I am sorry if I have no picture



  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    This is actually my second time around. I was on this site for over a year and, since I've been back, I never found so many people ready to be mean for no reason. I actually don't really keep up with who accepts me and who doesn't but I do know that no one on my FL would choose to be mean just for the sake of being mean.

    ironic post is ironic
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    On a serious note, if you want something you have to give something. All i ask is that people have some sort of personality. It would be nice if they had a similar sense of humor, goals, or routine, but that's not a requirement. But if you have no pic, no profile info, and send a no-message FR, what are you offering me? I can't really identify you on my wall and have no idea why you think we'd be a good fit or what you expect from me.

    I don't need your life story or to see pictures of your intimate family moments, but can you offer something, anything, that differentiates you from a stick of wood? Does that make me stuck up?
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    . You wouldn't want to be in their clique anyway.

    ^^This^^ has become all to clear lately. If I ever start acting like a diva just because I lost a bunch of weight, please someone kick me.

    no Cliques here...

    just people who have all lost the weight together and support each other and as a result their banding together in the last 4, 6, 8 or 12 months has created the illusion of a clique.

    trust me, if you stick with this site, REALLY stick with it...and create a network of supportive people within this site, THOSE people will be the ones you joke with in the forums, the ones you stick up for, the ones you cry on their shoulders, and the ones that stick up for you....

    THAT is the only reason why they seem like cliques, because they've BEEN there and been cheering each other on for the past several months...

    you will develop your own "clique" over time...a group of people that really help you stick to it through thick and thin, good and bad...

    and that's a good thing....

    perhaps you have found yourself bitter because you have not managed to find that level of camaraderie and support that several other members have managed to find.

    I am sorry for that, but to gain it, you have to put it out there...and this anger and bitterness you are showing will make others reluctant to try.....

    true story.

    also, often, "meanness and rudeness" that people feel they see in the in forums is not that at all, but simply a matter of people laying things out in the simplest, shortest terms possible.

    eat less, train more, try harder...

    sometimes small sentences carry a bigger punch....

    and yet are interpreted as hateful, mean or hurtful.

    it's never intended that way.

    OP, a picture would help....like others suggested, even if it's a motivational poster, or a picture of what you want to be, or a picture of a hobby or pet or something. It does NOT have to be you....but something that does show you are invested in this place, really trying and working towards being supprted and being supportive....

    that would help.
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    This is actually my second time around. I was on this site for over a year and, since I've been back, I never found so many people ready to be mean for no reason. I actually don't really keep up with who accepts me and who doesn't but I do know that no one on my FL would choose to be mean just for the sake of being mean.

    Wow, that's EXACTLY the way I've been feeling since I came back last week after about a 2 year absence. I can't believe how downright cruel some of the members are with their comments! And when I said something like that in a post, agreeing with a few others who felt the same way, I got slammed too!
    It's too bad some people have to be like that!
    I DO know that MFP works, since I'd reached my goal once before. And now that my knees have both been replaced and I can exercise again, I'm back to hopefully AGAIN reach my goal!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    . You wouldn't want to be in their clique anyway.

    ^^This^^ has become all to clear lately. If I ever start acting like a diva just because I lost a bunch of weight, please someone kick me.

    no Cliques here...

    just people who have all lost the weight together and support each other and as a result their banding together in the last 4, 6, 8 or 12 months has created the illusion of a clique.

    trust me, if you stick with this site, REALLY stick with it...and create a network of supportive people within this site, THOSE people will be the ones you joke with in the forums, the ones you stick up for, the ones you cry on their shoulders, and the ones that stick up for you....

    THAT is the only reason why they seem like cliques, because they've BEEN there and been cheering each other on for the past several months...

    you will develop your own "clique" over time...a group of people that really help you stick to it through thick and thin, good and bad...

    and that's a good thing....

    perhaps you have found yourself bitter because you have not managed to find that level of camaraderie and support that several other members have managed to find.

