What my boyfriend did to me!



  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Woah! Not everyone on here is supportive, but at least some people understand.
    When there's only 60 characters a title, maybe "I'm in my first relationship ever, and being with him makes me very happy, and he used to buy me food to show how much he loved me, and then i looked in the mirror, and i thought, maybe it's time i start going on a diet. And i love him very much and i know it's not really his fault, but still. Drats." is a little too long.

    ^ Like.

  • mkookies
    mkookies Posts: 67 Member
    I hear ya. :P

    My fiance loves the junk food, so when we started dating, I went from being healthy to being surrounded by junk, so I started eating like crap. My own damn fault, yes, of course! I chose to eat all that crap, and now I gained 40 pounds. But I am just saying that I can relate.
  • dbarrett30

    First of all, congrats on being with someone you love. That's the coolest part.
    Secondly, I sympathize. My fiance is a chef. He doesn't force feed me, but the temptation helped me pack on extra pounds!

    One thing that's helped me is that my man is now focusing in on his own fitness. Mind you, he needs to gain muscle and I need to lose weight, but focusing on healthy goals has allowed us to bond over something important for BOTH of us for the long haul.
    Our restaurant/dinner w/ wine dates have become fewer and farther between and now we go the gym together.

    You can do this and it sounds like you've got a partner in life who loves you and can encourage you.
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    When there's only 60 characters a title, maybe "I'm in my first relationship ever, and being with him makes me very happy, and he used to buy me food to show how much he loved me, and then i looked in the mirror, and i thought, maybe it's time i start going on a diet. And i love him very much and i know it's not really his fault, but still. Drats." is a little too long.

    Good reply, OP!
  • hannah2804
    Oh man...I don't think the original poster was serious when she said her boyfriend did this to her....I think she was being humorous. Lay off....this is a support group people are here to be healthy and some of the *kitten* comments on here may make her think twice about returning to MFP!


    Exactly what i was thinking! Some people just look to start arguements...
  • scabs213
    I started off weighing 180, with my last ex I weighed in at 260, me and him split and I dropped down to 218 (i was getting there!) I've been with my bf now for 2 years and I've gained 30 pounds since being with him. I've had a kid but that's no excuse. It's my horrible diet and lack of exercise. I feel ya I'm tired of being overweight as well.
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    OP.... stop with your excuses. your boyfriend didnt do crap to you. You shoved the excess food into your piehole by choice. Stop making excuses, take action.

    Good grief. I don't think she's really blaming him as much as coming up with a catchy title to explain how she gained weight being in a happy relationship.

    Be nice and jog on.

    Agreed! :smile:

    WHOA....she wasn't being serious....she was making a joke of it

    ya'know a joke?
    joke noun

    Definition of JOKE
    1a : something said or done to provoke laughter; especially : a brief oral narrative with a climactic humorous twist b (1) : the humorous or ridiculous element in something (2) : an instance of jesting : kidding <can't take a joke> c : practical joke d : laughingstock
    2: something not to be taken seriously : a trifling matter <consider his skiing a joke — Harold Callender> —often used in negative constructions <it is no joke to be lost in the desert>
    See joke defined for English-language learners »
    See joke defined for kids »

    Examples of JOKE
    She meant it as a joke, but many people took her seriously.
    They played a harmless joke on him.
    They are always making jokes about his car.
    I heard a funny joke yesterday.
    the punch line of a joke
    I didn't get the joke.
    That exam was a joke.
    Their product became a joke in the industry.
    He's in danger of becoming a national joke.

    Origin of JOKE
    Latin jocus; perhaps akin to Old High German gehan to say, Sanskrit yācati he asks
    First Known Use: 1670

    Per Websters Dictionary for ya
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    I hear ya on the weight gain with the gain of happiness and time in a relationship. Has happened to me a few times, when you start dating you go out more often and that leads to long term where you get comfortable and then you don't think you're gaining that much and then *BAM* time has passed and it's years later and you wonder how you got to your weight, had you really gained that much?

    Yup did that umm... 2 maybe 3 times and I still battle the self control to say "let's have an indoor date". It doesn't feel like a date indoors, that's the catcher for me. That is why I am glad that I am currently alone so that I don't have the temptation of /going out/ on dates and stay in sooooo much more. It has been good to my waistline.

    I support ya! Friend me if you'd like. :)
  • BamsieEkhaya
    BamsieEkhaya Posts: 657 Member
    When there's only 60 characters a title, maybe "I'm in my first relationship ever, and being with him makes me very happy, and he used to buy me food to show how much he loved me, and then i looked in the mirror, and i thought, maybe it's time i start going on a diet. And i love him very much and i know it's not really his fault, but still. Drats." is a little too long.

    Good reply, OP!

    love the reply....think too many people on this site are getting a little cranky and need to tone down the January blues...I also understand what you mean about happy relationship and weight gain !
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I kinda get cranky at this title...

    meh, just a joke...get a sense of humor. :flowerforyou:

    do they sell those at walmart? I'm on a budget... hehe
  • mum212
    mum212 Posts: 173 Member
    i to gain weight in a happy relationship its the fact you want to spend more time together and cant be bothered to cook so you get a takeaway and then it goes on for a few weeks and wam bam you start to gain weight, and it goes on from there even whaen you eat a home cooked meal bacause your used to a take away portion chinese or kebab you arnt satisfied so you eat more and then you look at urself and you think wow where did this come from. good luck on your weightloss journey im sure you can lose it all look at the success stories and pics. my friend is my motivator although more than happy to have more, she lost 4 stone in 6 months and is still doing great x she looks fantastic x x
  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member
    I would just like to say that I also gained some weight when I started dating my now husband. But, HE didn't do it to me. I did it to myself. I was the one grocery shopping and cooking our meals.
    The only way your boyfriend made you gain weight is if he tied you down and force-fed you every day, and by what you said, I'm pretty sure he didn't. So don't blame HIM for what YOU did. Take responsibility and own up to it because what's going to happen if you stray from your healthy eating and exercise? You are going to end up blaming him for it because supposedly he got you fat in the first place. It's going to cause issues with the relationship.

