Jillian Michael's 30 day shred

Hey everybody... Is anybody here doing 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels? I really want to start this tomorrow!!


  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    I am actually on level 3 of the 30 Day Shred right now. It's a really good workout! I definitely recommend it to everyone who is looking to lose weight.


    Don't feel bad if you can't do all of the moves exactly like she wants you to. I promise Jillian is not going to come crashing through your door and yell at you if you have to do the pushups against a wall or the coffee table as opposed to doing even the ones on your knees. (I know this because I did them that way and she never showed up... not yet at least. Haha)

    Along with that, feel free to make the workout your own. Stick with what she is doing, but if you need to pause for a second and catch your breath or do a move without weights for the first few days of the level it's ok, I promise.

    Take pictures of your results! I didn't do this and I really regret it. I actually recommend taking your weight, measurements, and pictures at the end of each level. The progress might not be as huge as waiting until the end, but it's really nice to see how much you can change in just 10 days time.

    Lastly, stick with it! I know this seems pretty obvious but it is a tough workout. The results are definitely worth it though so on the days when you really just want to push it off until tomorrow, don't. I did this a few times and I really regretted it.

    Good luck with the shred! And I hope you enjoy your awesome results! :smile:
  • I'll start with you. I have a wedding to attend in a month and I want to look good in the dresses I wear so yes, lets begin. I'll do L1D1 today :)
    Lets take before pix and update our blogs with the results and lets be honest if we can't do the workout one day.
  • jessward12
    jessward12 Posts: 24 Member
    My problem is I CAN NOT do push ups... No matter how hard I try and do them, I can't master it..

    I started this back last year and did 3 days and give up, I refuse to give up this time!! I will push myself to keep going.. I just wish I could do those freaking push ups..
  • jessward12
    jessward12 Posts: 24 Member
    I'll start with you. I have a wedding to attend in a month and I want to look good in the dresses I wear so yes, lets begin. I'll do L1D1 today :)
    Lets take before pix and update our blogs with the results and lets be honest if we can't do the workout one day.

    I am definitely in.. I'm going to start this tomorrow(1/10/13) I can't do measurements as I don't have a measuring tape, but I'd do pictures.
  • I am going to start tomorrow! I am nervous. I can't do pushups either. I have bad wrists, and have had cortisone shots in both along with multiple sprains. not sure what I will do. knee pushups the best I can I guess
  • jessward12
    jessward12 Posts: 24 Member
    That's what I'm going to do is knee push-ups the best I can...
  • Kaylee_law_123
    Kaylee_law_123 Posts: 450 Member
    I'm on day 5 level 1 and it is such a good workout!!!!

    I feel so much stronger already and I burn about 200 calories each session (based on my HRM).

    Good luck!
  • jaztoderan
    jaztoderan Posts: 71 Member
    try doing push ups on your coffee table etc. on an incline is easier. you'll get there eventually!

    I'm not doing 30DS because I lost my copy and don't have unlimited internet so I can't do it from youtube. But I'm doing Ripped in 30 instead this month. I've already done 9 days! It feels great so far. Good luck everyone!
  • I'm on day 5 level 1 and it is such a good workout!!!!

    I feel so much stronger already and I burn about 200 calories each session (based on my HRM).

    Good luck!

    What is your height and weight? I don't have a HRM and am wondering if that is near what I would burn
  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    My problem is I CAN NOT do push ups... No matter how hard I try and do them, I can't master it..

    I started this back last year and did 3 days and give up, I refuse to give up this time!! I will push myself to keep going.. I just wish I could do those freaking push ups..

    I know exactly what you mean! Honestly I HATED the push-up portion of the workout as well as all of the planks (you'll have tons of fun with those in level 2... ugh). DON'T give up though!! I was serious about doing the push-ups against the wall or a dresser. I got this idea from another girl who was doing it and couldn't handle the pushups. She leaned against the wall and did them that way. It still works your arm muscles, but it is much easier to push yourself back up, especially if you're like me and don't have hardly any upper body strength. I found that by level 3 though I could do the pushups on my knees! It was still hard, but I could do it. It definitely proved to me that the workout was working because I had to be gaining at least some upper body strength through the past two levels.
  • same here, I can't do pushups because of sore wrists. But I try though, I do knee ones mostly but then for the challenge I'll try to bring in 1-2 full ones. I think regardless, the main idea is to work your arms and core! and as long as your not giving up thats what matters!!
  • jeninfl
    jeninfl Posts: 20 Member
    You don't need a measuring tape to take your measurements. You can use some non-stretchy string or ribbon and then use a ruler to measure the length. If you don't have a ruler, use a sheet of notebook paper (typically 8.5 inches x 11 inches) to add up each 11 inch section or just cut the string to the length of measure and save it (label each length for the proper body part) then you can later use that piece and see that you are smaller.
  • If my cough is pretty non-existent tomorrow I will start too! Here's to success!
  • denisek80
    denisek80 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi guys - I have ordered my dvd and went and bought a mat and dumbells to get started. I have one question how do you record this under which category of exercise on here?
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    I just started. Does anyone know what the protocol is for rest days? I thought you were supposed to take a rest day after any kind of weight work, are these weights too light to count?

    i'm looking forward to this!
  • Kbeatty32
    Kbeatty32 Posts: 15 Member
    I did 30 Day Shred back in July and lost 11 inches total and 8 pounds! It really works as long as you watch your calories too. I'm on level 2 now of Ripped in 30, which is the sequel to 30DS and a little bit tougher. I love Jillian!
  • alschultz33
    alschultz33 Posts: 199 Member
    LOVE 30DS!

    I'm sure it's been said already, but stick with it! That was the hardest challenge for me. There were days I would come home from work and think ughh I don't wanted to do it today haha, but each time I'd tell myself to stop making excuses and get off my lazy butt. So glad I have so far. I'm on Level 2 and it's tough, but I've noticed changes faster than I have with my normal gym routine.

    Do it. It's so worth it!
  • carolynmi
    carolynmi Posts: 2 Member
    Hi- I'm new and doing her Revolution workout. How do you add exercise like that to the daily plan? I looked for interval training or plyometrics but didn't see those. Any of her workouts are a mix of cardio and strength. How do I add it?
  • jessward12
    jessward12 Posts: 24 Member
    I have one question how do you record this under which category of exercise on here?

    I do mine under circuit training-general ... Good luck!!
  • jessward12
    jessward12 Posts: 24 Member
    OMG. Jillian kicked my @$$!!!! From watching her video last night, I was thinking "yeah, I can do that" yeah!! That is HARD!!! BUT.... I REFUSE TO BE A QUITTER THIS TIME!!! I did it!!! 25 minutes of hard core exercise!!! Now Jillian, bring on day 2 because I'M READY FOR YOU!!! (Minus the push-ups because I haven't figured that out yet, but I tried to do them)