    I am sorry for that, but to gain it, you have to put it out there...and this anger and bitterness you are showing will make others reluctant to try.....

    true story.

    also, often, "meanness and rudeness" that people feel they see in the in forums is not that at all, but simply a matter of people laying things out in the simplest, shortest terms possible.

    eat less, train more, try harder...

    sometimes small sentences carry a bigger punch....

    and yet are interpreted as hateful, mean or hurtful.

    it's never intended that way.

    OP, a picture would help....like others suggested, even if it's a motivational poster, or a picture of what you want to be, or a picture of a hobby or pet or something. It does NOT have to be you....but something that does show you are invested in this place, really trying and working towards being supprted and being supportive....

    that would help.

    ^ This x10000000.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    On a serious note, if you want something you have to give something. All i ask is that people have some sort of personality. It would be nice if they had a similar sense of humor, goals, or routine, but that's not a requirement. But if you have no pic, no profile info, and send a no-message FR, what are you offering me? I can't really identify you on my wall and have no idea why you think we'd be a good fit or what you expect from me.

    I don't need your life story or to see pictures of your intimate family moments, but can you offer something, anything, that differentiates you from a stick of wood? Does that make me stuck up?

    Dav she does have some information in her profile!
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I try to stay out of cliques on here. You will notice members on here acting like the regulars at a gym when the New Year comes. They hate all the newbies giving it a shot. Yes, lots will drop off but some won't. You never know. Just remember that its the internet and even though you do not know these people they will still form cliques and post things that simply irk the HECK out of you! Its how it goes. But trust me, you will find a good group that motivates you and you mesh well with, you just need to keep looking. Good luck to you for trying something new and I wish you the best of luck on your journey...picture or not! :)

    Yes, all of the regulars on the site hate newbies giving it a shot. You've got EVERY single one of us all figured out.

    The group of people I associate the most with on this site are some of the most supportive, motivating, and knowledgable people I've ever had the pleasure of "meeting."
    They have snark and find humor in posting but they also are constantly posting extremely helpful advice on the forums.
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    . You wouldn't want to be in their clique anyway.

    ^^This^^ has become all to clear lately. If I ever start acting like a diva just because I lost a bunch of weight, please someone kick me.

    no Cliques here...

    just people who have all lost the weight together and support each other and as a result their banding together in the last 4, 6, 8 or 12 months has created the illusion of a clique.

    trust me, if you stick with this site, REALLY stick with it...and create a network of supportive people within this site, THOSE people will be the ones you joke with in the forums, the ones you stick up for, the ones you cry on their shoulders, and the ones that stick up for you....

    THAT is the only reason why they seem like cliques, because they've BEEN there and been cheering each other on for the past several months...

    you will develop your own "clique" over time...a group of people that really help you stick to it through thick and thin, good and bad...

    and that's a good thing....

    perhaps you have found yourself bitter because you have not managed to find that level of camaraderie and support that several other members have managed to find.

    I am sorry for that, but to gain it, you have to put it out there...and this anger and bitterness you are showing will make others reluctant to try.....

    true story.

    also, often, "meanness and rudeness" that people feel they see in the in forums is not that at all, but simply a matter of people laying things out in the simplest, shortest terms possible.

    eat less, train more, try harder...

    sometimes small sentences carry a bigger punch....

    and yet are interpreted as hateful, mean or hurtful.

    it's never intended that way.

    OP, a picture would help....like others suggested, even if it's a motivational poster, or a picture of what you want to be, or a picture of a hobby or pet or something. It does NOT have to be you....but something that does show you are invested in this place, really trying and working towards being supprted and being supportive....

    that would help.

    can we be friends :blushing:
  • Cadaya
    Cadaya Posts: 6 Member
    Feel free to add Cadaya! Pic or not.
  • LittleMiss_WillLoseIt
    LittleMiss_WillLoseIt Posts: 1,373 Member
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Look you have to share some of yourself if you want to connect with people. I posted some advice about this the other day but it was largely ignored, so in a very passive aggressive way, I'm putting the link here:

  • laceybrobie
    laceybrobie Posts: 495 Member
    my only requirement AFTER i accept your friend request is that you are serious and log in daily. or dont make it so that my thread says so and so has not logged in for _ days. those drive me crazy.

