
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    Don't limit yourself; you don't have to eat Subway every day. What other quick restaurants are nearby your work? There are healthy choices at most places (even Mcdonalds, shh...) Give me a quick list and I'll research for ya'!!

    Don't give up; you're doing great.


  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    If you do what you always did, you will get what you always got. To get better you have to make sacrifices. Fit in what you can. If it doesn't fit, don't eat it. Figure out what you want and then decide what it's going to take to get there.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    If you want Arby's and fries, it can be done. The value size curly fri is only 240 calories, top that with the turkey classic sandwich for 290 and you're ok
  • I have found several options for when my co workers want to go out but yes you have to be able to resist the bad stuff. I eat at Subeway too but have also found some options at Wendys, Panda express, Lennys and Taco Bell. I always research the nutrition menu ahead of time unless I am having a cheat meal. I try to keep my lunch at 500 calories or under.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Can't you bring your own healthy lunch to work?

    This. I mean, no reason not to eat out at lunch occasionally, but do you mean you are eating out every day?
  • Brown bag it - there's no other way to avoid the nastiness embedded in virtually every fast food option no matter how low the calories. You'll pay for low cal options in sodium and other nasty fillers.

    An easy way to cure yourself of craving fast food is to avoid it for a month or more - then go out and have the biggest, fattiest burger you can find (a la Baconator) and see how your body feels afterward. You'll never eat at those places again! I found it just not worth the stomach upset after :grumble:
  • You don't have to eat subway all the time. I actually would recommend trying to bring your lunch so that you aren't faced with the difficult decision of turning it down...but seriously have Arby's every once in a while you can always get a small fry and diet drink. Their JR sandwiches aren't that bad. You just have to make wise choices the rest of the day and make sure you get a workout in the day you eat Arby's. You can do this just keep your goal in mind and remember why you started this in the first place. Hang in there. As you continue to change your diet and your body so to speak "detoxes" it will be easier to turn that food least it has been for me...I feel so amazing eating healthy that I really don't want to eat fast food...keep your chin up and hang in there. You should be allowing yourself a cheat day anyways!
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    It is about telling yourself no sometimes. Sad but true. You can still eat at Arby's. You just might not get the fries to stay within calories. Get a piece of fruit or side salad as a side instead. Tough choices but necessary!
  • d_Mode
    d_Mode Posts: 880 Member
    Arby's Ham & Swiss Melt... 300 calories, 8g Fat, 37g carbs...skip the fries.
  • Take your own lunch, eat 10-15 mins before the group leaves and then order water. Sit there and laugh and talk and just let them know (if asked) that you ate already.
  • MaggieSporleder
    MaggieSporleder Posts: 428 Member
    Thats what my sister in law said is all she would eat! I don't want to have to live life with just subway! My other friend said to try to do stuff Gluten free also.. have you ever heard of that for weight loss?

    You can lose weight with gluten free. But you have to go for substitutions like more veggies and high protein meats. You can save calories, by cutting out your bread. I'm gluten free and I can have a regular roast beef at Arby's with no bun and your calories go from 350 with to 140. But if you just try to go GF with the GF pastas and breads, in place of the gluten full stuff, you will gain. They are higher in sugars and calories.
  • ngressman
    ngressman Posts: 229 Member
    I know the jr roast beef is not that bad either but what about my fries and stuff! I have got to be strong, I have got to be strong!!!

    This is just me, but I would go to Arby's. Order a kid's meal (if they have it) or order what you want. Once in awhile is ok, but not everyday. If you like Arby's put it into your meal plan. Otherwise you will give in to that craving when you are at your weakest and more likely to go crazy.
  • Feed_the_Bears
    Feed_the_Bears Posts: 275 Member
    It's great that you're researching a head of time to see what the best option is. If you absolutely have no choice, a plain roast beef sandwich or a grilled chicken sandwich shouldn't be so bad. But who says you can't go with them for the company and eat your own meals? (yeah that's hard). Keep doing what you've been doing and research fast food options. McDonald's has a few good choices...any grilled chicken sandwich hold the mayo (try mustard) is your best option and get a side salad if you can :). You'll never bee fully free of friends dragging you to places you don't like, so you'd better start beefing up your will power and extending your choices now.

    Thinking about friends... my skinny nutritionist/part-time-model friend *****es and moans when anyone suggests a restaurant she doesn't approve of. I sort of actually appreciate her leading me to the healthiest places. Maybe you're friends will appreciate you putting your foot down too.
  • SquidgySquidge
    SquidgySquidge Posts: 239 Member
    There's more food in the world than just fast about skipping going out and bringing in your own lunch?
    Then treating yourself once a week?
    If you're working out, a treat now and then won't hurt.

    Subway EVERY day? What a waste of money.

    If healthy dieting was easy we'd all be walking around in our skimpy shorts and there'd be no obese people in he world.
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    Weight Loss Sabotaged By Wrong Calorie Counts on Menus

    Weight loss can be hard if you don’t know how many calories you take in. A new study suggests that some restaurants offer deceptive menu information.

    Research has shown that people make smarter choices when restaurants list the calorie counts on their menu. But what happens if the numbers aren’t accurate?

    Researchers at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University found that roughly 50 percent of the food you get at places such as Wendy’s, Applebee’s, Olive Garden, Denny’s, Dunkin’ Donuts, P F Chang’s, Domino’s, McDonald’s and Taco Bell is more fattening than those places say they are. In the worst cases, some foods had twice the calories stated on the menu. The average dish had 18 percent more calories than advertised.

    The same study also took a look at some frozen foods from Weight Watchers and Lean Cuisine – foods that are supposed to be the dieter’s choice. A close examination revealed that some of their offerings contained 8 percent more calories than what was listed.

    --- from one of the articles I posted.. since I'm seeing so many "just make it fit into your count" comments.

    Half the menu items are WRONG in their calorie count. Some items were double, some were triple. On average, the calorie counts were off by 20%

    That means that an 800 calorie sandwich and fries clocked in around 1000, and something that was 500 calories was actually 600 calories.
  • you can do it, just plan ahead and make a few different choices. i still get mcdonald's. but, i don't get fries anymore. if i get a sandwich (grilled chicken no mayo or mdcouble cheeseburger aren't that bad) i get a yogurt parfait or baked apple pie with it. it's still good and it's not too bad on calories.
  • histomom
    histomom Posts: 32 Member
    How about Taco Bell Fresca items? If you have one in your area.
  • Keep in mind...being thin feels better than ANY french fry tastes..maybe that will help?
  • It is about total daily calories and how you choose to use them. It is also about what you burn. If you eat a several calories for lunch, eat a bit less for dinner or do a few more minutes of exercise.

    I work in an urban downtown office setting. Tons of places to go out and eat. While it can be tempting I bring my lunch most days. I may allow 1 day a week or every other week to go out to lunch with my friends or coworkers (it is the social thing). Minus a few places there are always healthy options. Arby's has salads (just don't go for the chicken salad).

    Knowing the places around me I went to some of their websites and looked at their nutritional data so I can make the best choices when I go in.

    Sometimes the stress of guilt after eating something "restricted" is more toxic than the food itself.

    Just own your choice/decision and the consequences and do better on the next food choice.
  • I've been brown-bagging it much more since I've started MFP. It has the double benefit of healthier lunches and saving money. It sure as heck can be hard though - I feel ya! I mimic what many people are saying here - bring a brown bad lunch and maybe treat yourself to something higher calorie that you like once a week.