How to get adequate protein for vegetarians like me.

Howdy folks,

Having a vegetarian lifestyle has its own challenges. I have always wondered what kind of food will replace animal protein. yes there is Tofu, beans etc. But i have found out that they are complex proteins and only Quinoa comes close to meat equivalent.

I am stuffing myself with too much carbs and i absolutely hate it. It is one of the main reasons i am tired for the most part and can't keep focus at work.

Like the saying a full stomach results in a sound mind...for vegetarains it is a challenge because we try to make up the loss of protein with carbs.

Just wanted to share with you.

I do not have a weight problem it is the sluggishness and depression that is caused me to get on this website.


  • abrahamsitososa
    abrahamsitososa Posts: 716 Member
    Do you eat a lot of candy and processed foods?
  • jsuswaram
    jsuswaram Posts: 12 Member
    hi there..
    I am not very good with portion sizes..i feel that i have to go for 2-3 servings of beans etc wheni need only one. Is that a behavioral thing or just the fact that i still need more protien?
  • jsuswaram
    jsuswaram Posts: 12 Member
    Candy- choclate Yes
    Processed food- Yes
  • abrahamsitososa
    abrahamsitososa Posts: 716 Member
    Candy- choclate Yes
    Processed food- Yes

    The only opinion I can give you is that the candy and processed foods are causing the problem. But if you aren't eating meat make sure you are taking a multivitamin that contains B12. Preferably an organic vegan multivitamin. And if you are concerned about protein intake there is lots of vegan protein powders that you can mix with water and drink them. Some are very delicious and they sell them at any health food stores, trader joes, sprouts, and almost any whole foods markets.
  • azalea617
    azalea617 Posts: 109 Member
    Add some spirulina and chia seeds. Both are good in smoothies. Flax seed is fun to throw in as well for some omegas. Nutrional yeast also has high protein content and a wonderful cheesy taste. Just make sure you research your diet as well so you know you're adding the right foods. Good luck! :)
  • jsuswaram
    jsuswaram Posts: 12 Member
    thank you for the heads up..apprecaite your time.


    I am taking Niacin, fish oil and metamucil after lunch. But yes i need to start taking multivitamins B vitamins in particular.
  • jsuswaram
    jsuswaram Posts: 12 Member
    thank you!
  • abrahamsitososa
    abrahamsitososa Posts: 716 Member
    Add some spirulina and chia seeds. Both are good in smoothies. Flax seed is fun to throw in as well for some omegas. Nutrional yeast also has high protein content and a wonderful cheesy taste. Just make sure you research your diet as well so you know you're adding the right foods. Good luck! :)

    Amen! Flaxseed oil contains twice the amount of omega 3's than fish oil by the way and has no mercury contamination.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    You can look at my diary if you like. I do need to up my protein but there are lots of good sources. Broccol, spinach and Kale are high in protein, you just have to eat a lot of it. Add two cups of this to your lentil and quinoa soup (with a bit of brown rice, nutritional yeast sprinkled on top, lots of good spices like cumin curry and tumeric), and you've got a great meal.

    I make seitan too and buy tempeh for a meat substitute. Make sure your carbs are whole wheat. You can also use protein powders and make a shake.

    If you eat dairy then it's much easier: Greek yogurt, and cottage cheese are good sources. You could also add skim milk powder to mashed potatoes, soups and stews, anything really.
  • amili045
  • jsuswaram
    jsuswaram Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you..

    Happy i joined this site.
  • jsuswaram
    jsuswaram Posts: 12 Member
    Also retaining my muscle mass after a workout with my diet seems to be a challenge. Should i have a protein boost before or after work out?
    I hear we should have one after because the muscles tear and the protein is need to fix them and hence the muscle solidification process.
  • Christy175
    Christy175 Posts: 60 Member
    Soy protein powder might be a boost. Try mixing it with greek yogurt, or chia pudding (chia seeds, coconut milk, soy powder) if you don't eat dairy.

    Also if you are feeling sluggish it might not be a bad idea to see your doctor. There may be an underlying health condition that needs to be addressed. Especially with a vegetarian diet it is a good idea to be checked for anemia.

    For workouts you need carbs for energy before, add more protein before for longer work outs. Carbs give you a boost to start and enough fuel for short workouts/quick cardio. The protein for longer work outs will help sustain your energy for a longer period of time.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    I'm not understanding what is wrong with having more than 1 'serving' of legumes?
    If 1/2 cup is a serving, then I do that all the time. As long as it's not too much for your body to handle.
    If you make the beans yourself, they aren't loaded with sugar or salt.
    Beans are fairly low in calories.

    many people say protein after workouts is needed. It's not necessary to buy whey or other types of protein.
    you can just as easily have a snack bag of nuts or seeds after. or make your own protein bars. many easy recipes on here.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    Have you ever been tested for anemia?
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
  • peacek
    peacek Posts: 211
    Be careful with soy though- I went vegan for a few months and realized I have soy allergy.
    As for your original question- Protein needs are over-rated.
    To avoid sluggishness- drink lots of water and move more!
  • SleepySin
    SleepySin Posts: 168 Member
    Portion-control is a big part of how you feel throughout the day. If you overeat in any one sitting, you're bound to feel sluggish. My SO is notorious for this - eats nothing all day and then gorges at dinner. Needless to say, after dinner activities are at a minimum.

    Here's a link telling a bit about each of the common protein powders out there:

    A good start for your symptoms should be to go to the doctor and get a full blood test. I do this yearly to make sure my nutrient levels are in order. From there, we can better look into your diet and lifestyle so see what may be lacking.

    As for when to take protein shakes - most people drink theirs within the half hour after working out. You can definitely start drinking during your workout too but be careful not to over do it (since you say you have portion control issues) or you'll end up with a full tummy and not being able to move ;)
  • _rosegray
    _rosegray Posts: 26 Member
    i try and make sure that every meal has beans/pulses/etc in it (as i don't eat dairy), then have tofu and eggs when i can. i'm on a student budget so it's mostly beany things but the more attention you pay to protein the easier it is to get more in - that's what i've found, anyway. i've felt like cleaning up my diet has helped my moods incredibly too, so i wish you all the best with yours! feel free to add me if you want to see what kind of meals i have to get my protein up :) (it isn't always that high but i'm trying hard now!) x
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    How strict of a vegetarian are you? My boyfriend is vegetarian because he really hates the taste of meat, but he'll still eat chicken broth, eggs, cheese, whey protein, etc. Eggs are a vegetarian's best friend, honestly - I'd incorporate as many of those into your diet as you can.

    I think you'll find you feel better eating whole grains and complex carbs as the bulk of your carb intake; lots of protein in there too.

    If you want detailed advice or recipes PM me.