    I HAVE AN AMAZING FREIND LIST.. I know personally maybe 5 of them max. The rest of my crew are all people I met by posting in the threads or friends of friends. Having a great support system here is the best thing you can get...

    I dont care if you dont have a pic, I do prefer it because then i remember that pic and screen name and for some reason makes me feel better. HAHAHA..

    I have a few people that will not put a pic of themselves so they do their favorite sport team, or beaches etc... I dont want to know your life story but I do like to get a message of how you found me..

    plus when you know a little more about your peeps it helps relate to their struggles.... My friends know everything about me.. I am a pretty open person. Some might delete me after because I am pretty forward and honest..

    this is my page and my journey you can be a part or it or not... if not, no biggie life will go on.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    On a serious note, if you want something you have to give something. All i ask is that people have some sort of personality. It would be nice if they had a similar sense of humor, goals, or routine, but that's not a requirement. But if you have no pic, no profile info, and send a no-message FR, what are you offering me? I can't really identify you on my wall and have no idea why you think we'd be a good fit or what you expect from me.

    I don't need your life story or to see pictures of your intimate family moments, but can you offer something, anything, that differentiates you from a stick of wood? Does that make me stuck up?

    This. I can be pretty open, TMI, TL;DR, what have you on my page, and it just creeps me eff out if I have faceless, completely empty and locked profiles reading all my fingertip diarrhea. I need to picture your face getting annoyed or angry or grossed out at all of my inappropriate status postings.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    blah blah blah STEVE PERRY blah blah blah.....

    Sorry to the original poster....but Steve is looking gooood in that old clip. Thx Teddie.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I try to stay out of cliques on here. You will notice members on here acting like the regulars at a gym when the New Year comes. They hate all the newbies giving it a shot.

    I hear what you're saying, but you've got it backwards. No one hates the newbies giving it a shot. Just the opposite. I want you here. IRL, i try to convince everyone i know to join. Why? Because MFP works. I made my goal weight months ago. I'm still here because i want you to reach yours.

    What you're seeing as meanness is a group of people trying very hard to steer newcomers into a direction of diet and fitness that actually works. And it's hard. There is so much misinformation out there that knocking it down in the forums is like playing a never ending game of whack a mole. To fight the region there are jokes and some trolling, but no lies, no bull$hit quick fixes, and no risky meal plans. Sorry if we're not nice when telling someone that a stupid plan is stupid.

    Maybe I'm crazy, but I'd rather get advice from a sharp tongued successful diva than someone who keeps quitting and returning and has never reached their goal.
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    If this is OP's idea of "Introduce Yourself", maybe lack of photo isn't the reason for the decline.

    I suppose this post is in response to something that happened here, but everyone isn't privy to that information. Everyone has probably had a request declined at some point, and you really cannot control who takes a shine to you. How you handle it is entirely up to you.

    Good luck.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    . You wouldn't want to be in their clique anyway.

    ^^This^^ has become all to clear lately. If I ever start acting like a diva just because I lost a bunch of weight, please someone kick me.
    Or it just MIGHT be because some people have reached their friend limit and feel overwhelmed? I personally very rarely accept friend requests because if my friend list continues to grow, I won't be able to interact with my current friends as I do and they would be neglected. How is that fair to the people that I actually really consider friends?

    Edit: To the original point. Whether someone has a profile picture or not has absolutely no bearing on whether I accept their friend request. If I have something in common with someone and they are someone I'd like to get to know, I'd accept regardless of profile picture.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well I gathered all the courage I could muster, and believe me, I had to do that. I am technologically imbalnced and I added a picture of my cat.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Well I gathered all the courage I could muster, and believe me, I had to do that. I am technologically imbalnced and I added a picture of my cat.

    Awwww..your cat is adorable :D And glad you were able to do it :) I would have added a walk through if I'd known you didn't know how. :(
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    Well I gathered all the courage I could muster, and believe me, I had to do that. I am technologically imbalnced and I added a picture of my cat.

    beautiful cat!!

    see? You've got this!