Jillian on Biggest Loser... too much?



  • ChasingHaven
    ChasingHaven Posts: 126 Member
    I was happy to see that Jillian was back this season. Jillian and Bob have always been my favorites.

    I think it's funny to see the comments of everyone who just want to "punch her in the face". Sounds like you get her! She wants to trigger the fight in those contestants who are whining, whimpering and falling out all over the place. SO many people would give their right arm to be on the show, and here are a handful of people who made it, and don't seem to have the fight to make the effort to TRY. Get mad, get pissed and put that energy into the work. I think that's what she's after.
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    Holy crap! I forgot how much Jillian YELLS and belittles her team members! I don't think I could work out under those conditions! Any thoughts?

    I don't think she belittles them, she's trying to give them a reality check so they don't fail!
  • touton6
    touton6 Posts: 1 Member
    Fortunately, her workout videos (Ripped in 30, 30 Day Shred) are not like that at all. Otherwise I couldn't do them either.
  • alschultz33
    alschultz33 Posts: 199 Member
    So glad Jillian's back! She's definitely tough, but sweet talking the contestants isn't going to get them anywhere. I guarantee they wouldn't even bother getting off of the floor once they fell the first time. The show has been on for years...why would you expect any less if you were a contestant? It's going to be a good season ;)
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Of course it was too much. Jillian wanted to announce her return and steal the spotlight. She did so at that gal's expense. I'm not saying that the girl was no at fault, but I'll bet Bob could have shown a little more compassion and used a different tact to motivate her.

    Jillian was just being a b1tch for drama's sake and ended up shooting herself in the foot. Had she not run that gal out of town, she would not have reduced her team to half it's size in the first show. She probably would have lost that gal at the weight in anyways and the guy that needed to be there wouldn't have been sent home.

    Drama sells product, though.
  • Mutt46
    Mutt46 Posts: 2
    Not at all - if you have arrived at the weight some of those in the competition have - you are past sweet talking you need to kick *kitten* and personally I know I would be much more effective at working out with someone like Jillian as I am stubborn!
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    I think she came back on the show this time a little too harsh !!! Not real fond of her anyway !
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Drama makes money because people watch it.

    I've never seen the show, but personally and professionally, I don't need people who would rather cry under that kind of treatment than give 1 more pushup (or whatever).

    Too many people are fluffy, easily offended, and !$%ing useless. Stuff being politically correct, and get it done, or gtfo.

  • Laurieannfanelli
    Laurieannfanelli Posts: 36 Member
    She is a good trainer, but I think its to harsh. She was on the Dr's and did all that yelling wasn't right place for the yelling. I believe as a trainer you need to be hard. A little compassion at times will make them more loyal and they will try harder. Giving some encouraging will go a long way. Just saying....
  • CBrook04
    CBrook04 Posts: 107
    I would honestly love to have the opportunity to have someone like her train me. I think I would push a lot further than I would normally with someone breathing down my neck. It will work for some people. Take TC for example, at first he couldn't stand the sight of her but once she got his mindset right and he wanted to push through the workouts he loved her. I'm still disappointed that he fell below the red line, he really wanted the opportunity to change. Some people crack with that kind of pressure, others will use it.
  • Sheri869
    Sheri869 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Fortunately, her workout videos (Ripped in 30, 30 Day Shred) are not like that at all. Otherwise I couldn't do them either.

    GOOD to know!! I have Never been a fan of hers...I was Really Surprised to see how popular her DVD's were! I refused to buy them but with your post I now know she's not like that in them...so may have to check them out afterall...her Program has Always yielded results...its just the way she goes about it in the show...

    It is SO rare to hear her say "good job" or "you're almost there...you can do it!!" It's ALL just In Your Face cruelty. At least from my point of view...I do much better with "Supportive Pushing" then constant insults. The yelling I could handle....they all do it...just in more subtle way...but the things she says are just TOO HARSH! Though I agree with some that have said she's worse this season than ever! I've never liked her style but she's never been this bad...I also agree that it could be why she only has 2 left...and 2 she doesn't particulary like at that!

    Her style may work for some...but it Definitely doesn't work for all!
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    I do not find that type of coaching motivational. I would not do well under it.
  • DefyGravity1977
    DefyGravity1977 Posts: 300 Member
    I personally think that if she were to get in my face and call me on my bs it would be so beneficial for me. Have never had someone be that blunt and hones and forceful with me and it landed me at almost 300 pounds 6 years ago. I have been fighting for 6 years to get me back and with no one like her in my life it has taken longer than I thought.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I had a running partner who was like Jillian. I dumped him fast. I didn't find it motivating at all. I found it demotivating and disheartening. I got tired of being called lazy and a loser and found reasons not to run with him anymore.

    I run alone now and I've made far more progress without him belittling me then I ever did with him at my side.
  • UKMarjie
    UKMarjie Posts: 257 Member
    Holy crap! I forgot how much Jillian YELLS and belittles her team members! I don't think I could work out under those conditions! Any thoughts?

    She is a tiresome *****.

    I wonder if this is truly a meaningful in terms of changing people's lives and giving them tools. A lot of these shows make me angry - wtf is the nutritionist arriving on the scene at week 8-12 of a 6 month programme - that is the fundamental building block in any weight loss or lifestyle change - you need to learn how to eat because that is the big one for health. Motivating someone to go to the gym is great and all but if it isn't done in conjunction with a lifestyle change in terms of eating...as soon as the person is on their own they will be doing the same stuff all over again. I personally am at a stage in life where the weight loss doesn't happen no matter how much I work out without being on some kind of calorie restricted diet.
  • UKMarjie
    UKMarjie Posts: 257 Member
    I had a running partner who was like Jillian. I dumped him fast. I didn't find it motivating at all. I found it demotivating and disheartening. I got tired of being called lazy and a loser and found reasons not to run with him anymore.

    I run alone now and I've made far more progress without him belittling me then I ever did with him at my side.

    Props! You go girl!
  • UKMarjie
    UKMarjie Posts: 257 Member
    You don't need to kiss my *kitten* as a trainer - like reality is ok - but you don't need to 'break me down' either. I can take it if you say - you can do more but shouting at me and making me feel worthless...well I have family for that! <JK
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I think it's funny to see the comments of everyone who just want to "punch her in the face". Sounds like you get her! She wants to trigger the fight in those contestants who are whining, whimpering and falling out all over the place. SO many people would give their right arm to be on the show, and here are a handful of people who made it, and don't seem to have the fight to make the effort to TRY. Get mad, get pissed and put that energy into the work. I think that's what she's after.

    I'm sure I'd get a good calorie burn punching her in the face. Log it under boxing and have myself a truffle.

    EDIT: To be clear, screaming, insulting, and bullying me doesn't get me to work harder. It makes me want to punch you in the face.
  • pattycakes10117
    pattycakes10117 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi. How long has it taken you to lose 30 lbs? What has worked for you?
    Just looking for a boost.:flowerforyou:
  • Surfrider
    Surfrider Posts: 364 Member
    Bottom line is that each person is motivated differently. Some need the calm and positive approach while others prefer the in-your-face reality check style. What works for some doesnt for others! <end thread>