In need of some encouraging friends...after Day 3..:)



  • Nancymcgregor
    Nancymcgregor Posts: 150 Member
    Hi you can add me, I have 44lbs to lose to get to my goal too :)
  • oAshlio
    oAshlio Posts: 44 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. I always love to encourage and chat, and I have a little one too so I know about the Mom stuff lol. I'm here for you!
  • Hello everyone! I also need some motivation! i am 24 yrs old, i have 2 wonderful boys,and i want to start living a healthier lifestyle for them and myself....add me dsands88
  • natashalh1998
    natashalh1998 Posts: 56 Member
    Feel free to add me, I log everyday I'm not perfect and still make bad choices but I am here for the long haul! :)
  • memea83
    memea83 Posts: 32 Member
    you all are so great...:) Just reading your comments...:0) i forget I'm hungry...;) Is that how it works here????? Lol
  • ak248902
    ak248902 Posts: 141 Member
    I just had a baby 5 months ago and need to loose about 20 pounds. Would love to be able to support eachother.
  • sbakke52
    sbakke52 Posts: 4 Member
    I can help too. I did not have that much weight to lose but I have kept 20 lbs. off for 3 years and stay very active. I just turned 60 and want to make sure that I have every advantage to lead a healthy lifrstyle. I am also involved in research and have gained a wealth of knowlede in the nutrition area. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance. All the best to you...
  • Akdn
    Akdn Posts: 121 Member
    I just joined myself. Looking forward to getting healthy again and dropping some of those extra pounds :smile:
  • any of you can add me. I am comming off double knee surgery so i put on a few pounds because I could not train. I have some exercise knowledge I would share and I too could not get any friends to do this with me. goal is 15 to 20 #s
  • Hi I'm new also....looking for new friends my news feed is to quiet lol , would like to see how ppl are doing to help keep me motivated feel free to add me guys n gals..good look mfps
  • Frau6201
    Frau6201 Posts: 11 Member
    Add me! Just getting back on track myself as of Jan 7th. I'm watching cholesterol and saturated fat intake since the LDL side is somewhat high. I did alright in 2011 starting at 174# but lost the "Umph", too busy, too time consuming, go to the gym tomorrow....all these excuses and plus some!! Starting out with a pretty positive attitude so compared to last year, I thought I get more involved with the message boards and make some friends for inspiration and motivation. Good Luck & Health to you!
  • You can add me....I'm a 66 year old , married and mother of 3 grown kids. I've been on and off diets all my life. I lose very slowly when I do make up my mind to lose weight. I started 12/27/2012 and I was down 4 pounds last week. It will be much slower here on out. I have 30 # I would like to lose. I'm doing this with my daughter who is also using this site....good luck to everyone.
  • Feel free to add me. I am not new to MFP, but have been slacking up until recently. I realized that the weight isn't just going to go away.
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 780 Member
    Feel free to add me, I have 3 kids (17, 14 and 3). I just started back on MFP after a few months of having fallen off the wagon, but I need to get back on track again and we can all use as many friends as we can get, right? :)
  • Akdn
    Akdn Posts: 121 Member
    I forgot to mention in my above post to feel free to add me as well.
  • Royalsbatwench
    Royalsbatwench Posts: 117 Member
    I'm just starting out too. Definitely could use friends with goals as well :)
  • Searley_Pants
    Searley_Pants Posts: 39 Member
    I'm amazed by how friendly everyone is on here, anyone feel free to add me, I appreciate the support I've been getting from you fabulous lot and would love some more friends!
  • romanjenny
    romanjenny Posts: 3 Member
    hi all, this is my second try at MFP...and hoping it works well.. i have logged on for 5days and doing well..add me...
  • bearwith
    bearwith Posts: 525 Member
    Do not forget that dieting alone is not enough, you need to go out for brisk walks or climb stairs or put the kids in a pram and do a quick trip out of the house. Do not be obsessed by the food alone.
  • CrazyAnne
    CrazyAnne Posts: 217 Member
    Hi all,
    joined 3 days far loving MFP...and doing well with tracking what I eat etc. I want to loose around 45 pounds....after 2 children...will need all the encouragement and advice I can which ones of you lovely people can help me...?

    Feel free to add me. I will encourage you when you need it. Good luck :smile: