especially when it comes to exercise. I do Zumba once a week but have a goal to do Yoga as well once a week. I love the relaxation and clarity that Yoga gives me - if I could only do MORE!! :wink:

    Looking forward to motivating each other. I have about 20 more pounds I'd like to shed.

  • creola77
    creola77 Posts: 3 Member
    Oops. I forgot to mention, I'm from Providence, RI. :)
  • ravenchick
    ravenchick Posts: 345 Member
    You've come to the right place. This site does work as long as you're consistent. Good luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • Nijo1821
    Nijo1821 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi TJ, Fi & Arline, i'm starting over too. I had been doing really well (i've lost 14lbs since September) but everything went a bit pear shaped coming up to Christmas. Feel free to add me as a friend and hopefully we can all motivate one another. Nicola.
  • minsch
    minsch Posts: 144 Member
    I live just outside of ATL and turn 40 in February. I have a goal for my birthday and I have lost my motivation in the last couple of days....I need to get back at it!
  • mbridges82
    mbridges82 Posts: 5 Member
    My name is Melissa, and I'm from Ypsilanti, MI. I too have issues with keeping my motivation up to keep going. I just had a baby last year (in June) and after she was born, I lost 30 lbs. Now I'm back up in my weight and I'm starting this weight loss journey over again...the main difference being that now, my husband is getting involved too! Good luck to you all!

    P.S. I'm getting ready to start the Jillian Michaels: 30 Day Shred program. I'll let you know how it goes :)
  • NdigoBlue
    I too am starting over again. 2012 was a year!! With some of the best and worst things happening in my life! I am looking forward to a wonderful new year starting with a new me! Feel free to friend me so we can support one another. Having friends along always the journey a little easier!
  • Carla246
    Carla246 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm 35, married w/ two little girls, and looking to lose 30-40 lbs! I live in Massachusetts. I've never needed to diet in the past, just lost weight when I needed to, but since I've had kids, it's been impossible. But it's a new year, and I'm psyched for things to change.
    I lost just over 2 lbs last week by seriously cutting out carbs - a detox, really. But that's not sustainable for me, so now I'm focusing on logging everything and staying committed to fruits and veggies for snacks and getting lots of exercise. I have a serious problem with sugar, so I need to work through my cravings!
    Let's support each other - please friend me or I will try to friend you!
    Happy new year!
  • Suzyqz37
    Hi! I'm Suzanne and I have 60-70 lbs to lose to get back to my pre-baby weight. I gained 50 lbs with my first pregnancy, and kept gaining each time. I'm now heavier than I've ever been :( I've been on here for awhile, but not consistently. I'm hoping to finally stay motivated. I went to the gym this morning for the first time in weeks and I started logging again.

    I hope we can all meet our goals!
  • blueyegrl
    blueyegrl Posts: 248 Member
    Hi! I'm Carren, turning 37 in May, live in Weymouth, MA (SE of Boston), had excellent results with MFP about a year ago, lost 40lbs, than life got in the way and I've gained back 30lbs! Back on MFP and also getting ready to start my first round ever of P90X. Always looking for friends and support on here, the more the merrier. Anyone want to add me, please feel free! I keep my profile and diary public.
  • Booyietou
    Hi TJ, I also live in Atlanta and have just started my weightloss journey. If you would like to help keep each other motivated you can add me as a friend. :smile:
  • bmsmommy
    bmsmommy Posts: 2 Member
    I'm new here, too! One of my friends has lost over 40lbs using myfitnesspal. I'm giving it a shot! After gaining all of the weight and about 10 additional pounds back (close to 90lbs!) that I lost a year and a half ago, I am back on track! Started exercising and food logging last Wednesday and already down over 7lbs (mostly water weight, I know)! Always looking for friends to help motivate me and vice-versa. I am 33, married for 13 years with an almost 11yr old son. We live in Minnesota. :-)
  • sheriann1271
    sheriann1271 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi, I'm Sheri. Starting over too. I'm 41, and live in Michigan. I have 85 lbs I'd like to lose. I put it all on in the last 6 years. I've been trying to stay motivated and have had set backs. I feel like I've hit bottom now and have to get serious! Nice to meet you all :)
  • Bwlnggd
    Bwlnggd Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, My name is Gene. This is my first time on My Fitness Pal and I hope to only have to do it once. I live in Denver CO, I love to cook and am finding many ways to cook with better foods that I didn't know where out there. I hope to be at my goal in 2 years. I have a 200 lbs goal. I would love to hear of foods or recipes that will help me. I would be happy to share things with everybody that I may find.
  • chelsifina
    chelsifina Posts: 346 Member
    Hi All! I've been here for a couple of years, and am finally on my way out of a very challenging journey with my health. Oddly, one of the things that first let me know that something was wrong was my inability to lose weight after a solid year of dedicated effort. In fact, I would only gain, and the more I followed my diet and exercised the worse I felt. I truly believe that paying such close attention to what I was doing and how I was feeling through MFP helped alert me to an issue that I had to pursue for another solid year before I found a doctor who would listen. This community really helped me keep up the fight. Turns out, I had 2 different parasites, and had them for at least 2 years if not 3, and during that time they did a ton of damage. So, I'm on the road to recovery, which requires a tremendously reduced workload, and a very restricted diet. It feels great to have some energy again, to be able to think clearly, and not feel so ill and in pain so much of the time. I am happy to support others the way that I have been. I don't always check in every day, but I love to cheer for you and, as a result of my own efforts, I have a wealth of information about diet and exercise. Good luck to you all!!!!
  • sueberloo
    Hi I have just joined this minute. Need to shift at least 2 stone since having my baby 2 years ago. Just not been able to shift it. Think this really will get me motivated to cut down and get my *kitten* in gear. x
  • mike667grace
    Hey Ladies [ and Gents too :) ]
    I'm just starting over as far as weight loss too.
    Like TJ, i gotta admit i loose motivation sometimes, especially in times of stress.

    Some things i do to keep motivated are:
    Watch "The Secret" on youtube (or "the moses code" or "thrive:the movie" or comedy videos)
    Listen to some good oldies (Motown, Anyone?)
    Virtualize (visualize but use all 5 senses, thanks to Robert Allen & Mark Viktor Hansen for that one!)
    Listen to audiobooks with positive messages (mike dooley, wayne dyer, michael beckwith, neale donald walsh)
    Hug my wife and kids
    play with our cats and snake (snake is wives, named Adara, Greek for Beauty)
    write some poetry

    What things do you guys do to stay pumped up?

    Mike from Anderson SC
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    I am almost 38 TJ. you can add me. I went from 250 pounds in 1996. to 190 as of today. I would be glad to encourage you.
  • creola77
    creola77 Posts: 3 Member
    Wow! I already feel motivated just by all of the posts!!