What can I get for $1?



  • ChrisC_77
    ChrisC_77 Posts: 271 Member
    You can get a lot of fruit and veggies, etc for a dollar. When local farmers markets spring up, Abundant produce is practically given away. One day last year i got 5 skinny eggplants, 4-5 bell peppers of assorted colors, onion, garlic, grape tomatoes for around 5 dollars. At our winter market, one of the growers had a ton and I mean a ton of acorn and butternut squashes that were one the small side as they were end of season. 25 cents each. I got 8 each on 2 occasions since the store well. I got 4 white sweet potatoes for 1.50 locally at the winter market. I can go on and on. I get more variety on fruits and veggies at our town market which features several vendors for about half of the cost of the grocery store. Locally raised meat does usually cost a bit more, but I pay for it because I cannot support the practices of the mega meat industries which I consider to be unethical.

    Also on a side not, the average family throws away about $2,000 worth of spoiled or uneaten food every year. So only buy what you are going to use and if something needs to be used soon, look up recipes that use those ingredients, make a soup, fruit smoothies, etc.
  • kaervaak
    kaervaak Posts: 274 Member
    A dozen eggs, 960 calories
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    Aldi is the ****. I spent $39 and I got tons of food that is healthy today. My most expensive item? M&Ms.

    I got 3 grapefruit for .99
    2 cans of black beans for a tiny over 1
    Tuna is less than 1
    Bread is .99