January Challange Join????



  • I've posted the challenge on both my personal facebook profile and on my facebook page. I've had a few people say they'll do it :3
    Nice how did you feel today

    The squats were not nearly as intense as the lunges. I'm used to squatting and lifting. Not looking forward to more lunges on Monday x3
  • lovecrystaljoy
    lovecrystaljoy Posts: 297 Member
    Who finished out this week stong? Tomorrow is a breather for everyone so kick back and enjoy your day off see yall Monday
  • Just joined and I'm up for the Challenge.
  • iHeartYammy
    iHeartYammy Posts: 21 Member
    For January 7th...is that supposed to be 30 second Plank?? just wanna clarify, Thanks!
    es 30 sec planks

    Thanks...today (01/07) got me. haven't done actual sit ups for a long time. and i've always disliked lunges. lol. but i pushed through and finished another day!!
  • LaSutopia
    LaSutopia Posts: 1,164 Member
    I just remembered that I had not done anything today and was freaked out cause Im about to go to bed, so I checked in to see if I could squeeze it in to find out it was REST DAY! YAY! I did not miss anything! :)
  • :wink:
    I will join in!
    I just joined today . I'm thrilled to have the online motivation!
  • lizzymom3
    lizzymom3 Posts: 17 Member
    A few days late, but better then never :wink: I may not be able to do ALL the activities (knee surger 2 months ago) but I will do what I can daily - my best! Glad today was rest day, I did my squats and some push-ups earlier before knowing about this... lunges... uck! But I've gotta do those too... soon... today...
  • lizzymom3
    lizzymom3 Posts: 17 Member
    I hear ya on NO upper body strength! Try doing them with your legs on a ball, a little easier. Or try with your hands on the couch (or counertop) till you get more strength to move to the floor... ideas! Don't want you to hurt and not want to do it. :smile:
  • lizzymom3
    lizzymom3 Posts: 17 Member
    I am worried about the push ups like some one else said cause I have no upper body strength. I can do like 5-8 GIRL push ups max...But I will try. And I will have to look up the Starwhatevers

    I hear ya on NO upper body strength! Try doing them with your legs on a ball, a little easier. Or try with your hands on the couch (or counertop) till you get more strength to move to the floor... ideas! Don't want you to hurt and not want to do it.
  • Another newby here I will join too ! Better late than never :) thx op I need something like this :)
  • MLL0319
    MLL0319 Posts: 109 Member
    Completed the 1/7 required workouts. Sit ups were hard then I thought.
  • lizzymom3
    lizzymom3 Posts: 17 Member
    Did today's stuff... tummy sore from yesterday's workout (not here - my own before I knew of this group)... but it is DONE! :-) Yeah me!
  • lovecrystaljoy
    lovecrystaljoy Posts: 297 Member
    Hey guys how was your day off from the challang? Mine was nice I actually took the day off from Insanity as well . Today was suppose to be my day off for Insanity but I figured my body needed at least one full day of rest so Insanity today here I come. Just finished day 7's workout :) How did you guys do?
  • lovecrystaljoy
    lovecrystaljoy Posts: 297 Member
    Completed the 1/7 required workouts. Sit ups were hard then I thought.
    I hear you I havent done full sit ups in a LONG time But I pushed through and got it done :)
  • iHeartYammy
    iHeartYammy Posts: 21 Member
    Did 01/08 exercise...my goodness those star jumps killed me. i started the challenge after the previous Star Jumps day. i was only able to do 45. i did the push ups (girlie ones) and the 35 sec plank though and i still have my regular exercise to do for today to. i can see how the star jumps are a good exercise though.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Sit-ups and planks done. Did Mary Katherines and walk squats during Plyo tonight so all complete.
  • LaSutopia
    LaSutopia Posts: 1,164 Member
    I did my workout yesterday the 7th...and I also did 120 jumping jacks :)
  • julsmarshall
    julsmarshall Posts: 129 Member
    starting late, but better late than never! I have printed this out and taped on a wall in my office. I will take a few breaks each day at the office to complete them :)

    I have been wanting to move more throughout the day and this is a great motivation!


  • I am joining a little late but you can include me as well :)
  • lizzymom3
    lizzymom3 Posts: 17 Member
    Oops! I did tomorrows today... guess I'll do today's tomorrow. :wink: