College Student 40+ pounds to lose NEED ENCOURAGEMENT



  • Danielle817
    Danielle817 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi, I'm a 24 year old graduate student. Feel free to add me, that goes for anybody.
  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member
    Hey there, Kay! :)
    I'm 21, feel free to add me! :)
  • Wargamergal
    Wargamergal Posts: 58 Member
    I know what you mean about getting comfortable in the relationship and putting on weight - i did that also, so back on track i go :)
  • kwseneca
    Thanks everyone! SO many people on here to help. It honestly makes me feel like I need to get off my lazy butt and work out! If you guys can do it, so can I! Friend requests are comin! lol
  • Lifetimegoals
    Lifetimegoals Posts: 29 Member
    Count on me. Let's help each other reach our goals. :)
  • minniebee
    minniebee Posts: 193 Member
    I'm a college student too and it is so hard to find the time and motivation after a full day of classes to go to the gym. Feel free to add me for some extra support!
  • nat08b
    nat08b Posts: 14
    I'm a college student too and it is so hard to find the time and motivation after a full day of classes to go to the gym. Feel free to add me for some extra support!

  • tkjuggler
    tkjuggler Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Kay!

    I was in college about 20 years ago, but it certainly does not seem that long ago. It feels like yesterday!
    Even though I am an Exercise Physiologist over the last few months I kinda let myself go and I picked up 10 pounds just like that.

    Like you, I love to go out or eat at home with my wife who is more chubby than me, so I can relate to that.

    My wake up call combined with my New Year's Resolution was when I hit my maximum weight a few days ago. Even though I love food too much, I am determined and dedicated to lose these 10 pounds that are extra.

    Like everyone else, I also need motivation to be careful of what I eat, and to invest the necessary time for exercising EVERY day!

    As a college student you should know that you will feel so much better about yourself when you attain your goals, but mostly because you will become a healthier person.

    You can count me in for any support you need!

  • a778c466
    a778c466 Posts: 141 Member
    I am in college also, currently a junior. It gets very busy. I understand what you mean, I have to pay for everything myself also and take care of my kids alone. Pizza used to be a every week meal when it got hectic. Being on here helps a lot. You can do it. It helps to plan out meals for days that are going to be really busy. I would make vegetarian burritos on saturdays so that if I got busy during the week, I could grab one of those and go.

    Edit to add: Anyone can feel free to add me! It helps to have friends!
  • Ashhhhhole
    Hey! I'm 21 years old, I'm in college, and I'm looking to lose around 60 pounds. I was at my ideal size in high school as well, and I'm hoping to get back to that size. Weight isn't so important, I just want to be lean. I'm also training for a half marathon, and considering I've never ran more than 3 miles in my entire life, its going to be quite a challenge. If you want a friend add me!
  • Bethany7053
    Bethany7053 Posts: 22 Member
    I can relate to your story! I am only 4'11 so being 150 pounds makes me feel miserable! I am in nursing school full time and have two young children. I will get stressed before tests and exams and do nothing but study and eat all night long. I am carrying around fruit and vegetables at school now and doing home workout videos in the mornings. It is a daily struggle but you can do it! :) I sent you a friend request!