What was your "fat" breaking point?



  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    When i was in class, we were using a scale and i had to get on it...in front of everyone...most humiliating moment of my life.
  • bbmkr3
    bbmkr3 Posts: 25 Member
    When I was outgrowing all of my Mom's hand me downs (that she outgrew) for the third time, realized I weighed more than I ever did while pregnant and went to a friends wedding and saw some pics taken of me that day looking like I was pregnant. I decided it was time to make some changes.
  • When I was diagnosed with high blood pressure. It sucked. Big time. So, I lost 50 pounds and got off of my meds within 3 months. Then, it was discovered that I also have a high heart rate that will not be lowered regardless of my weight. Back on meds I went, and I gained a bit of the weight back. It took a little while to accept the fact that I had to take the meds, and decide that I will lose the weight because I WANT to and not because I had to.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    When I hit 250.
  • bellevie86
    bellevie86 Posts: 301 Member
    When I had to be a bridesmaid and was deathly scared of having to go dress shopping. When I looked at the photos and was mortified at them. And lastly, when I went through a rough break up and booked a cruise and didn't wanna be the "fat one" in those phtotos too!!!
  • I am now on the biggest size (in jeans) that most clothes shops stock and I don't want to start buying plus-size clothes because it feeling like giving in, so time to change.
  • I noticed that my jeans don´t fit and those are my "fatty-pants". Also scale says, that I gained weight 25kg in 1,5 years.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    When I was told that losing weight will give me the greatest chance of carrying a healthy baby to term. I really want to be a mother.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    the fact that i'm not in pictures with my daughter
  • Stinaa91
    Stinaa91 Posts: 199 Member
    When I was 18 lbs over my heaviest ever, and 22 lbs heavier than my boyfriend! (I'm now 7 lbs less than him..and still going!)
  • when I hit 375 lbs. I had no energy I couldn't even walk through a field with out getting out of breath. I had a hard time getting dressed in a tent during a camp out with my kids, I couldn't move and bend the way I should have. Being fat is horrible not only from the physical aspect but also within our culture.
  • MaxlacusNight
    MaxlacusNight Posts: 44 Member
    When I was asked when the baby was due.. and I wasn't pregnant.. at work in front of all of my coworkers. When I was having tea with a friend and was afraid I might break the chairs I was sitting on.. and when I saw my picture in my best friends wedding. Even though I tried so hard and lost ten pounds I still looked horrible. I hated myself for ruining her wedding photos.
  • bellevie86
    bellevie86 Posts: 301 Member
    When I was asked when the baby was due.. and I wasn't pregnant.. at work in front of all of my coworkers. When I was having tea with a friend and was afraid I might break the chairs I was sitting on.. and when I saw my picture in my best friends wedding. Even though I tried so hard and lost ten pounds I still looked horrible. I hated myself for ruining her wedding photos.

    I felt the same way about my best friends weddding pics....though i lost like 10 pds before her wedding, that wasn't enough. I still feel like i stick out horribly in those pics...but i kept at it and took off another 18...so i used it as further motivation!
  • Caseyann2501
    Caseyann2501 Posts: 43 Member
  • Hating the way I felt in my own skin. And once I started playing the "I'm not going out" card, I knew I had to change otherwise I would be miserable, and in turn make those around me misrable.
    I just started this journey and it scares the hell out of me, not only do I want to lose weight, I want to maintain the loss. I know how easy it it to put what you've lost back on, and it terrifies me. I hope that will keep me in check.
  • ladiablo
    ladiablo Posts: 42 Member
    The first one, I was 13 years old and 212 pounds. I was sickened by my self and my appearance and pissed off at my doctor for saying, "she'll lose weight when she gets interested in boys." What an *kitten*! So I made some extremely unhealthy dietary choices and lost ~50 pounds in 10 months. I promised myself I'd never be 200 pounds again.

    WELL, here I am at 23 years and 199 pounds. I've gained 20 in the past two months! For Christmas, my boyfriend bought me a badass houndstooth coat - when I modeled it to my dad, he said "you look pregnant." In December, I bought myself size 15 jeans for the first time ever (I've been 10/12, 11/13 since high school)... and they are TIGHT. My belt is on the last cinch. I'm disgusted that I've put on so much weight so quickly and mortified by how I look. Plus, I want to be able to be active. I don't want to eat myself into not being able to go out and do things. I don't want to wind up with obesity related disorders! I want to be able to carry a healthy baby someday soon. There are so many reasons I want to lose weight that it's just ridiculous that I've let myself get this far.
  • SharonBluntz
    SharonBluntz Posts: 82 Member
  • mea83
    mea83 Posts: 5
    The point for me was when I stared to avoid having pictures of me taken...even with my 2 kids....and when I started to feel self conscious....I used to be nice size 10-12 before having 2 children...after fist child I went to size 14...not after second size 16!!!!!! I want to cry just thinking about it.....I refuse to stay this way...no way no how!!! I am doing this...if it kills me....(I hope it doesnt).....LOTS of encouragement needed here....
  • LunaStar2008
    LunaStar2008 Posts: 155 Member
    When I failed my bi-annual weight-ins. And I have an active 4.5 year old. Since I am an older mom, I don't want to be named his "grandma" when he becomes 10.
    I have always been active with running, triathlon, and riding horses (on a professional level), but have never gained that much weight. I was my heaviest with a full term baby at 196 in 2008, and reached last January about 188. That really hit me hard. I was almost as heavy as with a baby. So I tried on my own to lose the weight and wasn't successful, lost some, but not enough.

    Now I have a personal trainer, who is very motivational.

    Seeing and reading that I am not alone with this problem helps a lot of staying motivated. Thanks everyone for sharing your stories.
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    142 lbs