Oh God someone help me....



  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Are you getting the prepared drinks? I can't drink coffee black, and found that I could drink much more for far fewer calories by just buying coffee and adding milk and sugar instead of going for the high-calorie concoctions. Once I did that for a bit, I started weaning myself off the sugar. However, I'll be damned if anyone takes away my milk!

    The weird thing is that I get a total sugar high if I drink even the smallest size of the skinny version of the local version of a frappuccino.
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    Coffee has virtually no calories. Coffee plus a little bit of unsweetened almond milk and stevia has 20 calories. If you can wean yourself off of all the additives, you can drink all the coffee you want. Caffeine addition is a separate issue -- I say take one thng at a time! Personally I am willing to put up with a little caffeine addiction because coffee (with a little bit of almond milk) makes me very happy.
  • melmar76
    melmar76 Posts: 14 Member
    I've been there... caffeine is a nasty drug. I would recommend you GRADUALLY cut down your total intake. I'm still horrible with the cream and sugar but I'm down to 2 cups a day so it's much more manageable. :)
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    its not the healthy route. but you can try taking caffeine tablets and slowly ween off them. the caffeine tablets would not have the calories. about your only alternative is to cut down or to try and switch to some no cal sweeteners and creamers.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Take a tip from the Europeans: heat up a cup of milk, add a spoonful of instant coffee, Splenda, maybe some vanilla or almond extract. I have taken out the Splenda and just have a cup of coffee flavored skim milk most mornings. I also don't have it all the time anymore. This will save you money, as well.

    At the coffe shop, a skim latte with Splenda.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    black one splenda, or 2 till you get used to it

    i used to believe i liked the creamer

    but i really like it better black
  • hollydegnan
    Drink it black like a moonless night. No headaches, no calories
  • mikoodles
    mikoodles Posts: 139
    Allow yourself one coffee the way you like it every day, and every other cup has to be black or with minimal amount of creamer and sweetener. Measured so you don't cheat.

    Add in teas or diet soda to help with the caffeine addiction aspect and slowly cut back.

    THIS! That's how I got to the point where I don't need sugar in my coffee or latte/cappuccino/tea. And, I hate soda now. I used to drink loads of it.

    Yeah this looks like the best step, for now anyway. Eventually I'd like to drink coffee black all the time, but baby steps, right?
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    Ween yourself off with black and green tea. I get horrid withdrawals from coffee as well. I quit drinking it last week, and the tea has kept the insane headache/throb/hell away!!
  • innerbetty
    innerbetty Posts: 59 Member
    Gradually cut back or replace the sugar and cream in it.
    I love my sweet creamy coffee. I only have one cup a day though. I used to drink it with lots of cream and sugar pretty much until it mixed the cream. Now I use 2 tbsp of flavored creamer for 70 cals per cup- no sugar. I started by measuring the sugar or using packets, and small packets (like you get at fast food places or gas stations) of flavored cream. I just kept cutting back until I was down to the two TBSP. I also usually went by color rather than measurements.
    You could also replace the sugar with something like stevia or truvia, gradually. I say gradually because to me it tasted like sweet and low when I first tried it (which makes me ill) I've also read that that's how others have done it. As far as the cream, not really sure. Like I said I cut the sugar and went to flavored cream. You can get fat free versions of many flavors which are less cals but not hugely so.
    Are you sure it's the coffee and not the sugar you're addicted to?

    edit: Wow a lot of people posted while I was writing that lol don't watch tv and type.
  • elfo
    elfo Posts: 353 Member
    You will detox, but do it in steps, and just know that you will get through it.
    The quicker you get through it the quicker you'll be free from the migraines.
    Just try not to go in the opposite direction, once you've bumped a step.

    I gave up coffee all together and I miss an afternoon coffee with my friends. Everyone at work goes for coffee, but I know if I have one I'll be back to being a coffee slave in the mornings.
  • mikoodles
    mikoodles Posts: 139
    Take a tip from the Europeans: heat up a cup of milk, add a spoonful of instant coffee, Splenda, maybe some vanilla or almond extract. I have taken out the Splenda and just have a cup of coffee flavored skim milk most mornings. I also don't have it all the time anymore. This will save you money, as well.

    At the coffe shop, a skim latte with Splenda.

    This actually sounds really good. I'll try this out, too.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    Last year I would only drink coffee black, and I was also 30 pounds lighter. When I moved to Boston I started drinking it the same way a few of my friends did, and I packed on the pounds.

    This is actually great news--it's much harder to make the switch if you have only ever had it sweet and light. You already know you can handle it the way it is.
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    High quality coffee is awesome once you acquire the taste for it black!! Know that Starbucks ALWAYS burns their regular coffee, so it sucks butt.
  • wjniii
    wjniii Posts: 110 Member
    Drink it black. You will either adjust or hate it so much you will quit. I love black coffee.

    Last year I would only drink coffee black, and I was also 30 pounds lighter. When I moved to Boston I started drinking it the same way a few of my friends did, and I packed on the pounds.

    Perfect! Just go back to drinking it black. Be a trend-setter for your friends!
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    Just quit buying *kitten* to add to your coffee!! It's a sloooooow process... But first, you have to TRY.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    Allow yourself one coffee the way you like it every day, and every other cup has to be black or with minimal amount of creamer and sweetener. Measured so you don't cheat.

    Add in teas or diet soda to help with the caffeine addiction aspect and slowly cut back.

    Good advice here. This was a huge problem for me at the beginning. Eventually I just cut a lot of it out entirely, had about a week or so of caffeine withdrawal and never looked back. I still use my wonderful flavored creamer in every cup of coffee but I measure it and make it work.
  • LittleMiss_WillLoseIt
    LittleMiss_WillLoseIt Posts: 1,373 Member
    I have 1.5 T of creamer(53 calories) and two splendas every morning in my coffee.... and 700 calories?!? That's a lot!!
  • mikoodles
    mikoodles Posts: 139
    Just quit buying *kitten* to add to your coffee!! It's a sloooooow process... But first, you have to TRY.

    I order my coffee at Dunkin Donuts. I I've in a dorm with no kitchen, so I don't have the option to make my own.
  • muah3iluvzu06
    muah3iluvzu06 Posts: 79 Member
    I get tall skinny vanilla latte's from Starbucks and they are only 90 calories! Starbucks has lots of skinny options that are 90-160 calories for the whole drink depending on the size! :)