    YOU did it to you, not him. So stop blaming him.
  • maxonehiphop
    maxonehiphop Posts: 139 Member
    OP.... stop with your excuses. your boyfriend didnt do crap to you. You shoved the excess food into your piehole by choice. Stop making excuses, take action.

    Good grief. I don't think she's really blaming him as much as coming up with a catchy title to explain how she gained weight being in a happy relationship.

    Be nice and jog on.

    Agreed! :smile:

    Woah! Not everyone on here is supportive, but at least some people understand.
    When there's only 60 characters a title, maybe "I'm in my first relationship ever, and being with him makes me very happy, and he used to buy me food to show how much he loved me, and then i looked in the mirror, and i thought, maybe it's time i start going on a diet. And i love him very much and i know it's not really his fault, but still. Drats." is a little too long.

    Big respect to you for seeing the stupid comments and reacting the way you are. Things like that are part of the reason you are in a good relationship.
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    Weight gain sucks. How long have you been together with your boyfriend?

    4 years.
    So a while, it just crept on. And i tried getting rid of it a few times, but always half arsed
    The exact same thing happened to me! Been together almost 4 years. I gained 10lbs within a few months of dating him the rest had slowly piled on. When I met him I worked at hooters, and was a size 1 in jeans. Over 3 and a half years I've gained 25lbs! He didn't do it to me, but his influence didn't help. He eats fast food a lot and tries to offer me some of everything he eats. I've now put my foot down, he knows I'm on a diet and I can not eat what he eats and not gain weight. You have to take accountability because you can't control what he eats, only what you eat. Good luck!
  • AmberLee2012
    I don't think it's fair to blame your weight gain on your boyfriend. I think you should be thankful for the fact that he still loves you no matter what you weigh. I've been with my husband since 2004 and I went from 130 to 199 (and I'm down 32 lbs now). He still loved me at 199 and I'm so thankful for that. A lot of guys when have been gone or getting their cheat on. I gained weight during a difficult time in my life and partly (I believe) from a depression medication I was on. I also ate what my husband ate for a really long time and I have a stationary job while he stands on his feet for 10 hour days and drums in two bands. I gained, he didn't. When we met I used to do an hour of exercise at home using work out videos 3 days a week and walked on the weekends. I quit doing that too. My fault! I'm working on changing that. It's not easy though. If you think your mate is responsible for your weight gain, you might not be ready to do this yet. You have to accept the blame and realize that it's up to YOU to change, irregardless of what he does. Good luck!
  • Annieapple12
    Annieapple12 Posts: 122 Member
    My boyfriend’s made me fat too by being such an excellent cook, selfish *kitten*!
  • beckyboop712
    beckyboop712 Posts: 383 Member
    I packed on 60 lbs after I met my boyfriend. Much of it gained because of his eating habits. He's a picky eater so we ate what he likes which is a lot of fried food. And lots of it. Both of us packed on the pounds. We are now both losing, cooking better and eating less. It happens :-)
  • RobfromLakewood
    My wife and I (like most couples) have many things in common, but also the total opposite in other items. Most of our opposite things became a nice balance. But in healthy life-styles, it wasn't. She ate well, I worked out hard. I took on her exercise habits and she took on my eating habits. Seven years later, I weighed 75 pounds more then when I met her, she weighed 30 pounds more. But what we messed up together on, we worked on fixing together. We each went back to our good habits and coached each other at the other's weaknesses.

    I'm about 55 pounds down with 20 to go, she's 22 down with a goal of 8 more, but doesn't need it at all, she is thinner than she has ever been and more toned than she ever imagined. She's better at this healthy life-style than I am.:grumble: LOL
  • keywestsunset
    keywestsunset Posts: 139 Member
    Woah! Not everyone on here is supportive, but at least some people understand.
    When there's only 60 characters a title, maybe "I'm in my first relationship ever, and being with him makes me very happy, and he used to buy me food to show how much he loved me, and then i looked in the mirror, and i thought, maybe it's time i start going on a diet. And i love him very much and i know it's not really his fault, but still. Drats." is a little too long.

    ^ Like.

    Agreed. I gained about 15 lbs when I started dating my now husband due to the fact we ate out a lot more than I normally did and I had also started a new job. That's what most people do when dating. There are some people who do very active dates but we were not one of those couples! Why do so many people take these posts literally?!
  • xMonroeMisfit
    xMonroeMisfit Posts: 411 Member
    Don't blame the poor guy, its your fault and only yours.

    Physicial attraction plays a huge part in finding a mate. When you find one, YOU stop putting in the effort to continue to look desirable. YOU sacrifice gym time for dates and YOU prioritize him over your own health and fitness. Again, Don't blame him and stop making excuses for your own poor choices.