


  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    This large and lovely lady is Miranda (original name Reeses). I got her at animal control. I saw her picture online and I instantly fell in love with her, so I drove out to see her and she was not interested in me. I had narrowed it down to a boy and a girl and I was going to take the boy until he turned aggressive at the last minute. I was going to take the girl, but Miranda decided to come around. She sat in my lap and purred. She had the sweetest, saddest eyes. I was torn at whom to take, but since Miranda was who I wanted to see, she's the one left with. I made the right decision. She is the most wonderful, lovable, cuddly cat ever. Truly a blessing.


    And this guy is Maximilian. I got him on Craigslist after my cat of nearly 16 years passed away. He was very sick and very malnourished and the vet didn't think he'd make it. He made a full recovery and is a great cat. He makes me laugh. He's not much of a lover, but he sleeps between my legs every night and wakes me up every morning with his lovely siren song. He loves to play and is fun and frisky. And he's got the longest tail I've EVER seen on a cat. I call him Mr-Long-Freaky.

  • HappyNinjaStar
    HappyNinjaStar Posts: 353 Member
    My beautiful russian blue pound kitty. She had been abandoned and picked up at a animal shelter. She was still so young when I got her her eyes were still blue. She's my first baby, and not much of a baby since she's coming up on 11 years old!


    This is my big boy. He definitely chose me. Came right up to the door when he was a kitten, howled to be let in for a couple of days. We didn't want any more pets so we tried to find who he belonged to. A neighbor took him. A few days later, he found he way in through the doggie door we had at the time. Figured he knew where he wanted to be.

  • Kimjanebrooks
    Kimjanebrooks Posts: 253 Member
    I have 4 cats (as well as a dog). Zulu is my gorgeous all black boy, Koda is my tabby girl, Ghost is my pure white little deaf boy (with one yellow eye and one pale blue) and then there is Oreo my little black and white baby. All are under the age of 4. To say it is "fun" in my house is an understatement!!!
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    Onyx is nearly 3 years old, adopted under a year ago from a shelter. His paperwork says he was brought by ambulance from a hoarder, but I don't know any details other than that. He's a gentle giant and EXTREMELY sweet, yet playful with my other cat. He loveeees my other cat, Jynx. We joke that he "swags" because if you talk to him or touch him, he walks away reaaaallly slowly shaking his body and tail. Anybody who has ever seen it always asks why he's so weird :laugh:

    Jynx we got from the same shelter around 6 years ago as a kitten just a few months old. She was said to be abused as well. She has crazy attitude and is really sweet on her own terms. She's pretty small and seems like a runt of the litter. Obsessed with catnip and just overall really adorable :tongue:
  • NyxariaMoon
    NyxariaMoon Posts: 121 Member
    We have 3 cats and 2 dogs, but the cats are really my babies. I've always loved cats more. :)

    First up is Zoe, got her from the Humane Society when she was 12 weeks old. I swear she's part dog! She comes when you call her name and she is all up in your business all the time. She wants attention 24/7! She's a medium haired Manx and has a super cute teeny tiny bob tail.


    She also likes to butt heads. lol

    Next are Mr. Muffins and Marley. We got these two from a friend who had 2 cats who had litters on the same day and she ended up with 10 kittens! These were the last two and I couldn't split them up, so we took both. hah! Marley is the black and white and Mr. Muffins is the all black.

    Marley as a kitten - He is super inquisitive. If someone comes to the door, he will go right with the dogs to see who it is. heh:

    Muffins as a kitten - He is so skittish and scared of everything! Which is kind of ironic as he is now the largest of all 3 and looks like a panther.

    They will be 2 years old on May 13th.
    Marley this past September

    Muffins this past September - it's really hard to catch him for a picture!

    *apologizing now if the pictures are big, I re-sized but not sure if enough.....

    editing to correct tags in one pic
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    My oldest cat testing out the glider in our baby's room.


    They think we setup the baby room just for them.


    You look ready. LOL!
  • 1stday13
    1stday13 Posts: 433 Member
    I have 2 . They're both my babies, not sure how to post pics. Bump for later :wink:
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    And this was Kali Ali Co… she was my 'attitude' cat, and another indoor/outdoor cat that went missing. We used to live in the mtns, and I'm thinking a fox got her… after her and Moosi, we decided no more outdoor for the kittehs, which as a hard decision, because my husband and I both feel its part of their nature to explore, prowl and hunt outside, but it's just so hard when they don't come home. Selfish? Perhaps, but I love fur babies…

    I completely understand. Right before we moved to our house, we lost our beloved Percy (hit by a car). He was a long-haired, orange tabby. We adopted Fluffy Monster to fill the void, and I refuse to let her out. She hates it. Sometimes I'll let her out on the porch if its raining, but only because I know she won't explore in the rain. Otherwise, she is a house cat. I just don't want to take the risk.
  • SuzQ20
    SuzQ20 Posts: 21 Member
    These are my cats, Snickers and Twix. My boyfriend and I adopted them in the summer of 2011 when they were about 10 weeks old from Michigan Anti Cruelty Society. They told us they were found under an abandoned building in Detroit. They had worms and were very skinny. Luckily they bounced right back and they've been a joy ever since. They love sleeping right next to each other and are always together. :smile:



  • LaDonnaF
    LaDonnaF Posts: 53 Member
    I <3 this thread
  • opalescence
    opalescence Posts: 413 Member
    This is Dragon, we found her at a storage facility place only a week old. I couldnt ask for a more entertaining kitty.

  • kaceelawlor
    kaceelawlor Posts: 184 Member
    Bump for later.

    My two fur-babies, Sterling and Silver, have such great personalities and are the cutest cats I've ever owned, by far.
  • morganmakayla
    morganmakayla Posts: 1 Member
    This is Luna, our panda-girl kitty. I adopted her from an animal shelter the last week of October 2011, it was a full moon the night I brought her home, hence her name, Luna. One of the ladies who volunteered at the shelter whispered to me as she and I were loading her into the pet carrier - "You saved her life, she was scheduled to be put down next week". She was the cutest little 10 week old fluff ball I'd ever seen and I couldn't imagine why anyone would not want her.

    She is a diva. She is the boss. She only wants love and affection on her terms, but that's ok - we love her all the same. :)




  • sunraew
    sunraew Posts: 96 Member
    Sometimes I feel like Piscene in Life of Pi. Fortunately, *they* haven't quite figured out what species I am. I am adored jealously by 3 cats, two of which came with this house, being the primary food dispenser and the only one without hardware on my knee in the evenings at the cuddle-time of *their* choosing. They each have their sunspots and easy chairs. None of them get along well enough to play or cuddle up together (unlike my previous two dishcloth stealing tonkinese) but manage to maintain an uneasy peace. We have our buff coffee-coloured Beachboy Burmese who *thinks* he's the boss and protector capable of tackling seagulls (Yeah, right! He tries.) ; a happy-go-lucky, super affectionate All Black girl (rescued from the side of the road) who likes to help in the garden. She is constantly getting into trouble because her momma-cat never taught her about proper cat etiquette. For example, she waltzes in, joyfully wafting her tail, straight up with base fluffed, past the others at meal time bellowing "NeOW, NeOW, NeOW" at the top of here lungs all of which is a red rag every time. Then there is our high-heeled green-eyed, grey fluff-ball, Chantilly Diva Drama Queen and star manipulator! She was adopted from a Stanford student who kept her illegally in her dorm until caught out. It was a big deal bringing her here. She guards every corridor and lies belly-up in the way of every junction - so it seems - inviting a brush (not good while carrying hot food!). I don't think she has ever gotten over us moving to a house without walking space on top of the kitchen cupboards from which to preside over the household. No table or counter top dancing permitted here, so she settles with "swooning" on her sunny window chair and owning the bathroom bench top for lapping from the faucet during teeth cleaning. She plays on the drama of her *hard, hard life* but every now and then when I'm supposed to believe things are really bad for her ( :huh: What?! No fish for tea? I guess I'll have to settle for the shrimp!") I catch her smiling. :happy:


    * Look at that! Full belly exposure and total lack of concern.

    I think, if there were such a thing as reincarnation, it might not be so bad to come back as cat, ... maybe a Music teacher's cat... unlimited cuddles while waiting with the students... and full access to toy box and a piano in between.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    I just love all the pictures of the babies....I love mittens and their antics! :bigsmile: They all have such different personalities!
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    It's nice to see how many of you adopted cats from shelters/anti-cruelty societies. That's the way to go!

  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Mine is in my profile pic. Her name is Catface Kitty. She likes to hang out in the bathtub; I always find toys in there. I like to snuggle her really close and sing her songs about how much she loves snuggles. She hates every second of it but still comes back for more.
  • Today414
    Today414 Posts: 118
    This is Rosie. She's my princess. Shes the only other female in the house and so we're best buddies. I found her at about 8 weeks old outside of a gas station and had no intention of keeping her (as I already had 2 dogs) until she developed an absess from an injury she received before I got her and I had to nurse her back to health. She's extremely loving and wonderful, but she's also one tough cookie. She tells those big brothers (dogs) of her what for and they bow to the princess!
    She also absolutely loves bags and boxes. Like, it's ridiculous.
    Shes about 1 1/2 now.

    ETA: Why would I grab a kitten I had no intention of keeping? Because she was the only one left and she just looked so terrified and the gas station was right off a highway so it was loud and windy and cold and I have lots of animal loving friends so I knew I could find her a good home. At least better than some wire cage outside of a gas station :cry:

  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member

    This is my baby Tommy. he was abandoned in a cardboard box, behind a pet store where a friend of mine used to work. He was probably a few weeks old at the time. He is now about 4 years old, 18 pounds, big and mean.
    He doesn't like to cuddle much but he'll tolerate my forced cuddles lol! He says "mama" when he wants something, he can open doors and he likes to sleep in the bathtub. He never scratches but if you piss him off he'll wait untill you turn your back to him and he'll jump and bite your butt.
    He also brings me dead or half dead birds in summertime.
    EDIT to re size pics.
    Meh i give up.
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    my kittys having breakfast this morning. baby, lionel, simba <3

    I have the same colored cats as you lol
    Peachie, Lacey & Pepper.

    This picture's too big & I can resize photos on ny phone :/ But there's a black cat on the right :)